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  • Yayın
    Impact of the revised EORTC/MSGERC 2020 criteria upon prognosis in patients with hematologic malignancies undergoing bronchoscopy
    (European Respiratory Soc Journals, 2021-09-05) Topcu, Dilara Omer; Acer, Kubra Vurat; Guclu, Ozge Aydin; Pinar, Ibrahim Ethem; Demirdogen, Ezgi; Dilektasli, Asli Gorek; Kazak, Esra; Ozkocaman, Vildan; Ursavas, Ahmet; Akalin, Halis; Ozkalemtas, Fahir; Ener, Beyza; Ali, Ridvan; Ozturk, Nilufer Aylin Acet; ACET ÖZTÜRK, NİLÜFER AYLİN; ÖMER TOPÇU, DİLARA; VURAT ACAR, KÜBRA; AYDIN GÜÇLÜ, ÖZGE; PINAR, İBRAHİM ETHEM; DEMİRDÖĞEN, EZGİ; GÖREK DİLEKTAŞLI, ASLI; KAZAK, ESRA; ÖZKOCAMAN, VİLDAN; URSAVAŞ, AHMET; AKALIN, EMİN HALİS; Ozkalemtas, Fahir; ENER, BEYZA; ALİ, RIDVAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Hematoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Klinik Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-6375-1472; 0000-0003-1005-3205; 0000-0002-7400-9089; 0000-0001-7530-1279; 0000-0002-6375-1472; 0000-0003-1005-3205; 0000-0002-4803-8206; JGM-6601-2023; KHE-5423-2024; AAU-8952-2020; JPK-7012-2023; JWP-2738-2024; AAI-3169-2021; Z-1424-2019; JIF-7772-2023; CBS-8892-2022; AAG-9930-2019; CNP-1063-2022; AAG-8459-2021; FQG-8981-2022; FQJ-3657-2022; AAG-8523-2021; GXD-8209-2022
  • Yayın
    Il-21: A potential biomarker for diagnosis and predicting prognosis in covid-19 patients
    (European Respiratory Society Journals, 2021-09-05) Öztürk, Nilüfer Aylin Acet; Ursavaş, Ahmet; Dilektaşlı, Aslı Görek; Demirdöğen, Ezgi; Coşkun, Funda; Ediger, Dane; Uzaslan, Esra; Yöyen-Ermiş, Diğdem; Karaca, Mert; Terzi, Orkun; Bayram, Merve; Ömer, Dilara; Yiğitliler, Büşra; Yurttaş, Ahmet; Maharramov, Shahriyar; Çelik, Gamze; Oral, Barbaros; Karadağ, Mehmet; ACET ÖZTÜRK, NİLÜFER AYLİN; URSAVAŞ, AHMET; GÖREK DİLEKTAŞLI, ASLI; DEMİRDÖĞEN, EZGİ; COŞKUN, NECMİYE FUNDA; EDİGER, DANE; UZASLAN, AYŞE ESRA; YÖYEN ERMİŞ, DİĞDEM; KARACA, MERT; TERZİ, ORKUN ERAY; BAYRAM, MERVE; ÖMER TOPÇU, DİLARA; YURTTAŞ, AHMET; ORAL, HALUK BARBAROS; KARADAĞ, MEHMET; MAHARRAMOV, SHAHRİYAR; YAZICI, GAMZE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0002-6375-1472; 0000-0002-7400-9089; 0000-0003-3604-8826; 0000-0002-2954-4293; 0000-0001-5871-8769; 0000-0002-9027-1132; AAG-8744-2021; JPK-7012-2023; AAH-3888-2021; AAE-9142-2019; AAI-3169-2021; AAD-1271-2019
  • Yayın
    Frailty: An indicator for poor outcomes among in-hospital pulmonology patients
    (European Respiratory Soc Journals, 2021-09-05) Öztürk, Nilüfer Aylin Acet; Dilektaşlı, Aslı Görek; Güçlü, Özge Aydın; Ursavaş, Ahmet; Demirdoğen, Ezgi; Coşkun, Funda; Uzaslan, Esra; Karadağ, Mehmet; ACET ÖZTÜRK, NİLÜFER AYLİN; GÖREK DİLEKTAŞLI, ASLI; AYDIN GÜÇLÜ, ÖZGE; URSAVAŞ, AHMET; DEMİRDÖĞEN, EZGİ; COŞKUN, NECMİYE FUNDA; UZASLAN, AYŞE ESRA; KARADAĞ, MEHMET; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-6375-1472; 0000-0003-1005-3205; 0000-0002-7400-9089; 0000-0003-3604-8826; 0000-0002-9027-1132; AAI-3169-2021; JPK-7012-2023; AAG-8744-2021; AAD-1271-2019; Z-1424-2019; CNP-1063-2022; AAG-9930-2019; CDI-1977-2022
  • Yayın
    Impact of covid-19 pneumonia on pulmonary function, functional exercise capacity and quality of life
