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  • Publication
    Efficacy of single-dose radiotherapy in preventing posttraumatic tendon adhesion
    (Springernature, 2020-06-02) Ermutlu, Cenk; ERMUTLU, CENK; Kaleli, Tufan; KALELİ, HÜSEYİN TUFAN; Yalçınkaya, Ulviye; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Çetintaş, Sibel; ÇETİNTAŞ, SİBEL; Atıcı, Teoman; ATICI, TEOMAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Ortopedi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Radyasyon Onkolijisi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-8259-3695; 0000-0003-1109-8958; 0000-0002-3396-3407; AAH-8924-2021; AAB-6136-2022; A-5095-2018; AAB-2795-2021
    Background and AimPosttraumatic peritendinous adhesion is the greatest obstacle to achieve normal tendon function following lacerations of extrinsic flexor tendons of the hand. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether single-dose radiotherapy (RT) has the potential to modulate intrasynovial tendon adhesions.Materials and MethodsA total of 80 tendons from the third to fourth flexor profundus of both hind paws of 20 adult New Zealand rabbits were used in this study. Rabbits in the RT group received 3 Gy of X-irradiation in a single fraction. Histopathological evaluation of longitudinal sections of tendons was made using the Tang grading system for peritendinous adhesions. Intratendinous quality of the healing tissue in the laceration zone was assessed using a modified Movin scale.ResultsAdhesion and inflammatory response were greater in the RT group (p(<)0.001). Tendon healing in the radiation group was found to he more uniform and organized compared with the control group. However, this difference was not statistically significant. The nuclei of the tenocytes in the radiation group showed a closer resemblance to normal tendon tissue when compared with the control group (p=0.007).ConclusionsDespite RT's certain advantages such as extracorporeal use, anti-inflammatory effect, and homogenous tissue penetration, 3-Gy X-irradiation resulted in increased peritendinous posttraumatic adhesion, possibly due to dose imbalance. Increased roundness in the tenocyte nuclei was present in the RT group. Studies with different dosing regimens and a higher number of subjects are necessary to establish an ideal dose suppressing the synovial response without compromising tendon healing.
  • Publication
    BRAF mutation, TERT promoter mutation, and HER2 amplification in sporadic or neurofibromatosis-related neurofibromas and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors: do these molecules have a signature in malignant transformation?
    (Wiley, 2020-06-16) Coşkun, Sinem; Gamsızkan, Mehmet; Yılmaz, İsmail; Yalçınkaya, Ulviye; Sungur, Mehmet Ali; Büyücek, Şeyma; Önal, Binnur; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; AAH-8924-2021
    Peripheral nerve sheath tumors may occur sporadically or related to neurofibromatosis (NF). Unless the mechanisms of tumorigenesis in NF related malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) are better understood, it remained unclear in sporadic cases. We aimed to investigate the genetic route for malignancy in both individuals with NF-1 and sporadic ones to open a way for targeted therapies in the future. We investigated the role of HER2 with Dual ISH DNA Probe Cocktail test, BRAF mutation (exon 15) and TERT promoter mutation frequency with Sanger sequencing method in respectively 25 sporadic neurofibromas, 25 NF-1 related neurofibromas and 25 MPNST cases from two institutes. Categorical data were analyzed and summarized as frequency and percentage. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS v.22 statistical package, and the statistical significance level was considered as 0.05. We identified TERT promoter mutation only in one sporadic MPNST (4%) and no BRAF mutation in any case. HER2 amplification is found in 10/25 (40%) MPNST cases. No mutations or gene amplification detected in neurofibromas (p < 0.001). MPNSTs are sarcomas with poor prognosis and limited treatment options. TERT promoter mutations and HER2 amplification may play a putative role in therapeutic purposes.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of incidence and histolopathological findings of soft tissue sarcomas in genitourinary tract: Uludag University experience
    (Brazilian Soc Urol, 2019-01-01) Vuruşkan, Berna Aytaç; Özşen, Mine; Coşkun, Burhan; Yalçınkaya, Ülviye; AYTAÇ VURUŞKAN, BERNA; ÖZŞEN, MİNE; COŞKUN, BURHAN; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Cerrahi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Üroloji Anabilim Dalı; 0000-0002-5771-7649; 0000-0002-8242-9921; AAI-1609-2021; JCO-5169-2023; AAH-8924-2021; AAH-9746-2021; AAH-9704-2021
    Purpose: In this study we aimed to review urological soft tissue sarcomas of genitourinary tract that were diagnosed in our institution and their prognostic factors for survival.Materials and Methods: The clinical and pathological records of 31 patients who had diagnosis of soft tissue sarcomas primarily originating from the genitourinary tract between 2005-2011 were reviewed.Results: The most common site was kidney (17 cases, 54.8%), and most common diagnosis was leiomyosarcoma (11 cases, 35.4%). A total of 24 patients (77.4%) had surgical excision. The surgical margins were positive in 7 patients who presented with local recurrence after primary resection. Twelve patients developed metastatic disease. During follow-up (range 9-70 month), 26 of the 31 patients (88.9%) were alive. Significant survival differences were found according to histological type (p: 0.001), with lower survival rates for malignant fibrous histiocytoma. The tumor size, the presence of metastasis at the time of diagnosis and tumor localization were not statistically significant for overall survival.Conclusions: In our series, prostate sarcomas, paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma and malignant fibrous histiocytoma had poor prognosis, especially in patients presenting with metastatic disease.
