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  • Publication
    Pain acceptance levels of patients with chronic pain
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2020-04-01) Akın, Esra; YILMAZ, DİLEK; GÖKDERE ÇİNAR, HAVA; 0000-0001-7269-8493; 0000-0002-5792-5958; V-6292-2018; GXI-1202-2022
    This study was conducted with the aim of determining pain acceptance levels in patients with chronic pain attending an algology outpatients' department. The research was conducted as a descriptive and cross-sectional study. The population of the study consisted of 97 patients with chronic pain who attended the Algology Outpatients' Department of the Health Implementation and Research Center of Bursa Uludag University. A Patient Description Form and a Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ) were used to collect research data. The participants' mean sub-score for accomplishing activities by patients with chronic pain was found to be 31.10 +/- 11.84, their mean sub-score for pain willingness was 36.65 +/- 10.37, and their mean score for the total scale was 67.76 +/- 18.30. A statistically significant difference was found between the participants' total score means and their sub-score means according to their education level and frequency of experiencing pain (P < .05), but no statistically significant difference was found according to such factors as age, profession, marital status, or medications used (P > .05). It was found that female sex was generally exposed to chronic pain, and factors such as age, marital status, and drug treatment did not differ in the rate of acceptance of chronic pain, and the rate of acceptance of pain in workers was higher, those with lower education level were lower. There is a need that new studies with larger sample groups regarding the factors affecting the acceptance of chronic pain.
  • Publication
    Determining the effect of neuro-linguistic programming techniques on the conflict management and interpersonal problem-solving skills of nurse managers: A mixed methods study
    (Wiley, 2021-11-08) Çınar, Hava Gökdere; Baykal, Ülkü; GÖKDERE ÇİNAR, HAVA; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi/Hemşirelik Yönetimi Bölümü; 0000-0002-5792-5958; HRC-4383-2023
    Aim: This study, which used quantitative and qualitative design, was conducted to explore the effect of neuro-linguistic programming techniques on the conflict management and interpersonal problem-solving skills of nurse managers.Background: Neuro-linguistic programming is among the methods that can enable managers to achieve the desired results in managing interpersonal problems and conflicts in an organisation.Methods: The research was carried out with a mixed methods approach. The Personal and Professional Characteristics Information Form, Interpersonal Problem-Solving Inventory and Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory-II were applied to 41 nurse managers and nurses to collect quantitative data for the study. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect qualitative data in focus-group interviews held both before and 6 months after the training.Results: As a result of the content analysis of the qualitative data, the nurse managers in the training group were found to have improved abilities to plan and increased flexibility, positiveness, happiness and motivation when compared to the nurse managers in the control group. Findings supporting these data were obtained in the analyses of interviews with nurses.Conclusion: Neuro-linguistic programming training can make a difference in terms of helping nurse managers to develop interpersonal problem- and conflict-solving skills.Implications for Nursing Management: Nurse managers can use neuro-linguistic programming techniques for conflict management and interpersonal problem-solving occurring in their organizations. For this purpose, it is recommended that pregraduate and postgraduate neuro-linguistic programming training is provided to nurse managers.
  • Publication
    The effect of duration of pressure on bruising and pain in the subcutaneous heparin injection site
    (Wiley, 2020-02-05) Yılmaz, Dilek; Düzgün, Fatma; Durmaz, Havva; Çınar, Hava Gökdere; Dikmen, Yurdanur; Kara, Habibe; YILMAZ, DİLEK; Düzgün, Fatma; Durmaz, Havva; GÖKDERE ÇİNAR, HAVA; Kara, Habibe; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi/Hemşirelik Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi.; 0000-0001-7269-8493; 0000-0002-3122-5099; 0000-0002-5792-5958; AAI-7933-2021; V-6292-2018; EUT-2267-2022; ICN-9303-2023; FDS-4879-2022
    Aim The aim of this study was to determine the effect on pain and bruising of pressure applied for different durations after subcutaneous heparin injection.Methods This research was a quasi-experimental study. The research was performed with 60 patients. Two different injection techniques were applied at an interval of 24 hr to each patient taking part in the study. Method A: after the low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) injection, pressure was applied with dry cotton for 10 s directly after the needle was withdrawn. Method B: after the LMWH injection, pressure was applied with dry cotton for 60 s directly after the needle was withdrawn. After the injection process was completed, the dimension of the bruising formed were evaluated. Also, after the injection process was completed, the patients were asked to show on a visual analog scale the severity of pain felt during the injection. Statistical analysis of the research data was performed with the statistics package IBM SPSS 22.0. The Wilcoxon signed rank test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used in the analysis of the data.Results The results of the statistical analysis showed no statistically significant difference between the mean size of bruising and pain level according to the duration of pressure applied to the injection area (p > .05).Conclusions It was concluded in this study that the duration of pressure applied to the injection site after subcutaneous LMWH injection did not affect the size of bruising or the severity of pain, and, unlike in the literature, that 60 s of applied pressure did not have a positive effect. Also, it was found that gender had an effect on the formation of bruising and the severity of pain, and body mass index had an effect on pain severity. Ten seconds of pressure applied to the injection site after subcutaneous LMWH injection may be enough to reduce complications.