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  • Publication
    How effective is individual claw trimming in cattle? An ex-vivo study
    (Sivar-soc Italiana Veterinari Animali Reddito, 2021-02-01) Canatan, Uygur; Akbala, Melike; Akbala, Melike; Cetin, Melike; Acar, Hilal; ACAR, HİLAL; Aslan, Vildan; ASLAN, VİLDAN; Saril, Canan Altinci; Temiz, Elif Mekik; Yigitgor, Pelin; Salci, Hakan; SALCI, HAKAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; JDC-5958-2023; JPN-6878-2023
    Claw trimming is an application to give a functional shape to the claws, to maintain foot weight distribution and to prevent foot diseases. Claw trimming should be done by experts. In this study, it was aimed to show the effectiveness of individual claw trimming applied in cattle claws by morphometric measurements.As material, 85 ex-vivo cattle feet of different races were used. The feet were divided into four groups as right front (n=17), left front (n=17), right hind (n=24) and left hind (n=27). In addition, the claws were divided laterally and medially. After the mechanical cleaning of the claws, functional nail cutting (Dutch method) was applied by different people and morphometric measurements of the claws (claw angle, dorsal wall length, claw height, diagonal length, heel height, inner heel height, sole length, sole width, abaxial white line width and axial white line width).The claw angle was 49 degrees on the right hind lateral, 47 degrees on the right hind medial, 49 degrees on the left hind medial and within reference ranges on the other claws. Statistically, dorsal wall length of right anterior lateral (p=0.006) and left posterior medial (p=0.01) claws were significant. Significance was also detected left posterior lateral (p=0.01) and left posterior medial (p=0.01) claws in diagonal length. Inner heel height was significant on claws of left posterior lateral (p=0.01), and there was significant difference on right front lateral (p=0.02), left anterior medial (p=0.03) and left posterior medial (p=0.002) claws in terms of sole width. A positive correlation was found in the correlation analysis between all parameters except claw angle.As a conclusion, the claw trimming is important manipulation in large animal practice, regardless of the applied claw trimming technique, individual claw trimming has some difference on morphometric shape of the claws, and it should be performed by masters on this.
  • Publication
    Electromyographic evaluation of early stage results of exoscopic microdecompressive spinal surgery in dogs
    (Univ Fed Rio Grande Do Sul, 2020-04-09) Salcı, Hakan; SALCI, HAKAN; Acar, Hilal; ACAR, HİLAL; Taskapılıoğlu, Mevlüt Özgür; TAŞKAPILIOĞLU, MEVLÜT ÖZGÜR; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-5472-9065; ABB-8161-2020; JPN-6878-2023; AAW-5254-2020
    Background: Spinal surgical interventions are generally used in the treatment of various spinal pathologies such as vertebral fracture, luxation-subluxation, congenital vertebral deformities, discal hernia, infection and tumor. Minimally invasive spinal surgery contributes to rapid recovery by reducing iatrogenic muscle damage and postoperative pain. In minimally invasive spinal surgery, a new hybrid imaging technique, the exoscope, has been developed in the last decade. The purpose of this study was to report efficacy of the exoscopic micro-decompressive spinal surgery (MDSS) and its early postoperative electromyography (EMG) results in dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: The material of this study consisted of the owned 10 dogs with spinal cord injury resulted from the different etiologies. On the basis of examinations, medical support (fluid therapy, corticosteroid, etc.) was applied to the required dogs. Exoscopic MDSS was performed under general anesthesia in dogs. The neurologic, radiologic and EMG examination were completed at pre- and postoperative periods. EMG results at postoperative 1st week showed increased conduction velocity and amplitudes in 3 cases. There was no significant change in a case. And, there was a slight slowdown in conduction velocity and significant decrease in amplitudes in a case. At postoperative 4th week, ther was increased conduction velocity and amplitudes in 8 cases and needle EMG showed that spontan muscle activity was normal in 5 cases, mild in 2 cases, moderate a case and severe in a case. But spontan muscle activity was unfollowed in a case. Postoperative outcomes were poor in 3 cases, fair in 3 cases, good in 3 cases and unfollowed in a case.Discussion: Spinal cord injuries encountered in veterinary medicine have significant morbidity and mortality. In spinal patients, in addition to neurological examination, lesion localization can be determined using imaging techniques such as radiology, computed tomography, and MRI. EMG and somatosensory evoked potentials examinations are used to evaluate quantitative functional recovery, especially in spinal cord injuries. EMG also provides an opportunity to evaluate muscle activation patterns during recovery. Exoscopic spinal surgery is the newest hybrid imaging technique. Exoscopic MDSS facilitated manipulation by providing adequate illumination and vision at the exploration site. Exoscopic MDSS has the advantages of microscopic surgery and is a new technique that can be applied in dogs with spinal pathology.