  • Publication
    The ki-67 proliferation index predicts recurrence-free survival in patients with dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
    (Assoc Basic Medical Sci Federation Bosnia & Herzegovina Sarajevo, 2021-01-01) Tanriverdi, Ozgur; Ozsen, Mine; ÖZŞEN, MİNE; Deligonul, Adem; DELİGÖNÜL, ADEM; Yazici, Serkan; YAZİCİ, SERKAN; Cetintas, Sibel Kahraman; Yalcinkaya, Ulviye; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Sahin, Ahmet Bilgehan; ŞAHİN, AHMET BİLGEHAN; Orhan, Sibel Oyucu; OYUCU ORHAN, SİBEL; Ocak, Birol; OCAK, BİROL; Evrensel, Turkkan; EVRENSEL, TÜRKKAN; Kahveci, Ramazan; KAHVECİ, RAMAZAN; Cubukcu, Erdem; ÇUBUKÇU, ERDEM; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Onkoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Plastik Cerrahi ve Estetik Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-6407-0962; 0000-0002-5771-7649; 0000-0002-7846-0870; 0000-0002-0598-7284; 0000-0001-7537-1699; AAJ-8314-2021; AEC-2238-2022; AAM-4927-2020; M-2172-2015
    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) is an uncommon soft tissue sarcoma that originates from the dermis or subcutaneous tissue in the skin. While its prognosis is generally favorable, disease recurrence is relatively frequent. Since morbidity after repeated surgery may be significant, an optimized prediction of recurrence-free survival (RFS) has the potential to improve current management strategies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognostic value of the Ki-67 proliferation index with respect to RFS in patients with DFSP We retrospectively analyzed data from 45 patients with DFSP. We calculated the Ki-67 proliferation index as the percentage of immunostained nuclei among the total number of tumor cell nuclei regardless of the intensity of immunostaining. We constructed univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression models to identify predictors of RFS. Among the 45 patients included in the study, 8 developed local recurrences and 2 had lung metastases (median follow-up: 95.o months; range: 5.2-412.4 months). The RFS rates at 60, 120, and 240 months of follow-up were 83.8%, 76.2%, and 65.3%, respectively. The median Ki-67 proliferation index was 14%. Notably, we identified the Ki-67 proliferation index as the only independent predictor for RFS in multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis (hazard ratio = 1.106, 95% confidence interval = 1.019-1.200, p = 0.016). In summary, our results highlight the potential usefulness of the Ki-67 proliferation index for facilitating the identification of patients with DFSP at a higher risk of developing disease recurrences.
  • Publication
    Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the efficacy of autologous blood pleurodesis
    (Baycinar Medical Publ-baycinar Tibbi Yayincilik, 2019-07-01) Yalçınkaya, Serhat; Yalçınkaya, Ulviye; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi; AAH-8924-2021
    Background: This study aims to perform autologous blood pleurodesis in an animal model and investigate the effects of paracetamol and diclofenac on autologous blood pleurodesis.Methods: We divided 42 female Wistar albino rats (aged three months; average weight 275 +/- 25 g) into three major groups of 14. Each major group was further divided into two subgroups of seven rats to be sacrificed at seven days for early changes and 21 days for late changes. We performed autologous blood pleurodesis in all rats at a dose of 3 mL/kg. Group C (control group) was administered saline, group P was administered paracetamol, and group D was administered diclofenac for the postoperative five consecutive days as a single dose intraperitoneally. We sacrificed the rats at the designated dates and removed the thoracic cages en bloc.Results: According to macroscopical and microscopical evaluation of the specimens, paracetamol led to a similar degree of adhesions with saline, whereas diclofenac significantly reduced the intensity of the desired adhesions between the two pleural sheets (p=0.05).Conclusion: Using anti-inflammatory analgesics following autologous blood pleurodesis may lead to unsuccessful outcome of the procedure.
