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  • Publication
    Pamuklu dokuma havlu kumaşların ozon gazı ile ağartılması
    (Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2023-08-09) Türkçen, Sevil; EREN, SEMİHA; ÖZTÜRK YILMAZ, MERVE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği; 0000-0002-2326-686X; 0000-0001-8356-2321
    Bu çalışmada yenilikçi bir yöntem olan ozonlamanın havlu kumaşların ağartılmasında farklı pH (3,5,7,9,11) değerlerindeki etkinliği araştırılmıştır. 5 l/dk ozon gaz akış oranında 15 ve 45 dakika boyunca ozonlama işlemleri yapılmıştır. Ozonlaması yapılan havlu kumaşlara haşıl sökme tayini, beyazlık, hidrofilite, kopma mukavemeti testleri yapılmıştır. Ağartması yapılan kumaşlar bir sonraki aşamada boyanmıştır. Boyaması yapılan kumaşların renk ölçümleri ve haslık testleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre pH 3, pH 5 ve pH 7’deki 45 dakika boyunca yapılan beyazlık, kopma mukavemeti, haslık ve renk ölçüm testleri sonuçları konvansiyonel yönteme göre iyi çıkmıştır.
  • Publication
    An investigation of process parameters on colour during the dyeing of polyester in supercritical carbon dioxide media
    (Wiley, 2021-05-27) Yiğit, İdil; Eren, Semiha; Özcan, Hande; Avinç, Ozan; Eren, Hüseyin Aksel; YİĞİT, İDİL; EREN, SEMİHA; EREN, HÜSEYİN AKSEL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0002-1552-8612; 0000-0003-3908-5139; AFL-4209-2022; JCE-9094-2023; AEQ-0877-2022; AEQ-0877-2022
    Innovative supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) treatment conditions in fluidised media technology were examined for polyester dyeing. The different dyeing processes in scCO(2) media were carried out under a constant dyeing temperature of 120 degrees C (at pressures ranging from 9 to 29 MPa), a constant pressure of 25 MPa (at dyeing temperatures ranging from 40 to 140 degrees C) and a constant density range of 500-550 kg/m(3) (at combinations of dyeing temperatures ranging from 80 to 130 degrees C and dyeing pressures ranging from 18 to 28 MPa). The constant dyeing temperature, constant dyeing pressure and constant density (120 degrees C, 25 MPa, 500-550 kg/m(3), respectively) were selected according to the best results in the literature and recommendations from industrial applications for polyester dyeing in scCO(2) media. The different conditions of the studied parameters and their influence are discussed. Colour difference (Delta E) and colour strength (K/S), as well as washing fastness and bursting strength properties, were investigated and compared. Acceptable colour properties (similar to those for standard [control reference] fabric: dyed in scCO(2) media at 120 degrees C, 25 MPa pressure and 506 kg/m(3) density for 90 minutes) on polyester fabric, with commercially acceptable and quite high washing fastness levels and comparable bursting strength values (similar to those for standard fabric without significant or drastic strength loss), could be achieved with the following scCO(2) dyeing processes: at a lower dyeing pressure with the same dyeing temperature (in scCO(2) media at 120 degrees C, 21 MPa pressure and 423 kg/m(3) density for 90 minutes), at a lower dyeing temperature with the same dyeing pressure (in scCO(2) media at 100 degrees C, 25 MPa pressure and 588 kg/m(3) density for 90 minutes) and at both a lower dyeing pressure and a lower dyeing temperature with a constant density range of 500-550 kg/m(3) (in scCO(2) media at 110 degrees C, 24 MPa pressure and 526 kg/m(3) density for 90 minutes). Satisfactory and successful dyeing properties and performance similar to polyester fibre dyed under standard scCO(2) dyeing conditions with less energy consumption could be achieved with the correct scCO(2) dyeing process parameter optimisation. For instance, the dyeing process in the scCO(2) environment at the same dyeing temperature with the standard scCO(2) dyeing process (at 120 degrees C), but with a lower dyeing pressure (at 21 vs 25 MPa), resulted in a 17 kWh decrease in energy consumption. In conclusion, it is very important to choose the correct dyeing pressure to obtain level dyeing in the polyester dyeing process carried out in a scCO(2) environment and to achieve a reduction in energy consumption during dyeing in a scCO(2) medium.
