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  • Publication
    Fall of another myth for colon cancer: Duration of symptoms does not differ between right- or left-sided colon cancers
    (Aves, 2019-08-01) Öztürk, Ersin; Kuzu, Mehmet Ayhan; Öztuna, Derya; Işık, Özgen; Canda, Aras Emre; Balık, Emre; Erkasap, Serdar; Yoldaş, Tayfun; Akyol, Cihangir; Demirbaş, Sezai; Özoğul, Bünyamin; Topcu, Ömer; Gedik, Ercan; Baca, Bilgi; Ergüner, İlknur; Aşoğlu, Oktar; Erkek, Bülent; Yılmazlar, Tuncay; Reis, Erhan; Gençosmanoğlu, Rasim; Aslar, Ahmet Kessaf; Konan, Ali; Öztürk, Ersin; IŞIK, ÖZGEN; YILMAZLAR, AHMET TUNCAY; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-9541-5035; 0000-0001-8593-5101; 0000-0003-1924-0795; JGW-0566-2023; AAW-9602-2020; CKK-3621-2022
    Background/Aims: Patients with colorectal cancer continue to present with relatively advanced tumors that are associated with poor oncological outcomes. The aim of the present study was to assess the association between localization, symptom duration, and tumor stage.Materials and Methods: A prospective, multicenter cohort study was conducted on patients newly diagnosed with a histologically proven colorectal adenocarcinoma. Standardized questionnaire-interviews were performed. Data were collected on principal presenting symptoms, duration of symptoms (time to first presentation to a doctor and time to diagnosis) and treatment, diagnostic procedures, tumor site, and stage of the tumor (tumor, node, and metastasis (TNM)).Results: A total of 1795 patients with colorectal cancer were interviewed (mean age: 60.76 +/- 13.50 years, male patients: 1057, patients aged >50 years: 1444, colon/rectal cancer: 899/850, right side/left side: 383/1250, stage 0-1-2/stage 3-4: 746/923). No statistically significant correlations were found between duration of symptoms and either tumor site or stage. Principal presenting symptoms were significantly associated with left colon cancer. Patients who had "anemia," "change in bowel habits," "anal pruritus or discharge," " weight loss," and "tumor in right colon" had a significantly longer symptom time.Conclusion: Symptom duration is not associated with localization, nor is the tumor stage. Diagnosis of colorectal cancer at an earlier stage may be best achieved by screening of the population.
  • Publication
    DPYD c.1905+1G>A promotes fluoropyrimidine-induced anemia, a prognostic factor in disease-free survival, in colorectal cancer
    (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc, 2021-04-01) Deligönül, Adem; Aksoy, Seçil; Tezcan, Gülçin; Tunca, Berrin; Kanat, Özkan; Çubukcu, Erdem; Yılmazlar, Tuncay; Öztürk, Ersin; Egeli, Ünal; Çeçener, Gülşah; Alemdar, Adem; Evrensel, Türkkan; DELİGÖNÜL, ADEM; AKSOY, SEÇİL; TEZCAN, GÜLÇİN; TUNCA, BERRİN; Kanat, Özka; ÇUBUKÇU, ERDEM; YILMAZLAR, AHMET TUNCAY; EGELİ, ÜNAL; ÇEÇENER, GÜLŞAH; ALEMDAR, ADEM; EVRENSEL, TÜRKKAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Tıbbi Onkoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi/Temel Bilimler Bölümü.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Tıbbi Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Tıbbi Onkoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Genel Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.; 0000-0002-6400-4911; 0000-0002-5956-8755; 0000-0002-1619-6680; 0000-0001-8593-5101; 0000-0001-7904-883X; 0000-0002-3820-424X; HIZ-7332-2022; AAH-1420-2021; AAH-3843-2020; ESM-4544-2022; JDG-0330-2023; ABI-6078-2020; CYM-0930-2022; ETP-1691-2022; CKK-3621-2022; AAP-9988-2020; EXZ-0745-2022