  • Publication
    Echocardiographic diagnosis and surgical correction of aortopulmonary window in a Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2015-01-01) Kocaturk-Ocal, Meric; Salcı, Hakan; Çetin, Melike; Karapınar, Tolga; Yılmaz, Zeki; KOCATÜRK, MERİÇ; SALCI, HAKAN; Çetin, Melike; YILMAZ, ZEKİ; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-2849-1222; 0000-0001-9836-0749; A-9637-2008; V-5578-2017; T-4623-2019; AAB-1790-2022
    A 20-month-old, female Belgian Malinois Dog was referred for evaluation on exercise intolerance. A high-grade machinery murmur, tachycardia, and cardiomegaly were observed. An aortopulmonary window was diagnosed by a color-Doppler echocardiography showing a turbulent blood flow shunting from the proximal part of ascendance aorta to the main pulmonary artery. This cardiac anomaly was corrected by surgery. Dog was treated by furosemide, pimobendan, and enalapril during post-operative 7 days. 1-year after the surgery, life quality of the patient was perfectly good. This is the first report of this rare congenital heart disease and its successful outcome of surgically correction in Belgian Malinois Dogs.
  • Publication
    Sino-nasal aspergillosis in a dog (bir kopekte sino-nazal aspergilloz)
    (Kafkas Üniversitesi, 2015-11-01) Kasap, Sevim; Salcı, Hakan; Yilmaz, Özge; Yılmaz, Zeki; KASAP, SEVİM; SALCI, HAKAN; Yılmaz, Özge; YILMAZ, ZEKİ; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Mikrobiyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-9415-2106; 0000-0001-9836-0749; A-9637-2008; T-4623-2019; AAG-7421-2021; AAP-7998-2020
  • Publication
    Clinical approach to etiology, diagnosis, and treatment in dogs with pericardial effusion - a retrospective study
    (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2016-01-01) Kocatürk, Meriç; Salcı, Hakan; İpek, Volkan; Çelimli, Nureddin; Yılmaz, Zeki; KOCATÜRK, MERİÇ; YILMAZ, ZEKİ; SALCI, HAKAN; İpek, Volkan; Çelimli, Nureddin; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-2849-1222; 0000-0001-5874-7797; 0000-0001-9836-0749; A-9637-2008; ABZ-7197-2022; V-5578-2017; T-4623-2019; JIX-0056-2023
    In this study, signalement, presenting clinical signs, results of diagnostic investigations and therapeutic outcomes of 17 dogs with pericardial effusion (PE) were evaluated retrospectively. Common findings were exercise intolerance (70%), muffled heart sound (60%) and ascites (50%). ECG showed low voltage QRS (60%) and supraventricular tachycardia (40%). Radiological findings revealed enlarged and globoid cardiac silhouette in all dogs. PE was confirmed by echocardiographic examinations, which was due to intracardiac neoplasia (n=6) or non-neoplastic causes [dilated cardiomyopathy (n=5), right-sided heart failure (RSHF, n=2), and idiopathic (n=4)]. In dogs with RSHF, Doppler-derived pulmonary hypertension was also observed. Analysis of pericardial fluids that was collected by pericardiocentesis showed a hemorrhagic effusion in dogs with intracardiac neoplasia, and transudate in the rest. In 4 dogs with neoplastic PE, pericardiectomy and tumor resection were performed. Histopathological examinations revealed an aortic body adenoma (n=1), aortic body carcinoma (n=1), papillary mesothelioma (n=1) and malignant epitheloid mesothelioma (n=1). In 2 dogs, neoplastic PE could not be classified. Dogs were treated medically for heart failure and neoplasia, as well. Prognosis was better for the first 12 months in dogs with non-neoplastic PE. In conclusion, echocardiographic examination is the best means to diagnose PE. In practice, when added to physically examination findings echocardiography also provides solid information in determining prognosis of PE due to neoplasia versus non-neoplastic causes. Survival time may be extended by pericardiectomy in the case of neoplastic PE, as well.