  • Publication
    Pet, geri dönüşümlü PET (r-PET) ve biyobozunabilir PET (bio-PET) içerikli kumaşların mekanik ve yapısal özelliklerinin incelenmesi üzerine bir çalışma
    (Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2023-10-11) Özenç, Aliye Akarsu; Atlas, Zeynep; Salih, Cansu İşbilir; EREN, SEMİHA
    Poliester (PET) lifleri tekstil endüstrisinde dünya genelinde en çok kullanılan sentetik liftir. Dünya genelinde çevresel ve ekolojik kaygıların artmasıyla sentetik liflerin geri dönüştürülmesi, biyobozunurluğunun sağlanması yönünde çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Bu deneysel çalışmada poliester, geri dönüştürülmüş poliester (r-PET) ve biyobozunur poliester (bio-PET) içerikli kumaşların boyama ve fiziksel performansları karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlarda r-PET ve bio-PET içerikli numunelerin en az PET içerikli kumaşlar kadar iyi boyandığı haslık ve mukavemet değerlerinde belirgin farklılıklar olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda r-PET ve bio-PET liflerinin PET liflerine alternatif olabileceği düşünülmektedir.
  • Publication
    Comparison of the colour fading effects of sodium hypochlorite and ozone treatments
    (Wiley, 2021-05-31) Yiğit, İdil; Eren, Semiha; Karali, Recep; Yıbar, M. Fahri; Eren, Hüseyin Aksel; YİĞİT, İDİL; EREN, SEMİHA; EREN, HÜSEYİN AKSEL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü,; 0000-0002-1552-8612; 0000-0003-3908-5139; AEQ-0877-2022; AFL-4209-2022; JCE-9094-2023
    Colour fading is a method that is used to achieve a vintage look in textile goods. It is desired by customers in the textile market. Additionally, customers demand that these types of products are produced by environmentally friendly methods. In this study, sodium hypochlorite and ozone were used as laboratory-scale colour fading reagents on dyed cotton fabrics. Cotton fabrics were dyed with four different primary colours: red, yellow, blue and black. Dyed fabrics were subjected to ozone and sodium hypochlorite treatment under different treatment conditions. Ozone was chosen as an alternative for comparison and it was applied at fixed flow rate (5 L/min) and time (10 minutes). Colour differences, chemical oxygen demand, bursting strength and energy, water and chemical consumptions were measured. The surface morphology was characterised by scanning electron microscopy. We can conclude that ozonation is effective in discharging colour from dyed fabric samples, and the colour-fading effect is uniform, like in sodium hypochlorite treatment. It was observed that both processes are similar in terms of strength and surface modification. Results showed a 90% cost reduction, 85% water conservation and a 26% chemical oxygen demand reduction.
  • Publication
    Production of bi-component polyester fibres for emr (Electromagnetic radiation) protection and examining emr shielding characteristics
    (Ege Universitesi, 2015-04-01) Eren, Semiha; Ulcay, Yusuf; EREN, SEMİHA; ULCAY, YUSUF; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü; AEQ-0877-2022; AFL-4209-2022
    In this study, multifilament polyester yarns consist of bicomponent S/C (sheath/ core) fibres were produced in order to create electromagnetic shielding properties. Yarns were produced in 260 dtex linear density with 72 bicomponent filaments. The conductive additive material was nano iron oxide 20% (w/w) in PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) masterbatch.1, 2 and 3% masterbatch (20% nano iron oxide in PBT) were fed into the sample yam production device, however; acceptable yarn production could only be achieved by 1% masterbatch due to the high number of machine stops at higher amounts of additive material. Shrinkage at the boil and tenacity tests were performed on the produced yarns. Also, the produced yams were knit to form fabrics and test the EMSE (electromagnetic shielding efficiency) values by these knitted surfaces. The EMSE tests on the knitted fabric samples were performed basically according to ASTM D 4935 Coaxial Holder Method but the method used was a modified method that uses a smaller sample holder. The EMSE values at 30 MHz of the fabric samples knitted by the produced bicomponent yarns were measured as 18,78 dB and 13,59 dB for tight and loose stitch densities, respectively.