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  • Publication
    A comparative 3d finite element computational study of stress distribution and stress transfer in small-diameter conical dental implants
    (Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, 2021-12-01) Doğan, Oğuz; Dhanasekaran, Lokesh; Khandaker, Morshed; Kalay, Onur Can; Karaman, Hasan; Karpat, Fatih; KARPAT, FATİH; Doğan, Oguz; DOĞAN, OĞUZ; Yuce, Celalettin; YÜCE, CELALETTİN; Karpat, Esin; KARPAT, ESİN; Dhanasekaran, Lokesh; Khandaker, Morshed; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi.; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği.; 0000-0001-8643-6910; 0000-0001-8474-7328; 0000-0003-1387-907X; 0000-0001-5985-7402; A-5259-2018; GXH-1702-2022; AAV-7897-2020; R-3733-2017
    The implant design is one of the main factors in implant stability because it affects the contact area between the bone and the implant surface and the stressstrain distribution at the bone-implant interface. In this study, the effect of different groove geometries on stress-strain distributions in small-diameter conical implants is investigated using the finite element method (FEM). Four different thread models (rectangular, buttressed, reverse buttressed, and symmetrical profile) are created by changing the groove geometry on the one-piece implants, and the obtained results are compared. The stress shielding effect is investigated through the dimensionless numbers that characterize the load-sharing between the bone-implant. It is determined that the lowest stress distribution is observed with rectangular profiled groove geometry. Besides, it is obtained that the buttressed groove geometry minimizes the stress effects transmitted to the periphery of the implant. The symmetrical profiles had better performance than rectangular profiles in stress transfer.
  • Publication
    Experimental investigation of the impact resistance of involute spur gears
    (IEEE, 2018-01-01) Doğan, Oğuz; Yüce, Celalettin; Karpat, Fatih; Kalay, Onur Can; IEEE; DOĞAN, OĞUZ; YÜCE, CELALETTİN; KARPAT, FATİH; Kalay, Onur Can; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi; 0000-0003-4203-8237; 0000-0003-1387-907X; 0000-0001-8474-7328; 0000-0001-8643-6910; A-5259-2018; GXH-1702-2022; R-3733-2017; GDQ-4936-2022
    Gears are the most commonly used power transmission element in today's world. Due to their advantages, gears are widely used in many sectors such as aerospace, space, wind turbines, automotive, etc. In these sectors the moment, speed and power values that need to be transmitted are increasing day by day. Due to the increased power and moment values, gears are exposed to high dynamic, impact loads and they are subject to damage due to these loads. For this reason, the impact resistance of the gears must be determined carefully in the design phase of the gear. In this study, an experimental method for determining impact loads of the gears is developed. A special drop gear impact test setup is designed and manufactured to determine the impact loads on the gear. The test setup works by dropping the load on the gear tooth from a certain height. In this way, the teeth are broken and the impact load, acceleration and displacement values are measured by using special measurement instruments which are attached on the test setup. The effect of surface hardness on impact loads is investigated. Two different gear samples are used in the experiments. It is seen that the surface hardness has great effect on the impact loads of the gears. It has been found that surface hardened gears have much higher impact strength than unhardened gears.
  • Publication
    Improvement of loading capacity of internal spur gear with using asymmetric trochoid profile
    (Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2018-01-01) Yılmaz, Tufan Gürkan; Doğan, Oğuz; Yüce, Celalettin; Karpat, Fatih; ASME; YILMAZ, TUFAN GÜRKAN; DOĞAN, OĞUZ; YÜCE, CELALETTİN; KARPAT, FATİH; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0003-3772-7871; 0000-0003-4203-8237; 0000-0003-1387-907X; 0000-0001-8474-7328; R-3733-2017; A-5259-2018; GXH-1702-2022; V-6153-2017; AAV-7897-2020
    Today, with numerous advantages such as reduced sliding velocity and wear, higher transmission ratio, higher running efficiency etc., internal spur gears are used in several industrial applications. An internal gear is generated by pinion cutters towards inside of gear blank opposite of external gear. In this study, bending stress of internal spur gear with the asymmetric trochoid profile is investigated. Asymmetry is ensured by using pinion cutter has different tip radius value on its right and left side. This situation is allowed to use larger tip radius on one side. The limit value of tip radius is defined with taking into account cutter addendum height and interference possibility for the given pinion gear parameters. On the other side, asymmetry on the involute region is also examined. Firstly, a mathematical equation of pinion cutter is derived then points of internal gear are obtained by using coordinate transformation, differential geometry and gearing theory in MATLAB. Points of internal gear are exported to CATIA to realize the 3D design. Case studies are conducted for determining the relation between tip radius and pressure angle on bending stress separately with ANSYS program. According to preliminary results, using asymmetric trochoid profile reduces approximately 16% bending stress of internal spur gear.
