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  • Publication
    A mobile application based decision support system using oxygen saturation and pulse rate
    (IEEE, 2018-01-01) Yıldız, Ömer; Karlık, Sait Eser; IEEE; Yıldız, Ömer; KARLIK, SAİT ESER; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi; 0000-0002-7398-1933; AAJ-2404-2021; I-7580-2016
    The increase in city populations and the rise in requests about healthcare services created a new area called Smart Healthcare applications. Most of the smart healthcare implementations are used in systems and their components concerning remote control of chronic illnesses. Currently, hospital and doctor visits take a big part in healthcare services for chronic patients. It can be predicted that remote health checks will be easily done for those patients in the near future. In our work, we have developed a decision support system that can be used in remote-monitoring the oxygen saturation and pulse rate values of a patient. In this system, an Android smart phone, a portable and wearable pulse oximeter, an Android Studio 2.2.2 version mobile software development kit have been used. Furthermore, the designed system contains android mobile application, Microsoft SQL database and Microsoft Visual Studio programs. The web interface created with Microsoft Visual Studio is used in real-time transmission of oxygen saturation and pulse rate values to a central patient control system where instantaneous saving of values to the Microsoft SQL database is performed. The system designed in this work has an important potential for smart healthcare applications that will be used in remote control of chronic illnesses.
  • Publication
    Comparative analysis of the effect of optical fiber spin profiles on polarization mode dispersion
    (IEEE, 2015-01-01) Sadık, Şerif Ali; Başgümüş, Arif; Durak, Fırat Ertaç; Karlık, Sait Eser; Altuncu, Ahmet; KARLIK, SAİT ESER; Uluda Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü.; AAJ-2404-2021
    In long-haul and high-bit-rate optical fiber transmission systems Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) is one of the main reasons for pulse broadening. In order to reduce PMD-based problems, current studies rely on novel PMD compensators and low-PMD fiber productions. In this paper, after describing theoretical information about PMD and optical fiber spinning process, different spin profiles are examined. Comparative analysis of spin profiles is made and spin parameters giving successful results for low-PMD fibers are obtained for each spin profile. Simulation results show that for fixed spin period of 1 m 2.76 turns/m and 5.64 turns/m are proper spin amplitude values for sinusoidal and amplitude modulated (AM) spin profiles, respectively, while 3.40 turns/m and 3.75 turns/m are recommended spin amplitudes for triangular and trapezoidal spin profiles, respectively. Using these parameters, related spin profiles give better differential group delay (DGD) reduction results individually.
  • Publication
    Modelling and numerical analysis of combined dual impact of SRS and FWM on the performance of upstream and downstream channels of a novel UDWDM/DWDM-PON
    (Elsevier, 2023-11-15) Karlık, Sait Eser; KARLIK, SAİT ESER; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü; AAJ-2404-2021
    Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) is an important method in modern optical communication systems for both long-haul and access networks. Particularly, after being standardized by Telecommunication Standardi-zation Sector of International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T), WDM passive optical network (WDM-PON) becomes a considerable choice for fronthaul implementations of 5G networks. Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) and four-wave mixing (FWM) are crucial nonlinear impacts that significantly limit the performance of WDM-based optical fiber communication systems. In this paper, an ultra-dense/dense WDM-PON (UDWDM/ DWDM-PON) architecture has been proposed and combined dual impact of SRS and FWM on performances of upstream channels (USCs) and downstream channels (DSCs) of the proposed UDWDM/DWDM-PON has been numerically analyzed. USCs have been assumed to operate in 1310 nm region while operating wavelength region of DSCs has been taken as 1550 nm. Simulations have been performed on both UDWDM-PON architectures with 3.125 GHz and 6.25 GHz channel spacings and DWDM-PON architectures with channel spacings between 12.5 GHz and 100 GHz. 2x15-channel and 2x63-channel system structures have been considered in simulations. Signal-to-crosstalk ratio (SXR) has been chosen as performance parameter and its variation with channel input powers, channel spacings and channel lengths have been simulated for both USCs and DSCs of 2x15-and 2x63-channel UDWDM/DWDM-PONs. Results show that the proposed UDWDM/DWDM-PONs using single G.652 fiber can exhibit a reliable communication with minimum 23 dB SXR performance under combined dual impact of SRS and FWM unless some highlights about input powers and channel lengths mentioned in the paper are neglected.
  • Publication
    Optimization of spin parameters for spun fibers having low polarization mode dispersion
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2019-09-01) Sadık, Şerif Ali; Temurtaş, Hasan; Altuncu, Ahmet; Karlık, Sait Eser; KARLIK, SAİT ESER; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Elektrik ve Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü.; AAJ-2404-2021
    Polarization mode dispersion (PMD) is a dispersive effect caused by the birefringence of the optical fiber. Spinning the fiber with periodic profiles during the drawing process from preform is known as a PMD-reducing process. In this paper, common spin parameters giving successful results in obtaining low PMD for three spin profiles, i.e. sinusoidal, amplitude modulation-suppressed carrier (AM-SC) and amplitude modulation-transmitted carrier (AM-TC), are searched and an optimization problem based on this research is defined. This optimization problem is solved by using Differential Evolution Algorithm (DEA) and common spin parameters suitable for all discussed spin profiles are obtained. For all spin profiles, optimum common spin parameters are found to be 8.81 turns/m for the spin amplitude and 3.69 m for the spin period. Numerical analysis performed with those optimum spin parameters show that in the short fiber regime the differential group delay (DGD) takes a value under 0.25 fs and the mean DGD value remains lower than 15 fs in long lengths of fiber. The obtained results show that PMD reduction with respect to unspun fibers can be achieved by using optimized spin profiles even in the case of random mode coupling.