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  • Publication
    Impact of the awareness and fear of COVID-19 on menstrual symptoms in women: A cross-sectional study
    (Taylor, 2021-11-09) Buran, Gonca; Öter, Emine Gerçek; BURAN, GONCA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi/Hemşirelik Bölümü; 0000-0001-9082-553X; AAH-6269-2021
    The researchers' aim was to determine the impact of the awareness and fear of COVID-19 on menstrual symptoms. We conducted the cross-sectional study with 125 women and collected using the Visual Analog Scale, the Menstruation Symptom Scale, the Awareness of COVID-19 Scale and the Fear of COVID-19 Scale. While 39% of the women reported that there was no change in the menstrual pattern during the pandemic process, 22.4% reported an increase in menstrual pain and 25.6% reported deterioration in the menstrual pattern. A one-unit increase in the women's fear of COVID-19 scale score increases the Menstrual Symptom Scale total score by 1016 points (p < .001). However, the awareness of COVID-19 had no impact on menstrual symptoms. As fear of COVID-19 increases menstrual symptoms, when providing nursing care, nurses should be aware that women need more support to cope with this condition.
  • Publication
    The effects of dyadic coping strategies and dyadic conflict resolution styles on postpartum depression of mothers in heterosexual marriages in Turkey
    (Guilford Publications Inc, 2023-12-01) Çankaya, Seyhan; Buran, Gonca; BURAN, GONCA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0003-0433-2515; ADD-6461-2022
    The authors of this study aimed to determine the effects of coping strategies and conflict resolution styles on postpartum depression in heterosexual mothers in the postpartum period in Turkey. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with 369 mothers with babies aged 1-12 months. The study was carried out between October 1, 2021, and December 1, 2021, in the pediatric outpatient clinic of the Medical Faculty Hospital of a province in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. Seventy-four (20.1%) mothers had scores above the depression scale cu-off point (>13). Having problems in marriage, getting a low score on the spouse's self-perception scale of dyadic coping with stress, and having negative, nonsubmissive, and retreating conflict resolution styles were found to be important factors associated with postpartum depression (p <.05). The incidence of postpartum depression was found to be associated with having problems in the marriage, not having good dyadic coping strategies, and having negative conflict resolution styles. (Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 87[1], 63-82)
  • Publication
    Effect of hypnobirthing training on fear, pain, satisfaction related to birth, and birth outcomes: A randomized controlled trial
    (Sage Publications, 2022-01-27) Buran, Gonca; Aksu, Hilmiye; BURAN, GONCA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi/Hemşirelik Bölümü; 0000-0001-9082-553X; AAH-6269-2021
    We aimed to determine the effect of Hypnobirthing training on fear of childbirth (FOC), birth pain, birth satisfaction and birth outcomes. This randomized controlled trial study was conducted with 80 nulliparous pregnant who were divided into two groups (experimental group n = 40 and control n = 40) in a maternity hospital. The couples received the training in groups(4 weeks, once a week, 3-hour, group session). The mean score of hypnobirthing group for the whole Wijma Birth Expectancy/Experience Scale was significantly lower than that of the routine care group (p < .001).In the latent, active, and transitional phases of labor, the Visual Analog Scale (VAS)scores of the experimental groups were found to be significantly lower than those of the control group (p < .001).The experimental group's rates of birth intervention were significantly lower and their deliveries period were shorter, than those that of the routine control group (p < .001).In addition, the vaginal delivery rates (p = .037)and the scores for the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R) were also found to be higher than those of the control group (p < .001).