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  • Publication
    The flexural behavior of the epoxy and polyester based composite sandwich structures at subzero temperatures
    (Elsevier, 2020-08-01) Ertan, Rukiye; Kuş, Abdil; Durgun, İsmail; ERTAN, RUKİYE; KUŞ, ABDİL; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi,/Otomotiv Mühendisliği Bölümü; AAG-9412-2021; KIH-2391-2024
    The present work aims at characterizing the 3D woven spacer composites with carbon fiber reinforced polymer face-sheets under the 3-point flexural test at subzero temperature conditions. For this purpose, sandwich composite panels are manufactured using vacuum assisted resin infusion method for epoxy and polyester matrix materials with 2, 3, and 4 layered face-sheets. The 3-point flexural test was performed for warp and weft direction on liquid nitrogen temperature (-40 degrees C). Macroscopic fracture morphology was examined to understand the deformation and failure mechanism. The results show that the flexural properties were significantly affected by the number of face-sheets and then from matrix material and finally from the composite direction at subzero temperatures.
  • Publication
    Impact behavior of multi-layer carbon skin composite sandwich panels with 3D spacer fabric
    (Carl Hanser Verlag, 2015-07-01) Kuş, Abdil; KUŞ, ABDİL; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu; AAG-9412-2021
    For this study, the strengths against impact effects of multi-layer composite sandwich panels reinforced by additional lamination structures using 3D spacer fabric have been investigated. To determine the impact strengths of the produced sandwich panels, falling weight tests with a constant impact energy of 15 J were performed on all of the samples, and the loads and absorbed energy were monitored as a function of time. In addition, the damage mechanisms occurring in the structure during impact were examined. Overall, according to the analysis of the damaged surface, the different impacts created a regional penetration area. Furthermore, no deviation in the breakdown of the surface texture was observed in the regions outside of the penetration area.
  • Publication
    Application of carbon reinforced composites and rapid prototyping in low volume automotive production
    (Carl Hanser Verlag, 2016-10-01) Durgun, İsmail; Kuş, Abdil; Çankaya, Oğuzhan; Ünver, Ertu; Durgun, İsmail; KUŞ, ABDİL; ÇANKAYA, OĞUZHAN; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü; 0000-0002-9031-6353; AAK-6269-2021; HQZ-2102-2023; AAH-6014-2019; AAG-9412-2021
    In this publication, a method was developed for the production of plastic parts for the use in low volume automotive production. The hollow parts having a complex geometry were produced in blown plastic injection molds. The part production method employed a combination of carbon fiber reinforced composites and rapid prototyping technology. Surface operations were applied on the core model and the effects of the surface quality were researched as a case study. The fused deposition modeling method was used to build the core from soluble material. This technique affected the inside surface roughness and quality of the final parts. As these types of components require smooth surfaces for good air flow and low resistance, the surface area of the physical model of the soluble core was unfortunately too rough to be used directly in the carbon fabric application process and consequently, required preliminary surface treatment in order to improve the surface quality of the manifold part. Specimens were fabricated using different surface treatments in order to determine the smoothest surface quality. The best result was obtained using the acetone-gelcoat post-processing method.
  • Publication
    Influence of cutting parameters on the chip-tool interface temperature during the turning of Waspaloy
    (Carl Hanser Verlag, 2015-09-01) Işık, Yahya; Kuş, Abdil; Çakır, Mustafa Cemal; IŞIK, YAHYA; KUŞ, ABDİL; ÇAKIR, MUSTAFA CEMAL; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik Fakültesi/Makine Mühendisliği Bölümü; AAG-9412-2021; FBP-1850-2022; HOR-0562-2023
    Waspaloy, as a nickel superalloy, is a difficult-to-machine material used for gas turbine engine components that require considerable strength and corrosion resistance at high operating temperatures. The machining of nickel-based alloys generates high temperatures at the cutting tool edge. This research investigated the relationship between cutting parameters and cutting temperature, using a remote temperature measurement method employing an infrared thermometer. In addition, the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness were examined. Experiments were conducted on Waspaloy AMS5708 superalloy samples and a PVD TiAlN-TiN-coated WNVG 080404-IC907 carbide insert was used during the turning process. It was observed that the highest cutting speed and highest feed rate generated higher temperatures and higher surface roughness. Better surface roughness was obtained with the lowest feed rate, the highest cutting speed and the higher cutting depth. No cutting fluid was used in the experiments.
