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  • Publication
    A research on effect of surface treatment conditions on flammability and water repellency properties of drapery fabrics produced from micro polyester yarns
    (Taylor & Francis, 2020-03-05) Gunaydin, Gizem Karakan; Ceven, Erhan Kenan; ÇEVEN, ERHAN KENAN; Gurarda, Ayca; GÜRARDA, AYÇA; Akgun, Mine; AKGÜN, MİNE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü.; 0000-0003-3283-4117; AAG-4653-2019; AAG-9756-2021
    Flame retardancy and water repellency are frequently applied finishing processes for drapery fabrics. These two treatments should require special attention when they are applied consecutively. This research aims to investigate the effect of sequential finishing processes by utilizing of different flame retardant chemical ratio (0, 60 and 90 g/l) and fluorocarbon based water repelling substance ratio (0, 10 and 30 g/l) on hydrophobic, flammability, air permeability and stiffness properties of the drapery fabrics. According to the results of statistical analyses, it was determined that fabric burning behaviour, air permeability and stiffness properties were significantly influenced from the process types with different finishing substance ratios and from the weft yarn density as well as from the interaction of process type and weft yarn density at 0.05 significance level. Additionally, process type was a significant factor on water repellency of drapery samples however weft yarn density and the interaction of weft yarn density and the process type were not influential factors on water repellency at significance level of 0.05. For both warp and weft fabric directions, lowest damage zone at the length and width with the ignition source was obtained from the samples which were only treated with flame retardancy process without water repellency (90-0 coded process). The most satisfying results in terms of water repellency were obtained from the samples treated with 60-30 coded process where 60 g/l FR and 30 g/l water repellent chemical substances were utilized respectively. Drapery fabrics treated with 60-0 coded process revealed the best windproof feature indicating the lowest air permeability.
  • Publication
    Investigation of the comfort properties of traditional woven fabrics with different structural parameters
    (Inst Natl Cercetare-dezvoltare Textile Pielarie-bucuresti, 2020-01-01) Günaydin, Gizem Karakan; Akgün, Mine; AKGÜN, MİNE; Gürarda, Ayca; GÜRARDA, AYÇA; Çeven, Erhan Kenan; ÇEVEN, ERHAN KENAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0003-3283-4117; AAG-4653-2019; AAG-9756-2021
    Turkish traditional Buldan weavings are known as special fabrics in terms of providing comfortable clothes which are known to be natural and healthy in Denizli. Turkey. The research presented in this paper assesses the effects of different fabric structural parameters of Buldan fabrics on comfort properties such as thermal resistance, thermal absorptivity. water vapour permeability and air permeability. Five different Buldan fabrics woven with different fabric structural parameters were produced. According to test results, cotton/Tencel Buldan fabrics indicated similar comfort properties with the 100% cotton Buldan fabric properties. Additionally the lowest thermal absorptivity was observed from 100% cotton Buldan fabrics which give the warmth feeling among the evaluated samples.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of some comfort and mechanical properties of knitted fabrics made of different regenerated cellulosic fibres
    (Korean Fiber Soc, 2021-01-19) Çeven, Erhan Kenan; Günaydin, Gizem Karakan; ÇEVEN, ERHAN KENAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0003-3283-4117; AAG-4653-2019
    Knitted fabrics with a wide range of fabric construction varying in fibre type, yarn type is frequently preferred by consumers owing to their high comfort properties. Today new, functional and biodegradable, natural fibre based raw materials are mostly considered for knitted fabrics and clothing designs with a sustainable consumer manner. Collagen peptide added fibres are the recent improved regenerated cellulosic fibres which are known to be providing a skin friendly texture with high thermal and moisture comfort. Within this study, some performance properties such as thermal properties, water vapour permeability, water vapour resistance, air permeability as well as bursting strength of greige and dyed knitted samples made of 100 % Tencel (TM), Modal, Cupro, Umorfil (R), combed cotton and carded cotton yarn were evaluated. ANOVA test was performed for the statistical evaluation of yarn and fabric properties. According to ANOVA results, regenerated cellulosic yarn type of knitted fabrics and the process type (untreated greige fabric or dyed fabric) were generally significant factors on mentioned performance properties of knitted fabrics. The results of experiments also revealed that beside the regenerated cellulosic fibres, new developed collagen peptide added Umorfil (R) fibre may be used as the raw material of knitted fabrics for sport garments with satisfying comfort results.
  • Publication
    An investigation into the parameters influencing the abrasion and friction properties of composite yarns containing metal wire
    (Inst Natl Cercetare-dezvoltare Textile Pielarie-bucuresti, 2016-01-01) Çeven, Erhan Kenan; Aytaş, Hüseyin; ÇEVEN, ERHAN KENAN; Aytaş, Hüseyin; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi; 0000-0003-3283-4117; AAG-4653-2019; EMH-5235-2022
    This paper is focused on the selected parameters that influence the abrasion and friction properties of composite yarns containing metal wire. In the experimental study, the composite yarns containing metal wire were produced on a hollow spindle twisting machine according to the method of covering. The composite yarns containing metal wire were produced with seven different cover yarns varying in their raw materials and structures. These were: polypropylene, cotton, polyester/cotton core-spun, continuous filament polyester, continuous filament nylon 6.6, polyester/polyester core-spun, and polyester cut fiber yarns. These yarns were cross covered over stainless steel (SS) wires having two different diameters of 50 pm and 100 pm. The performance tests selected for these yarns were abrasion and friction as because these types of yarns are vulnerable to rubbing. Abrasion tests of composite yarns containing metal wire were performed with a modified crockmeter test instrument while the friction tests were carried out by using a yarn friction coefficient measurement device. According to the results of the statistical analyses performed using the experimental values obtained from the tests, abrasion resistance and friction properties of the composite yarns were affected by the yarn parameters like cover yarn type and wire diameter.