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  • Publication
    Evaluation of some environmental and genetic factors csn3 and agpat6 gene on milk yield and composition in saanen goats
    (Univ Zagreb Vet Faculty, 2021-01-01) Dincel, Deniz; DİNÇEL, DENİZ; Ardicli, Sena; ARDIÇLI, SENA; Samli, Hale; ŞAMLI, HALE; Ogan, M. Mustafa; Balci, Faruk; BALCI, ÖMER FARUK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.; 0000-0002-8015-9032; 0000-0003-2758-5945; 0000-0003-2382-1330; AAH-6192-2021; O-3394-2019
    This study was designed to determine the effect of some environmental factors on milk yield and composition in Saanen goats and the effect of CSN3 and AGPAT6 gene polymorphisms on milk production traits. Saanen goats were genotyped for milk traits, and the samples were collected during the lactation, and the milk yield/compositions of each goat were specified. In terms of the CSN3 and AGPAT6 genes, the genotypes were defined by PCR-RFLP. The milk yield (MY), lactation length (LL), protein, fat, total solid (TS), solid not fat (SNF), casein, lactose rates and yields were as follows; 388.9 +/- 17.5 kg, 243 +/- 5.81 days, 3.29 +/- 0.05%, 3.59 +/- 0.07%, 11.60 +/- 0.13%, 8.43 +/- 0.06%, 2.57 +/- 0.04%, 4.31 +/- 0.03%, 11.21 +/- 0.47 kg, 12.79 +/- 0.64 kg, 40.95 +/- 1.82 kg, 29.53 +/- 1.31 kg, 8.82 +/- 0.37 kg, 15.40 +/- 0.74 kg respectively. The determined genotype and allele frequencies of CSN3 and AGPAT6 gene were as follows; FF (%99.20), MF (%0.80), F (0.996), M (0.004); GG (%12), GC (%43.20), CC (%44.80), G (0.336), C (0.664). The impacts of lactation length on all milk yield parameters (protein, fat, TS, SNF, casein, lactose. MY) (P<0.001); the age on all milk yield parameters (P<0.001) and the protein, fat, SNF, casein rates (P<0.05), the TS rate and LL (P<0.01) were found to be significant. The birth type was not found to significantly affect any milk yield parameters. Although Saanen goats showed the variation for the AGPAT6 gene (g.9263C>G), the herd was found to be monomorphic (FF) for the CSN3 gene. The effect of the AGPAT6 gene on milk traits in Saanen goats was determined not to be statistically significant. Environmental factors, such as maternal age and lactation length, were found to significantly affect some milk traits in Saanen goats. So consideration of factors such as maternal age or lactation length could be useful for improving breeding strategies for dairy goats.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of candidate gene effects and environmental factors on reproductive performance of holstein cows
    (South African Journal Of Animal Sciences, 2019-01-01) Ardıçlı, Sena; ARDIÇLI, SENA; Şamlı, Hale; ŞAMLI, HALE; Dinçel, Deniz; DİNÇEL, DENİZ; Soyudal, B.; Balcı, F.; BALCI, ÖMER FARUK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi; 0000-0003-2758-5945; 0000-0002-8015-9032; 0000-0003-2382-1330; O-3394-2019; AAH-6488-2021; AAH-6192-2021
    This study investigated the impact of nine polymorphisms located in the CSN2, CSN3, CSN1S1, CSN1S2, and parity on reproductive traits. The analysis was conducted on 165 Holstein-Friesian cows. Genotypes were identified using PCR-RFLP. The data of reproductive traits for four lactations were evaluated. Statistical analysis was carried out using least squares of the GLM procedures. Results indicated that CSN2 had significant effects on days before first insemination and first insemination to pregnancy interval. The SNP at the CSN3 was significantly associated with gestation length. A novel effect of OLR1-C223A on age at first calving was observed in the present study. Moreover, DGAT1 and LGB markers were significantly associated with calving interval and days before first insemination, respectively. In addition, significant environmental effects were as follows: calving year with days before first oestrus, days open, and first insemination to pregnancy interval; season with days open, first insemination to pregnancy interval, and calving interval; parity with days before first oestrus and days open. The present results and novel associations may therefore be useful and indicative for future studies on a genetic basis of cattle reproduction traits.