  • Publication
    Bronchial foreign body (olive pit) in a puppy
    (Kafkas Üniversitesi, 2016-01-01) Salcı, Hakan; Özkan, Hakcahan; Özfirat, Eren Can; Çeşme, Hilal; Gül Satar, Nihal Yaşar; SALCI, HAKAN; Özkan, Hakcahan; Özfirat, Eren Can; Çeşme, Hilal; GÜL SATAR, NİHAL YAŞAR; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; T-4623-2019; DKG-5031-2022; IGQ-5754-2023; CIP-4415-2022; CUS-1343-2022
  • Publication
    Abomasal ulcer and jejunal ileus caused by trichobezoar in a two-day-old calf
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2015-01-01) Çatık, Serkan; Akbala, Melike; Kurt, Hasan; Salcı, Hakan; Çatık, Serkan; Akbala, Melike; KURT, HASAN OZAN; SALCI, HAKAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı; T-4623-2019; JLJ-9087-2023; EJC-7120-2022; HXK-0999-2023
    A two-day-old, male Holstein calf was presented with a history of anorexia, abdominal distension and pain, inability to urinate and defecate. In physical examination, depression, recumbency, dehydration, weak sucking reflex, abdominal distension accompanied by pain and fluctuation were found in the calf. Furthermore, mucous membranes were pale and capillary refill time was 5 seconds. Laboratory findings revealed sepsis and deficiency of the some minerals. However, the calf died right after clinical and laboratory examination. Necropsy showed a rough and solid formation in jejunum as well as abomasitis, local ulcer and erosions on the abomasal mucosa. As a result of these findings, abomasal ulcer and jejunal ileus caused by trichobezoar was diagnosed in the calf.
  • Publication
    Can thoracic sympathetic nerve damage be reversed?
    (Georg Thieme Verlag, 2015-12-01) Erol, M. Muharrem; Salcı, Hakan; Melek, Hüseyin; İlhan, Tuncay; Özfiliz, Nesrin; Bayram, Ahmet Sami; Gebitekin, Cengiz; Erol, M. Muharrem; SALCI, HAKAN; MELEK, HÜSEYİN; İLHAN, TUNCAY; ÖZFİLİZ, NESRİN; BAYRAM, AHMET SAMİ; GEBİTEKİN, CENGİZ; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Histoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-0684-0900; 0000-0003-1822-8153; AAI-5039-2021; AAE-1069-2022; AAH-2756-2021; JCE-0097-2023; AAH-8859-2021; ABB-7580-2020; T-4623-2019; KHE-8874-2024
    Background Function of the thoracic sympathetic chain (TSC) reportedly recovers after surgical clips are removed. Hence, this study was designed to study nerve regeneration after unclipping the TSC.Methods The bilateral TSCs of six goats were studied; the goats were separated into three groups (groups I, II, and III) during excision, clipping, and unclipping. During surgery, the TSCs were excised with a scalpel in group I and clipped in groups II and III. In group III, the clips were removed 1 month postoperatively and observed for possible nerve healing for 1 month. All TSCs were examined histologically following en block resection at 1 month postoperatively in groups I and II and at 2 months postoperatively in group III.Results Inflammation in nerve sections was noted following clip removal. Furthermore, there was significant degeneration and cell infiltration in the nerve fibers of the clipped regions. The Schwann cells around the peripheral nerve endings in the unclipped regions facilitated nerve transmission by reconstitution of myelin.Conclusion Clipping the TSC can cause histologic degeneration; however, histologic nerve regeneration occurs after unclipping.
  • Publication
    Extramedullary pulmonary plasmacytoma in a dog
    (Sciendo, 2019-06-01) İpek, Volkan; ACAR, HİLAL; KOCATÜRK, MERİÇ; Kocatürk, Meriç; Salcı, Hakan; SALCI, HAKAN; Sönmez, Gürsel; SÖNMEZ, GÜRSEL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veterinerlik Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Veteriner Fakültesi/Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-2849-1222; 0000-0002-2524-3274; JPN-6878-2023; AAP-7233-2020; V-5578-2017
    In this case report we are presenting a rare case of primary pulmonary plasmacytoma in a dog in the context of clinical and pathological findings. A six-years-old, female Rottweiler was brought to the clinic with respiratory complaints. The patient was dyspneic and tachypneic, and there were friction sounds on auscultation of the lungs. Laryngeal and tracheal palpation induced severe cough. Lateral and ventrodorsal radiographs of the thorax showed increased opacity in the lungs and loss of cardiac silhouette. Based on clinical and radiological findings, diagnosis of a lung mass was made and surgery recommended. Under general anesthesia, bilobectomy of the right lung lobes by medial sternotomy was performed. Upon cytological and histopathological findings, plasmacytoma was diagnosed.