  • Publication
    Bronchial carcinoid tumors with massive osseous metaplasia: A case report and review of the literature
    (Türk Patoloji Derneği, 2020-05-01) Özşen, Mine; Yalçınkaya, Ulviye; Akyıldız, Elif Ülker; Bayram, Ahmet Sami; Gökalp, Gökhan; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; AKYILDIZ, ELİF ÜLKER; BAYRAM, AHMET SAMİ; GÖKALP, GÖKHAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Cerrahi Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Göğüs Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-5771-7649; 0000-0003-0684-0900; JHY-9777-2023 ; AAI-2336-2021; ABB-7580-2020; AAH-8924-2021
    Bronchial carcinoid tumors are primary lung neoplasms thought to originate from neuroendocrine cells, i.e. Kulchitsky cells, in the bronchial mucosa, although the type of cellular origin has not been clearly understood. A 61-year-old male patient underwent surgery and microscopic examination of the specimen revealed an anastomosing trabecular bony structure among the nests of tumor cells with round nucleus, granular chromatin, and large eosinophilic cytoplasm. Our case has been deemed worthy of being presented as bronchial carcinoid tumor with exaggerated osseous metaplasia.
  • Publication
    Rituximab therapy for recalcitrant idiopathic sclerosing orbital inflammation
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021-05-01) Yazıcı, Bülent; Çekiç, Şükrü; Yalçınkaya, Ulviye; Kılıç, S. Şebnem; ÇEKİÇ, ŞÜKRÜ; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; KILIÇ GÜLTEKİN, SARA ŞEBNEM; Yazıcı, Bülent; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi; 0000-0001-8889-1933; 0000-0002-9574-1842; 0000-0001-8571-2581; AAA-5384-2020; L-1933-2017; AAH-1658-2021; AAH-8924-2021
    Three patients (3 female patients; aged 7, 35, and 61 years) who had recalcitrant idiopathic sclerosing orbital inflammation were treated with rituximab. The disease was bilateral in 1 patient (4 orbits in total): diffuse in 2 and localized in 2 orbits. It caused optic neuropathy in 1 orbit of each patient. Conventional immunotherapy and tumor debulking surgery were unsuccessful in controlling the disease. After rituximab infusions (375 mg/m(2)/week for 4 weeks), all patients improved symptomatically. Radiologically, the local lesions resolved completely and diffuse lesions partially. Two patients with recurrent inflammation during follow up (78, 58, and 51 months) responded well to immediate, short-term steroid treatments. Short-term rituximab therapy can induce effective remissions in patients with refractory idiopathic sclerosing orbital inflammation. Early and local lesions may respond better to treatment than diffuse lesions. Nevertheless, inflammatory exacerbations can occur during late follow up.
  • Publication
    A case report of primary breast angiosarcoma: Clinical presentation and outcome after adjuvant radiotherapy
    (Aves, 2020-10-01) Altmisdörtoğlu, Özgür; Andrieu, Meltem Nalca; Gökgöz, Mustafa Şehsuvar; GÖKGÖZ, MUSTAFA ŞEHSUVAR; Yalçınkaya, Ulviye; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; AAH-8924-2021
    Angiosarcomas of the breast are infrequent subtypes of sarcoma that are often diagnosed after radiation therapy for primary breast cancer. Primary angiosarcomas (PAS) are rare tumors that constitute 0.04% of all malignant breast tumors. We report a case of a 40-year-old woman with a lump in the right breast and diagnosed as angiosarcoma by pathological evaluation. She underwent simple mastectomy followed by adjuvant radiation. She is alive and disease-free for 66 months although tumor size was large and one surgical margin was tumor positive. Breast angiosarcoma is often in advanced stage at diagnosis and tends to recur locally. Although surgical methods constitute the primary treatment, we believe that a multidisciplinary treatment strategy should be used in high-risk patients with large primary tumors and tumor positive margins.