  • Publication
    Evaluation of biomechanical performances of electrospun fiber anchored silicone disc as an intervertebral disc implant
    (Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2018-01-01) Tummala, Subhakar; Doğan, Oğuz; Karpat, Fatih; Riahinezhad, Shahram; Khandaker, M.; ASME; DOĞAN, OĞUZ; KARPAT, FATİH; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0003-4203-8237; 0000-0001-8474-7328; AAV-7897-2020; A-5259-2018; GXH-1702-2022
    A tissue engineered intervertebral disc (IVD) anchor the circumference and top/bottom sides of nucleus pulposus (NP) implants with annulus fibrosus and endplates. The proper anchorage of a NP implant to annulus fibrosus and endplates is possible by enclosing the NP by electrospun fiber mesh that mimics the surrounding structures. The biomechanical performance of silicone based NP can be improved if electrospun fiber mesh can secure all sides of silicone NP. However, it is unknown whether silicone surrounded by an electrospun nanofiber matrix can better restore the biomechanical functions of the disc in compare to intact, IVD made with silicone only, and, IVD made with silicone anchored all sides by nanofiber. This study compared the compressive and viscoelastic properties of a silicone and electrospun nanofiber anchored silicone discs (ENAS) under compression and shear with the same properties of human NP. This study developed a nonlinear finite element model (FEM) for the intact and ENAS implanted human lumbar vertebra segments. The compression test results show that ENAS disc compressive modulus (87.47 +/- 7.56 kPa, n = 3) is significantly higher in compare to silicone gel (38.75 +/- 2.15 kPa, n = 3) and the value is within the range of the compressive modulus of human NP (64.9 +/- 44.1 kPa). The rheological test results show that ENAS disc compressive modulus (16 similar to 40 kPa) is significantly higher in compare to silicone gel (0.10 similar to 0.16 kPa) and the value is within the range of the compressive modulus of human NP (7 similar to 20 kPa). These results confirm the suitability of ENAS disc over silicone as NP implant. A finite element model has been developed based on the ENAS properties. The FEA results showed that ENAS can restore better the biomechanical motions of a lumbar vertebra segments in compare to silicone NP.
  • Publication
    The investigation of stress distribution on the tractor clutch finger mechanism by using finite element method
    (Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2015-01-01) Karpat, Fatih; Doğan, Oğuz; Yüce, Cellaletin; Kaya, Necmettin; Cengiz, G.; ASME; KARPAT, FATİH; DOĞAN, OĞUZ; YÜCE, CELALETTİN; KAYA, NECMETTİN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0001-8474-7328; 0000-0003-4203-8237; 0000-0003-1387-907X; 0000-0002-8297-0777; AAV-7897-2020; R-3733-2017; GXH-1702-2022; A-5259-2018; R-4929-2018
    In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for tractor usage for agricultural activities in the world. Tractors are an integral part of mechanization and have a crucial role to play to enhance agricultural productivity. They are used for many kinds of farm work, under various soil and field conditions. It provides agricultural activities in challenging conditions by using several farming equipment. During the operations, tractors have to efficiently transfer power from the engine to the drive wheels and PTO through a transmission. Tractor clutch is the essential element in this system. During the torque transmission, loads which occur on the clutch components cause damages. In many cases, especially PTO clutch finger mechanism is fractured under the torque transmission.In this study, finger mechanism, which used in tractor clutch PTO disc, is investigated. Finite element analyses were performed for two different thicknesses (3.5 and 4 mm) of the finger mechanism. Stress and deformation values which occur during the transfer of power in a safe manner are investigated for these thicknesses. The finger mechanism CAD models were created using CATIA V5 and then imported into ANSYS for static finite element analyses. As a result of the analyses, approximately 13% stress decreasing was observed with the increment of the 0.5 mm for the finger thicknesses. Results from the analyses provide an accurate prediction of the material yielding and load path distribution on the PTO clutch fmaer. To verify the analyses results prototype PTO finger mechanism was manufactured and was conducted bench tests. Consequently, a good correlation was achieved between fmite element model and test results.
