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  • Publication
    The role of clozapine as a mood regulator in the treatment of rapid cycling bipolar affective disorder
    (Turkiye Sinir Ve Ruh Sagligi Dernegi, 2019-12-01) Kılıçel, Oğuzhan; Kılınçel, Şenay; Gündüz, Cem; Cangür, Sengül; Akkaya, Cengiz; AKKAYA, CENGİZ; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi; ABI-3174-2020
    Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of the clozapine on the course of the rapid cycling Bipolar Affective Disorder.Method: The study group was formed with the patients aged between 18 and 65 years of age, who met the criteria for the diagnosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition, with rapid cycling characteristics. Variables like the number of mania and depressive episodes, the days spent in mania and in depression and the number of hospitalization and attempted suicide, in the year before starting clozapine were determined and compared with the annual data after starting the clozapine.Results: Eleven female and two male patients who met the inclusion criteria were included in this study. The group's average daily use of clozapine was 180 mg (25-600 mg). There was a statistically significant difference in the number of days spent in the depression, the days spent in the mania, the number of depressive episodes and manic episodes, the number of hospitalizations and the suicide attempts after the clozapine use.Conclusion: In this study, it was determined that clozapine was effective as a mood stabilizer in Bipolar Affective Disorder treatment. The results show that clozapine reduces the episode frequency and the duration in rapid cycling Bipolar Affective Disorder which does not respond to all conventional treatments, including lithium, valproic acid, carbamazepine and antipsychotic drugs.
  • Publication
    The efficacy of flupenthixol decanoate in bipolar disorder patients who have no sufficient remission with existing treatments
    (Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Tıp Fak Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı, 2015-10-01) Eker, Salih Saygın; Akkaya, Cengiz; Pirinçci, Erdal; Cangür, Şengül; Kırlı, Selçuk; EKER, SALİH SAYGIN; AKKAYA, CENGİZ; Pirinçci, Erdal; KIRLI, SELÇUK; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Ruh Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı; Q-9477-2019; EKJ-8427-2022; FVU-0359-2022; CZU-1387-2022
    Objective: It is aimed to evaluate the prophylactic effect of flupenthixol decanoate in remitted BD patients. Methods: Remitted patients with bipolar disorder (BD), who had at least one mood episode each year in the last five years in spite of adequate pharmacotherapy, were included. Flupenthixol decanoate 20 mg/ml was administered in every two weeks. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Bipolar Disorder Functioning Questionnaire (BDFQ), General Assessment of Functionality (GAF) and Side Effect Rating Scale (UKU) were applied. Patients were followed up for 12 months. Results: Eight patients with a mean age of 34.7 +/- 7.5 were enrolled to the study. None of the patients were under monotherapy before the study enrollment. Three (37.5%) of the three patients were dropped out. The data of remaining 5 patients' were evaluated. At the end of the study mean number of mood episodes declined to 0.2 +/- 0.4 per year indicating a statistical significance and the mean score of BDFQ declined to 119.6 +/- 2.7. Conclusions: Flupenthixol decanoate significantly improved functionality and decreased the number of mood episodes allowing an alternative treatment even in remitted BD patients.
  • Publication
    Sleep measurements in women with dysthymic disorder and insomnia
    (Springer, 2015-01-01) Kotan, Zeynep; Bican, Aylin; Kotan, Vahap Ozan; Bora, İbrahim; Yalvac, Hayriye Dilek; Özkaya, Güven; Akkaya, Cengiz; BİCAN DEMİR, AYLİN; BORA, İBRAHİM HAKKI; ÖZKAYA, GÜVEN; AKKAYA, CENGİZ; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-0798-4850; 0000-0002-1456-2499; A-4421-2016; ENI-7759-2022 ; CEN-7664-2022; EKJ-8427-2022
    To determine the effects of trazodone, mirtazapine and hydroxyzine on sleep profiles of dysthymic disorder (DD) women with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment and compare their polysomnographic measurements with controls. Among 36 patients trazodone receiving (n=9), mirtazapine receiving (n=8), hydroxyzine receiving (n=8) and only SSRI receiving (n=11) patients were compared to each other and to controls in terms of polysomnographic (PSG) findings. Rapid eye movements (REM) ratio and sleep onset time (SO) were higher; slow wave sleep (non-REM3) ratio and total sleep duration (TSD)) and sleep efficiency (SE) were lower in patients when compared with controls. Increased REM ratio and SO; decreased non-REM3 ratio and TSD and SE were found in both only SSRI receiving patients and hydroxyzine receiving patients when compared with controls. Only SSRI receiving patients also showed increased non-REM1 ratio. Trazodone or mirtazapine receiving patients showed no difference than controls. When PSG assessment is considered, it can be suggested that both trazodone and mirtazapine improve sleep problems in DD patients with SSRI treatment, but hydroxyzine does not.
