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  • Publication
    Empathic tendencies and professional values in nursing students and their determinants
    (Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2021-12-01) Tekir, Özlem; Çevik, Celalettin; Karadaş, Ayşe; Yıldız, Hicran; YILDIZ, HİCRAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi/Hemşirelik Bölümü; 0000-0003-4241-5231; AAK-5246-2021; AAI-7132-2021
    BACKGROUND: Empathic tendency and professional values should be gained during professional education and developed through professional practices. The study was aimed at determining the empathic tendency and professional values scores and related factors in nursing students.METHODS: The study was cross-sectional. The study population comprised Faculty of Health Sciences. The study data were collected from 364 nursing students who were at nursing department when the study was conducted and accepted to participate in the study. The study data were collected using the Sociodemographic Characteristics Questionnaire, Empathic Tendency Scale and Nursing Professional Values Scale.RESULTS: The mean score the students obtained from the Nursing Professional Values Scale and Empathic Tendency Scale were 100.12 +/- 6.49 and 76.13 +/- 7.21, respectively. The variables such as the type of the high school graduated from, and receiving education on ethical values, empathic tendency, social values and human values explained 32% of the professional values variable. Of these variables, receiving education on social values, empathic tendency scale score, and the type of the high school graduated from and receiving education on human values predicted the professional values score significantly positively.CONCLUSIONS: It was found that the nursing students' compliance with professional values was high, that their empathic tendency was above average and that there was a positive relationship between their professional values and empathic tendency.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of sexual dysfunction in patients with hematological malignancies
    (Elsevier Science, 2021-12-02) Karacan, Yasemin; Yıldız, Hicran; Demircioğlu, Burçin; Ali, Rıdvan; Karacan, Yasemin; YILDIZ, HİCRAN; Demircioğlu, Burçin; ALİ, RIDVAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi/Hemşirelik Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Hematoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0001-8616-4935; 0000-0003-4241-5231; AAI-7132-2021; AAK-5246-2021; GQR-0671-2022; ESW-7456-2022; GXD-8209-2022
    Objective: Physiological and/or psychological problems that affect the quality of life of the patients occur depending on the diagnosis and treatment of hematological malignancies. Cancer treatment causes sexual problems such as infertility, vaginal dryness, and erectile dysfunction in the patients. Erectile dysfunction and loss of sexual desire are the most common sexual problems of men, while dyspareunia and loss of sexual desire are the most common sexual problems of women. This descriptive study was carried out to evaluate sexual problems and affecting factors in the patients with hematological cancer. Methods: Between July 1, 2011, and July 31, 2011, 45 sexually active patients who volunteered to participate in the study and whose written consents were obtained were included in the study. The data of the study were collected using the descriptive characteristics form prepared by the researchers based on the relevant literature and the Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale (ASEX). The scale scores range from 5 to 30 and a score of >11 above indicates sexual dysfunction. Results: Sexual dysfunction was observed in 62.2% of the patients. About 80.0% of women and 57.1% of men had sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction was observed to be highest between the ages of 52-71 (81.2%) years. The mean total ASEX score was 15.90 +/- 4.25 in women and 13.34 +/- 5.37 in men. The ability to reach orgasm subscale score was found to differ by gender in the ASEX scale (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The prevalence of sexual dysfunction is high in the patients with hematological malignancies. It is recommended to evaluate these patients in terms of the presence of sexual dysfunction, as in the patients with other chronic diseases.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of sexual dysfunction in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment
    (Springer, 2021-08-22) Bayram, Rıdvan; Yıldız, Hicran; Karaca Sivrikaya, Sibel; BAYRAM, RIDVAN; YILDIZ, HİCRAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi.; 0000-0003-4241-5231; 0000-0003-1467-5255; AAI-7132-2021; ACM-4054-2022; AAK-5246-2021
    Aim In this study. it was aimed to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction (SD) and the factors that may affect the occurrence of SD in patients receiving hemodialysis treatment. Methods The sample of the study consists of 49 patients (20 females. 29 males) receiving treatment in the hemodialysis unit of a university hospital. The data of the study were collected through a general information form including socio-demographic characteristics and risk factors. Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). International Assessment Form for Erectile Function (IIEF) and Quality of Life Scale (SF-36). Results In our study. SD was detected in all patient groups. While the most affected area was seen to be orgasmic function and the least affected area was sexual desire in famales. the most affected area was found to be orgasmic function and the least affected area was erectile dysfunction in males. Such factors as age. profession. having a child. working status and duration of hemodialysis were found to affect occurrence of SD. There was a relationship between all sub-dimensions of sexual function and quality of life in male and female subjects. Conclusion In conclusion. sexual dysfunction is commonly encountered in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment. In these patients. psychosocial factors as well as disease-related factors have an effect on SD. Therefore. SD should be evaluated together with disease-related factors as well as psychosocial factors in patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment.
  • Publication
    Relationship between family support and quality of life in individuals with diabetes
    (Cukurova Univ, Fac Medicine, 2021-01-01) Aslan, Gamze Yıldız; Tekir, Özlem; Yıldız, Hicran; YILDIZ, HİCRAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi/Hemşirelik Bölümü; 0000-0003-4241-5231; AAK-5246-2021
    Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between family support and quality of life in individuals with diabetes.Materials and Methods: The universe of the study consisted of individuals receiving treatment in the Endocrinology Clinic of Balikesir State Hospital. On the other hand, the sample of the study was made up of 260 individuals with diabetes who met the inclusion criteria and volunteered to participate in the study. Data collection forms included a questionnaire form, Hens arling's Diabetes Family Support Scale, and the Diabetes-Specific Quality of Life Scale.Results: A statistically significant relationship was found between the family status score, which is the subdimension of the Quality of Life Scale, and the total score of Hensarling's Diabetes Family Support Scale and its subdimension scores. As the family status score increased, the total score of the Hensarling's Diabetes Family Support Scale increased as well. There was no statistically significant relationship between the scores of other subscales.Conclusion: As the score of the family status subscale of the Quality of Life Scale of the individuals with diabetes increased, the total score of the Family Support Scale and its subscales increased as well.
  • Publication
    Experiences shared through the interviews from fifteen mothers of children with cerebral palsy
    (Springer, 2015-09-01) Kurtuncu, Meltem; Akhan, Latife Utaş; Yıldız, Hicran; Demirbağ, Birsel Canan; YILDIZ, HİCRAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Yüksekokulu/Hemşirelik Bölümü.; AAI-7132-2021
    The study utilized an interview format to examine the difficulties experienced by mothers of children with cerebral palsy. Interviews were conducted in the province of Zonguldak between December 2013 and February 2014, Turkey, at a special rehabilitation center with 15 children with cerebral palsy and their mothers registered at the center. A voice recorder was used during the interviews, but since the mothers expressed their unwillingness to have their voices recorded during the interviews when they talked about their sexual lives, face to face interviews were held in a suitable physical environment without the use of a recorder. A semi-structured questionnaire was used during the interviews. The couples are troubled with many difficulties that include personal relations, social and economic problems, as well as issues involving the sick child's care and education. Many difficulties that include personal relations, social and economic problems, as well as issues involving the sick child's care and education, trouble couples with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. In connection with these difficulties, it was also seen that the situation took a toll on the sexual lives of parents. In the light of these findings, our recommendation is that rehabilitation centers catering to the education of children with cerebral palsy should have qualified nurses on hand to provide a professional approach to reviewing the difficulties mothers face and emphasizing the importance of sexuality.