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  • Publication
    A parametric study on the effect of blowing parameters of split-type air conditioners on thermal comfort and ventilation
    (Begell House, 2021-01-01) Yuce, Bahadır Erman; Pulat Erhan; PULAT, ERHAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi.; 0000-0002-2432-964X; AAH-7816-2021
    In this study, air distribution, indoor air quality based on carbon dioxide, and thermal comfort are investigated numerically by using a breathing thermal manikin model in an office room that is heated by a split-type air conditioner. The effect of ventilation parameters like inlet temperature and inlet velocity on thermal comfort and CO2 removal is also examined. Measurements of one of the faculty member offices of Bursa Uludag University (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering) are used for office room geometry. The airflow in the room is considered threedimensional, transient, turbulent, multiphase, and compressible. The standard k-epsilon turbulence model is used with scalable wall function. According to the results of this study, the average temperature difference between the warmest and coolest cases is lower than the difference in the blowing temperatures of these cases. Also, according to predicted mean vote (PMV) results, despite different inlet velocities and temperatures, the same comfort levels can be obtained in different cases. Different amounts of CO2 values were also obtained in all cases and it is considered that there is no obvious pattern between examined blowing parameters with CO2 amount in the room.
  • Publication
    Computational investigation of confined wall inclination effects on impinging jet fluid flow and heat transfer
    (Elsevier, 2021-02-05) Pulat, Erhan; Beyazoğlu, Ebubekir; PULAT, ERHAN; Beyazoğlu, Ebubekir
    In this study, the inclination angle effects of the confined wall on impinging jet fluid flow and heat transfer are investigated computationally. Mainly six inclination angles of confinement plate -2 degrees, 0 degrees, 2 degrees, 4 degrees, 6 degrees, and 8 degrees are considered. Flow is assumed two-dimensional, steady, incompressible, and turbulent. Jet Reynolds number is 10200. SST k-omega) turbulence model was chosen since this model is recommended in some recent studies. Conservation equations for the computational model were solved by using ANSYS-Fluent code. Flow structures are completely governed by the inclination angle, and the center of the main vortex moves to the right by increasing the inclination angle. Predictions show that the inclination angle has a great influence on flow characteristics and heat transfer in the wall jet region after the second peak. Local heat transfer increases with the increasing inclination angle of the confinement plate after X/D = 10. The cumulative increase in average Nu number from 0 degrees to 8 degrees is almost 18%.
  • Publication
    Led junction and heatsink number calculation with computational fluids dynamic (CFD)
    (Türk Isı Bilimleri Teknolojisi, 2015-01-01) Sökmen, K. Furkan; Pulat, Erhan; Yamankaradeniz, Nurettin; Coşkun, Salih; PULAT, ERHAN; YAMANKARADENİZ, NURETTİN; COŞKUN, SALİH; AAA-1753-2021; DLL-8342-2022; CMA-0559-2022
    A LED (Light Emmitting Diode) is an optoelectronic component which includes active layer among N and P type semiconductor products like a sandwich and electrical taps. Since 1995 LED is used in automotive sector. On this application, 0.5-0.75-1-1.25 W powered a typical car head light LED's junction temperature (T-j) rates with HAD resolutions at 25, 50, 80 degrees C and heat transmission rates are calculated. The winglet numbers and types, optimum winglet gaps were found out with macro according to evidences. The geometric model of LED was designed by CATIA V5 R19 software. It is divided into its components with ICEM CFD and its temperature analysis is done via ANSYS CFX 14. Its airflow is assumed as in constant regime, laminar and solid. Thermo physical features of the weather's changes related to heat, buoyancy and radiation effects are taken into consideration. Heat transmission rate on circuit and temperature rates are calculated and compared with the literature rates. Appropriate fin design developed with the help of program developed and despite the increasing ambient temperature, junction temperatures taken appropriate values. Optimum fin interval was found to be an important parameter in the design of heat sinks. LED should be located where the ambient temperature is low in headlamp for LED life and performance to be expected level.