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  • Publication
    Relation between non-infectious factors and neonatal calf health status in dairy herd
    (Wiley, 2020-01-01) Kara, Nurcan Karslıoğlu; KARSLIOĞLU KARA, NURCAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Zootekni Bölümü; ABB-3323-2020
    The aim of this research was to determine some non-infectious factors (sex of calf, calf birth weight, calving season and dam parity and dam body condition score at dry and calving) that can under control by breeders affecting calf health status (CHS) in neonatal period. A total of 517 calves (from delivery of calf until 28 days) and their dams (at dry and calving) were assessed according to study criteria. Relationship between CHS and dam parity (DP), body condition score at calving (BCSC), body condition score at dry (BCSD), sex of calf (SC), calf birth weight (CBW), and calving season (CS) was examined and connection between CHS and BCSD, CS, and CBW was found important. Also, influences of DP, SC BCSC, and BCSD on CBW were examined and while effects of DP and SC on CBW were found important, effects of others were not. These results show that relation between CHS and CBW, CS, and BCSD is important and CHS is higher in female calves or calves born to multiparous dams. As a conclusion, it can be said that planning the herd management practices according to these results will be beneficial for the healthier completion of the neonatal period.
  • Publication
    Comparison of milk yield and animal health in turkish farms with differing stall types and resting surfaces
    (Asian-Australasian Assoc Animal Production, 2015-02-01) Kara, Nurcan Karslıoğlu; Galiç, Aşkın; Koyuncu, Mehmet; KARSLIOĞLU KARA, NURCAN; KOYUNCU, MEHMET; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi/Zootekni Bölümü.; 0000-0003-0379-7492; AAG-8536-2021; ABB-3323-2020
    The current study was carried out to determine the influence of different resting surfaces and stall types on milk yield and animal health. Study was carried out in Bursa that is one of the most important cities of Turkey in terms of dairy production. Effects of resting surfaces and stall types on milk yield were found to be important. Also influence of different resting surfaces and stall types on lactation length was examined and found that rubber mats were different from the two other options. Relationships between different resting surfaces or stall types and health problems were examined and connection between stall type and repeat breeding (RB), dystocia, retained placenta and a connection between resting surface types and RB and clinical mastitis were found to be important. Considering their economic reflections, it can be said that results are quite important to the Turkish dairy industry.