  • Publication
    A modular training project for vocational education and improvement in Turkey
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2009-04-01) ARSLAN, RİDVAN; TEKİN, YÜCEL; Yazıcı, Murat; YAZICI, MURAT; Kuş, Abdil; KUŞ, ABDİL; Kaynak, Z. Gökay; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi; 0000-0002-0111-6879; 0000-0002-8720-7594; J-3560-2012; M-4741-2017; V-1754-2018; AAG-9412-2021
    Various vocational training methods, most of which overlap with lifelong learning programmes, are being used to address the problem of unemployment - an issue of vital importance, especially for developing countries. This article examines the introduction of a modular certification project in Turkey supported by EU training funds. The objective of the project is to enable people who are unemployed to find work and people in employment to improve their professional skills and competences, and therefore their opportunities. The researchers observed the employment status and development of the 245 people who received a certificate. They found that 89% either had found work in a sector consistent with their training, thanks to their participation in the project, or had to taken up a different position in their current field of employment.
  • Publication
    A modular approach for training employees in the automotive service sector a case study in Turkey
    (Sage Publications, 2012-10-01) Arslan, Rıdvan; Kuş, Abdil; ARSLAN, RİDVAN; KUŞ, ABDİL; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu; 0000-0002-0111-6879; V-1754-2018; AAG-9412-2021
    Certified education aimed at developing and documenting professional growth is an important issue for lifelong learning in developing countries. Some firms and educational institutions have applied different educational models to keep up with technological innovations. This study examines a Turkish programme for employees in the automotive sector and asks how the programme should be developed, where it should be conducted, and how it should be evaluated. The aim of the analysis is to develop a certification programme with the cooperation of both the academy and the business sector. Within the scope of the model, 560 people were trained and certified in three years with the support of institutional partnerships and non-governmental organizations. During this process, Bosch Aftermarket signed the Modular Education Act and, consequently, 220 Bosch employees were also trained. The effectiveness of the three-year educational programme was assessed using 360-degree self- and peer-evaluation. When the goals and the outcomes of the programme are compared, the levels of participants' satisfaction and demand for increasing collaboration are encouraging.
  • Publication
    A model of cooperative education - "group leader training program" for industry employees
    (Turkish Online Journal Educational Tech-tojet, 2008-10-01) Mumcu, Haldun; Uzaslan, N. Tufan; ARSLAN, RİDVAN; Arslan, Rıdvan; KUŞ, ABDİL; Kuş, Abdil; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Ziraat Fakültesi; 0000-0002-0111-6879; AAG-9412-2021; V-1754-2018
    Studies on continuous education and alteration are highly significant in order to improve the technical and social abilities of the industry employees. Generally, these kinds of educational facilities are carried on in the range of in-house training. Besides in-house training, it is also possible to improve the abilities of the employees with the projects with the help of the cooperation of the schools and industry.In this research, the initiation, planning, implementation, development and the evaluation of the " Group Leader Training Program" that has been implemented and developed for the training of group leader candidates of Bosch Bursa Plants, which is one of the leading intuitions of automotive industry, is examined. In this model, which comprises the education of the employees in Uludag University, 325 staff in nine groups has been certificated after completing the program of 280 hours and ten modules and other personal development courses between 2001 and 2008. A remarkable progress has been revealed by the former (old)-new (trained) comparative competence evaluations that have been implemented on the educated group leaders within the project. Continuous education and alteration is crucial for the people who work at the engineering technology area in order to improve their social and technical abilities.