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  • Publication
    A novel technique of pulmonary artery banding by means of radiofrequency ablation: An experimental study in rabbits
    (Bayçınar Tıbbi Yayıncılık, 2022-07-01) Uysal, Fahrettin; Akça, Tuğberk; Genç, Abdüsselam; Küpeli, Zehra Avcı; Özfırat, Erencan; Canatan, Uygur; Uysal, Berfin; Sığnak, Işık Şenkaya; UYSAL, FAHRETTİN; AKÇA, TUĞBERK; GENÇ, ABDÜSSELAM; KÜPELİ, ZEHRA AVCI; ÖZFIRAT, ERENCAN; CANATAN, UYGUR; ŞENKAYA SIĞNAK, IŞIK; 0000-0002-2747-974X; AAH-4421-2021; AEX-4557-2022; CQK-7120-2022; FHA-3247-2022; JHY-2022-2023; CJU-7194-2022; GPN-0680-2022
    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of a novel method of narrowing pulmonary arteries with catheter angiography using radiofrequency energy in rabbits. Methods: A total of nine New Zealand white rabbits weighing 3.0 to 4.2 kg each were utilized in this experimental study. After the location of pulmonary artery was confirmed by echocardiography and angiography, radiofrequency energy was applied by starting with 5 W energy for the first time and increasing by 5 W, if there was no rupture to a maximum of 20 W. Multiple applications of radiofrequency energy with different durations were performed at different levels of the pulmonary artery. Eight weeks later, surviving rabbits were sacrificed. The pulmonary arteries were removed for histological investigation. Results: Five rabbits remained alive after the experiment. There was a significant correlation between radiofrequency power and the degree of vessel thickness change in the pulmonary artery. The endothelial integrity of the tunica intima was impaired in all groups and the diameter of vessel was thickened by an average of 3.5 times. Conclusion: The narrowing of the pulmonary artery using radiofrequency energy was successfully performed in a small sample size of experimental animals in this study.