    (European Respiratory Soc Journals, 2021-09-05) Dilektasli, Asli Gorek; GÖREK DİLEKTAŞLI, ASLI; Ozturk, Nilufer; ACET ÖZTÜRK, NİLÜFER AYLİN; Odabas, Ayten; Demirdogen, Ezgi; DEMİRDÖĞEN, EZGİ; Ursavas, Ahmet; URSAVAŞ, AHMET; Coskun, Funda; COŞKUN, NECMİYE FUNDA; Guclu, Ozge Aydin; AYDIN GÜÇLÜ, ÖZGE; Ediger, Dane; EDİGER, DANE; Uzaslan, Esra; UZASLAN, AYŞE ESRA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0002-7400-9089; 0000-0003-3604-8826; 0000-0003-1005-3205; 0000-0002-2954-4293; AAI-3169-2021; AAE-9142-2019; JPK-7012-2023; AAD-1271-2019
  • Yayın
    Is serum iron responsive protein-2 level associated with pulmonary functions and frequent exacerbator phenotype in copd?
    (Turkish Assoc Tuberculosis & Thorax, 2020-01-01) Öztürk, Nilufer Aylin Acet; ACET ÖZTÜRK, NİLÜFER AYLİN; Dilektaşlı, Aslı Görek; GÖREK DİLEKTAŞLI, ASLI; Demirdoğen, Ezgi; DEMİRDÖĞEN, EZGİ; Coşkun, Funda; COŞKUN, NECMİYE FUNDA; Ursavas, Ahmet; URSAVAŞ, AHMET; Karadağ, Mehmet; KARADAĞ, MEHMET; Uzaslan, Esra Kunt; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-6375-1472; 0000-0001-7099-9647; 0000-0002-7400-9089; 0000-0003-3604-8826; 0000-0002-9027-1132; JPK-7012-2023; Z-1424-2019; AAI-3169-2021; AAD-1271-2019; AAH-9812-2021; AAI-1004-2021; AAG-8744-2021
    Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) exacerbations contribute to the overall severity in individual patients because they are associated with airway inflammation, pulmonary function loss, decreased quality of life and increased mortality. Although, identifying frequent exacerbator patients is important due to severe outcomes associated with frequent exacerbator phenotype in COPD patients there is no single biomarker which can differentiate this phenotype. Iron responding protein-2 (IRP2) is the protein product of IREB2 gene, which is a COPD susceptibility gene that regulates cellular iron homeostasis and has a key role in hypoxic conditions. Previous research indicates that IREB2 expression in lung tissue is associated with spirometric measurements and emphysema in COPD. In this study, our aim was to investigate whether serum IRP2 levels were associated with frequent exacerbator phenotype, to evaluate whether IRP2 levels in serum are associated with pulmonary functions and selected systemic inflammation biomarkers.Materials and Methods: Designed as a single tertiary care center based, cross-sectional study, included high risk (GOLD C, D) COPD patients who admitted to outpatient clinic consecutively between December 2015 and July 2016.Results: The study included 80 COPD patients. Serum IRP2 levels were negatively correlated with FEV ml (r= -0.25, p= 0.02) and body weight (r= -0.35, p= 0.002) but not with markers of systemic inflammation. COPD patients with at least one exacerbation history in the last year tended to have higher 1RP2 levels than patients without any exacerbation (12.3 (IQR 25-75: 10.417.1) vs 10.5 (1QR 25-75: 8.8-18.5), p= 0.061.Conclusion: Serum IRP2 level is significantly correlated with FEV1 mL but not with FEV1 predicted and cannot be used to differentiate frequent exacer bator patients. Although IREB2 gene expressions in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage results have significant associations with emphysema and FEV1/FVC, FEV1 %predicted in COPD patients, our results suggests serum IRP2 level is not as promising.