    Background and Aim: In 10-30% of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients, toxic reactions occur after fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy. A dihydropyridine dehydrogenase (DPYD) gene variant, c.1905 + 1G>A, leads to intolerance to fluoropyrimidines. Due to the low frequency of this variant in many populations, the prevalence of fluoropyrimidine-induced hematologic side effects in CRC patients with the c.1905 + 1G>A variant is unclear. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of the DPYD c.1905 + 1 variants in a Turkish CRC cohort and the potential effects of these variants on fluoropyrimidine-induced hematologic side effects.Materials and Methods: The DPYD c.1905 + 1 variant was genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and confirmed by Sanger sequencing in peripheral blood samples of 100 CRC patients who received fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy and 60 healthy volunteers. The association of c.1905 + 1 variants with susceptibility to hematologic side effects was evaluated.Results: The DPYD c.1905 + 1G>A variant was more common in the CRC group than in the healthy control group (p = 0.001). The presence of the c.1905 + 1G>A variant was associated with thrombocytopenia (p = 0.039) and anemia (p = 0.035). CRC patients with fluoropyrimidine-induced anemia had shorter disease-free survival than CRC patients without fluoropyrimidine-induced anemia (p = 0.0009).Conclusions: Before administering fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy, genetic screening for the DPYD c.1905 + 1G>A variant should be performed with the aim of preventing anemia and anemia-induced complications in CRC patients.
  • Publication
    Early-stage colon cancer with high malat1 expression is associated with the 5-fluorouracil resistance and future metastasis
    (Springer, 2022-07-06) Öztürk, Ersin; Aksoy, Seçil Ak; Tunca, Berrin; TUNCA, BERRİN; Erçelik, Melis; Tezcan, Gulcin; TEZCAN, GÜLÇİN; Çeçener, Gülşah; ÇEÇENER, GÜLŞAH; UĞRAŞ, NESRİN; YILMAZLAR, AHMET TUNCAY; Yerci, Omer; YERCİ, ÖMER; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Tıbbi Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi/Patoloji Anabilim Dalı.; 0000-0002-1619-6680; 0000-0002-5956-8755; 0000-0001-8593-5101; 0000-0002-3820-424X; ADM-8457-2022; AAH-3843-2020
    Background This study aimed to investigate the role of long noncoding RNA (LncRNA) expression profiles to predict relapse and 5-FU response in patients with stage I/II colon cancer (CC). Methods and Results The expression level of 15 LncRNA was analyzed in stage I/II colon tumors of 126 CC patients. To confirm the findings in-vitro, 5FU-resistant HT29 cells were generated by subjecting HT-29 cells to the increasing concentrations of 5FU for 6 months. The 5FU resistance was observed in WST-1 and Annexin V analyses. The colony formation and wound healing assays were assessed to determine the metastatic properties of the cells. Expression levels of LncRNAs and mRNA of EMT-related genes were determined by RT-PCR. The role of LncRNA on metastasis and 5FU sensitivity were confirmed in pcDNA3.0-PTENP1 and si-MALAT1 expressed 5FU-resistant HT29 cell lineages. Results High MALAT1 (p = 0.0002) and low PTENP1 (p = 0.0044) expressions were significantly associated with 5-FU resistance and tumor relapse in stage I/II CC. The invasiveness and colony-forming characteristics of 5-FU-resistant cell lineages were higher as compared to the parent HT-29. Moreover, the expression of MALAT1 (p = 0.0009) was increased while the expression of PTENP1 (p = 0.0158) decreased in 5FU-resistant-HT-29 cells. Si-MALAT1 treatment increased cell sensitivity to 5FU, whereas it decreased invasive behaviors of 5 FU-resistant-HT-29 cells. Conclusion MALAT1 may be a biomarker in predicting recurrence in early-stage CC. Our findings suggest that a cell-based therapy to target MALAT1 could be established for these patients to prevent metastasis and 5-FU resistance.