  • Publication
    Determination the effect of CSN1S1, CSN3 and AGPAT6 genes and lactation rank on physicochemical properties of goat milk
    (Sivar-soc Italiana Veterinari Animali Reddito, 2020-08-01) Deniz, Dincel; DİNÇEL, DENİZ; Sena, Ardicli; ARDIÇLI, SENA; Hale, Samli; ŞAMLI, HALE; Faruk, Balci; BALCI, ÖMER FARUK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Genetik Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-8015-9032; 0000-0003-2758-5945; AAH-6192-2021; O-3394-2019
    The physiochemical properties of milk are important factors in terms of the process of dairy production, quality, and profitability. However, the knowledge about the effect of genetic factors such as CSN1S1, CSN3, and AGPAT6 genes on these traits is insufficient. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of these genes and lactation rank (LR) on total acidity, citric acid, density (density), free fatty acid (FFA), freezing point degree (FPD) and urea parameters. A total of fifty (n=50) Saanen goats, which is known as the highest milk-producing breed within the goats were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. For genetic analysis, the blood samples were taken from the jugular vein by aseptic conditions. The DNA isolations were performed by the phenol-chloroform method from blood samples. Milk samples were collected during the lactation and evaluated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for the physicochemical properties of Saanen goat milk. The statistical analysis was carried out using the least-squares of the GLM procedures. The results indicated that no significant differences were confirmed between the investigated genes with the physicochemical properties of goat milk. However, the effect of the AGPAT6 gene on density and the effect of LR on citric acid composition was found tended to be significant. Moreover, we determined the significant correlations between the physicochemical properties in the present study. According to the results, acidity was correlated with the citric acid (-0.304), density (0.641), FFA (-0.332) significantly. Other significant correlations were observed between the citric acid and FPD (0.275), LR (-0.313); the density and FFA (-0.315), FPD (0.436); the urea and LR (-0.369). These results and novel correlations may be useful for future studies on evaluating the potential impact of AGPAT6 gene on these traits to achieve breeding and commercial goals in the goat production and dairy industry.
  • Publication
    The effects of calcineurin inhibitors on sperm dna fragmentation in male kidney transplant recipients
    (Oxford Univ Press, 2015-05-01) Ersoy, Alparslan; Samli, Hale; Gul, Cuma Bulent; Samli, Murat; Ardicli, Sena; Balci, Faruk; ERSOY, ALPARSLAN; ŞAMLI, HALE; ARDIÇLI, SENA; BALCI, ÖMER FARUK; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Nefroloji Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Genetik Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-2758-5945; 0000-0003-2382-1330; AAH-6488-2021; O-3394-2019; AAH-5054-2021; I-5009-2019
  • Publication
    Analysis of FecB, BMP15 and CAMP gene mutations in sakiz sheep
    (Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2015-07-01) Dincel, Deniz; Ardıçlı, Sena; Soyudal, Bahadir; Er, Mehlika; Alpay, Fazlı; Şamlı, Hale; Balcı, Faruk; DİNÇEL, DENİZ; ARDIÇLI, SENA; Soyudal, Bahadir; Er, Mehlika; ALPAY, FAZLI; ŞAMLI, HALE; BALCI, ÖMER FARUK; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi; 0000-0002-8015-9032; 0000-0003-2758-5945; 0000-0003-2382-1330; O-3394-2019; AAE-4562-2019; AAH-6488-2021; AAH-6192-2021; FXS-6181-2022; CNK-1840-2022; I-5009-2019
    Fertility traits, such as the ovulation rate and the number of offspring at birth, are genetically regulated by fecundity genes. This study was performed to identify DNA polymorphisms in Booroola (FecB), Galway (FecX(G)), Inverdale (FecX(I)) and Calpastatin (CAST) genes in Sakiz sheep. A total of 71 ewes were genotyped for gene or allelic polymorphisms in the genes listed above using the PCR-RFLP method. The results obtained from this study indicated that all of the Sakiz ewes sampled were non-carriers for FecB, FecX(G) or FecX(I) mutations. However, genotypic frequencies in the CAST gene were 0.59, 0.36 and 0.05 for AA, AB and BB, respectively. A significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the CAST gene was not observed in the investigated breed (P>0.05). As a result, more extensive screening is required as tests for newly discovered mutations are developed. Additionally, this study is the first to report a genetic polymorphism in the CAST gene in Sakiz sheep.