  • Publication
    Thoracic neurogenic tumors: A clinicopathologic evaluation of 42 cases
    (Asean Neurological Assoc, 2015-03-01) Akyıldız, Elif Ülker; Yalçınkaya, Ülviye; AKYILDIZ, ELİF ÜLKER; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Bölümü; AAH-8924-2021; ELN-4128-2022
    Background & Objective: Neurogenic tumors typically originate from the peripheral nerves, paraganglionic nerves, or the autonomic nervous system. Tumors arising from peripheral nerves are classified as schwannoma, neurofibroma, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors while tumors arising from the sympathetic chain ganglion cells are classified as ganglioneuroma, ganglioneuroblastoma, and neuroblastoma. Tumors arising from the parasympathetic chain ganglion cells are classified as paraganglioma. Neurogenic tumors of the thorax are uncommon and originate from large airways, lungs, the mediastinum, or the chest wall. In this study, we report the clinical and histopathological features of 42 patients diagnosed with neurogenic tumors of the thorax. Methods: A retrospective review of the medical records of 42 patients diagnosed with intrathoracic neurogenic tumors and treated in Uludag University between 2002 and 2012 was conducted. All pathology specimens were examined by a pathologist experienced in the examination of soft tissue tumors. The patients were evaluated according to age, gender, location and histological characteristics of the tumor. Results: The study group included 42 patients diagnosed thoracic neurogenic tumors, including 31 female (74%) and 11 male (26%). The sex ratio was 2.8 (female/male) and the mean age of the study population was 38.52 years. The age of patients ranged from 3 to 73 years. The neurogenic tumor was located in the posterior mediastinum in 31(74%) patients, anterior mediastinum in 2 (5%) patients, and in the chest wall in 9 (21%) patients. The origin of the neurogenic tumor was the peripheral nerve sheath in 31 (74%) patients, and the ganglion cells in 10 (24%) patients, and the paraganglion system in 1 (2%) patient. The study group also included 20 (48%) patients diagnosed with schwannoma, 6 (14%) patients diagnosed with malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, 5 (12%) patients diagnosed with neurofibroma, 5 (12%) patients diagnosed with ganglioneuroma, 4 (10%) patients diagnosed with neuroblastoma, 1 (2%) patient diagnosed with ganglioneuroblastoma and 1 (2%) patient diagnosed with paraganglioma. Our study group comprised 36 adults and 6 children. Of the adult patients, 20 (55%) had schwannomas, 6 (17%) malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, 5 (14%) neurofibroma, 4 (11%) ganglioneuromas, and 1 (3%) paraganglioma. Four of the six children (66%) included in our study group were diagnosed with neuroblastoma, 1 (17%) child was diagnosed with ganglioneuroma, and 1 (17%) child was diagnosed with ganglioneuroblastoma. The malignancy rate was 83% in children and 17% in adults.Conclusion: Age is an important clinical parameter in terms of histological type and malignancy rate. In our study group, malignancy rate in children was much higher than adults. The most common thoracic neurogenic tumor in adults and children was schwannoma and neuroblastoma, respectively.
  • Publication
    Laparoscopic management of diaphragmatic mesothelial cysts in children
    (Springer, 2015-12-01) Kaya, M.; Ozcakir, E.; Yalçınkaya, Ülviye; YALÇINKAYA, ÜLVİYE; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı; AAH-8924-2021
    Background Diaphragmatic mesothelial cysts (DMC) are rare congenital lesions arising from coelomic remnants. The DMC may need surgical excision if they become symptomatic. The aim of this study was to present three pediatric DMC cases that successfully managed laparoscopically.Case report Three consecutive children (ages 6, 8 and 12 years), who presented with nonspecific abdominal complaints, referred to our department. Imaging studies demonstrated lobulated cysts in the region of the right posterior lobes of liver. The patients were approached by laparoscopy in a right lateral decubitus position because the preoperative diagnosis is uncertain. Cysts originating from diaphragm were seen, the clear yellowish fluid was aspirated, and unroofing was performed in all patients.Results After a well-tolerated operation, postoperative courses of the patients were uneventful, and they were discharged on the following day. Histopathological examinations of the wall of the lesions showed DMC with no evidence of malignancy. No recurrence or symptom was found during the follow-up period.Conclusions This is the first report of laparoscopic management of the DMC. Laparoscopic approach to symptomatic DMC patients is safe and effective method for diagnosis and treatment, if it is not established a differential diagnosis by imaging studies.