  • Publication
    The factors affecting the level of patients' satisfaction of the applicants for emergency service
    (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2012-04-25) Akkaya, Esra Gültekin; Bulut, Mehtap; Akkaya, Cengiz; AKKAYA, CENGİZ; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı.; EKJ-8427-2022
    ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction levels of patients of the emergency service at Uludag University Medical Faculty Hospital, to analyze associated factors, and to suggest improvements for the future.MethodsPatients of the emergency service between May 1 and June 30, 2008 who were over 18 years old were included in this study. Via a questionnaire, patients were asked about their level of satisfaction with emergency service doctors, nurses and staff; the level of information provided; the length of their examinations; the physical state of the hospital; and the quality of technical equipment at the hospital.ResultsA total of 600 patients were enrolled in the study. The average age was 40.7 +/- 16.6 years, and 51.2% of the patients were male. Of the patients, 76.2% were discharged directly without waiting at the emergency service; 45.3% of the 64 patients who were hospitalized waited at the emergency service before being admitted. Patients were 94.5% satisfied with the experience levels of emergency service doctors and 91% satisfied with the experience levels of the nurses.ConclusionsThe major factors affecting patient satisfaction levels are the attitudes and medical care experience levels of doctors and nurses in charge at the emergency service and the level of information provided to patients throughout treatment and waiting periods.
  • Publication
    Metabolic, endocrinologic and cardiac effects of amisulpride: A 24-week follow-up study
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2011-12-01) Kotan, Zeynep; Ertepe, Berrin; Akkaya, Cengiz; SARANDÖL, EMRE; AKKAYA, CENGİZ; Sarandöl, Emre; Özkaya, Güven; ÖZKAYA, GÜVEN; Kirli, Selçuk; KIRLI, SELÇUK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Biyokimya Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Biyoistatistik Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-0297-846X; A-4421-2016; ABE-1716-2020
    Background: Amisulpride is a second-generation antipsychotic which has been proved to be effective in the control of both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia. In this study we aimed to determine metabolic, endocrinologic and cardiac effects of amisulpride commonly used in our clinical practice.Methods: A total of 18 patients (11 males, 7 females) diagnosed with schizophrenia received amisulpride at the dosage of 800 mg/day and were followed up for 24 weeks. Positive and negative psychotic symptoms, extrapyramidal and sexual side effects, metabolic, endocrinologic and cardiac parameters were evaluated at regular intervals.Results: Significant improvement in both positive and negative symptoms was observed in patients starting from the second week of treatment. Prolactin levels increased significantly both in men and women starting from the measurement on day 4. Prolactin elevation was significantly higher in women than in men. Increase in total cholesterol level became significant at week 24. No other significant difference was observed between weeks 1 and 24 regarding the other parameters.Conclusions: The clinical data from the present study supports the fact that amisulpride is an effective and safe antipsychotic drug, but elevates prolactin levels in both sexes.
  • Publication
    Clozapine as a mood stabilizer in the treatment of rapid cycling bipolar affective disorder
    (Elsevier, 2019-01-01) Akkaya, C.; Kılıçel, M. O.; AKKAYA, CENGİZ; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı; EKJ-8427-2022