  • Publication
    Experimental verification and finite element analysis of automotive door hinge
    (Amer, 2015-01-01) Doğan, S.; Güven, C.; Karpat, Fatih; Yılmaz, Tufan Gürkan; Doğan, Oğuz; ASME; KARPAT, FATİH; YILMAZ, TUFAN GÜRKAN; DOĞAN, OĞUZ; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği; 0000-0001-8474-7328; 0000-0003-3772-7871; 0000-0003-4203-8237; V-6153-2017; A-5259-2018; GXH-1702-2022; AAV-7897-2020; CTF-4189-2022; EVY-7464-2022
    In automotive industry, achieving lightweight, low-cost, reliable and more accurate product design are the most important goal. Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is an important tool for achieving this since it decreases prototyping cost and time. Cars have different door system and one of the important part of them is door hinge. An automotive door hinge is mainly composed of three elements, fixed part, mobile part and hinge pin that fasten fixed part and mobile parts. Manufacturers have to perform tests and analysis for ensuring international and customer requirements.In this study, FEA results are compared with static and dynamic test results of front door hinge of automotive according to International specifications. The agreement between the computed and measured values is shown.
  • Publication
    Design and analysis of internal gears with different rim thickness and shapes
    (Amer Soc Mechanical Engineers, 2016-01-01) Karpat, F.; Ekwaro-Osire, S.; Yılmaz, T. G.; Doğan, O.; Yüce, C.; KARPAT, FATİH; YILMAZ, TUFAN GÜRKAN; DOĞAN, OĞUZ; YÜCE, CELALETTİN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makina Mühendisliği Bölümü.; 0000-0001-8474-7328; 0000-0003-4203-8237; 0000-0003-1387-907X; GXH-1702-2022; AAV-7897-2020; V-6153-2017; R-3733-2017; A-5259-2018
    In recent years, thanks to their significant advantages such as compactness, large torque-to-weight ratio, large transmission ratios, reduced noise and vibrations, internal gears have been used in automotive and aerospace applications especially in planetary gear drives. Although internal gears have a number of advantages, they have not been studied sufficiently. Internal gears are manufactured by pinion type cutters which are nearly identical with pinion gear except the addendum factor which is 1.25 instead of 1. The tip geometry of a pinion type cutter which determines the fillet of internal gear tooth can be sharp or rounded. In this study, the design of internal gears were investigated by using a traditional approach. Mathematical equations of pinion type cutter were obtained by using differential geometry, then the equations of internal gear tooth were derived accurately by using coordinate transformations and relative motion between the pinion type cutter and internal gear blank. A computer program was generated to attain points of internal gear teeth and three dimensional design of complete gear. 20-20 were used as pressure angle. To find optimum internal gear geometry, different rim thicknesses and shapes are tried out for finite element analyses. There were several parameters that were shown to effect the performance of the internal gears, with tooth stiffness being the most significant parameter. Tooth stiffness was also vitally influence the dynamic analysis. In order to compute gear tooth stiffness of the internal gear with various rim thicknesses and shapes, finite element analysis was used. A static analysis was performed to assess the gear bending stress and tooth displacement. Tetrahedral element type was selected for meshing. The internal gear outer ring was fixed and the force of 2500 N was applied on the tooth. According to the displacement values from the analysis internal gear tooth stiffness were calculated individually. Additionally, the effect of root bending stress with varying rim thickness, shapes, and root radius were investigated. The bending stresses were calculated according to ISO 6336 and using finite element analysis were shown to be in good agreement. It was shown that when the rim thickness and fillet radius were increased, the maximum bending stresses decreased considerably. As rim thickness was increased, the maximum bending stress decreased nearly 23%. It was also shown that as the fillet radius decreased, the maximum bending stress increased, whereas the rim stresses slightly changed. As the fillet radius was decreased, the maximum bending stress increased nearly 10%. It was also observed that when rim thickness was increased, the stress on the rim was decreased, whereas tooth stiffness was increased. However, fillet radius had no visible effect both on rim stress and tooth stiffness. Furthermore, it was shown that the rim shape had significant effect on rim stress.