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  • Publication
    The effects of jacquard woven fabric constructional parameters and elastane yarn on bending rigidity
    (Inda, 2015-01-01) Süle, Gülcan; SÜLE, GÜLCAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi; GDO-4130-2022
    In this research, the bending property of jacquard woven fabrics and the effects of weft density, weft yarn count, weave, and Lycra inclusion in weft yarn on this property were investigated. Viscose filament warp yarn and polyester and polyester/Lycra weft yarns were used for weaving fabrics, and 4/1 and 7/1 satin weaves with the same jacquard design were used as the ground weave. Experimental results show that the bending rigidities of the fabrics in the warp directions increase as the weft density increases and the weft yarn gets thicker. The bending rigidities of the fabrics woven with a 4/1 satin weave in the warp direction are higher compared to the bending rigidities of the fabrics woven with a 7/1 satin weave in the same direction. Similar to the bending rigidities in the warp direction, as the weft density increases and the weft yarn gets thicker, the bending rigidities of the fabrics in the weft directions increase. When the weft yarn includes Lycra, the bending rigidity values of the fabric decrease in the weft direction. Additionally, similar to the bending rigidity in the warp direction, the jacquard woven fabrics with a 4/1 satin weave have a higher bending rigidity in the weft direction compared to the jacquard woven fabrics with a 7/1 satin weave. It was observed that when the weft density increases, the overall bending rigidities of the fabrics increase. Despite fabrics woven with a polyester/Lycra weft yarn having a thicker weft yarn and heavier weight with the same weft density and weave compared to fabrics woven with a polyester weft yarn, the bending rigidity values in the weft direction have a lower overall fabric bending rigidity.
  • Publication
    Analysis of thermo-physiological comfort properties of 100% acrylic, acrylic/cotton, acrylic/viscose and acrylic/pes blended woven fabrics
    (Inst Natl Cercetare-dezvoltare Textile Pielarie-bucuresti, 2019-01-01) Yavasçaoğlu, Arzu; Eren, Recep; EREN, RECEP; Şule, Gülcan; SÜLE, GÜLCAN; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü.
    In this study, thermo-physiological comfort properties of woven fabrics produced with % 100 acrylic, cotton, viscose and PES weft as well as acrylic/PES, acrylic/cotton and acrylic/viscose weft mixing were investigated. For this purpose, 35 different fabrics were woven with acrylic warp and acrylic, cotton, PES, viscose, acrylic/cotton, acrylic/viscose and acrylic/PES weft yarns, with three different weft densities and plain, twill and satin weaves. Analysis of results showed that the effect of yarn material and weft density on thermal resistance was not observed. It was seen that weave type had an effect on thermal resistance, thermal absorbtivity and air permeability of the fabrics. Air permeability values of fabrics woven with plain weave were lower than those of satin and twill weaves. The air permeability decreased when weft density was increased. According to statistical evaluation, yarn type or yarn material had significant effect and weft density and weave had no significant effect on water vapour resistance.