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  • Publication
    A pilot study: Is belonging one of the effective factors for perception of cities?
    (Cumhuriyet Univ Tip Fak Psikiyatri Anabilim Dali, 2020-06-01) Kirli Özer, Gözde; KIRLI ÖZER, GÖZDE; Cahantimur, Arzu; ÇAHANTİMUR, ARZU; Kırlı, Selçuk; KIRLI, SELÇUK; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Tıp Fakültesi; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mimarlık Fakültesi; AAI-4727-2021; AAH-2742-2021
    Objective: The identification of the person develops when he/she can distinguish between himself/herself and other relevant persons, and it includes objects, some areas and places that he/she considers his/her own. Thus, place identity is a substructure of self-definition and consists mostly of what one perceives about the physical world in which she lives. In this sense, belonging can be considered as a common field of study psychology, psychiatry and architecture. This study is planned as the first pilot study of a multidisciplinary research series to determine; reflections of the human-place relationship on the selection process and behavior, the perceptions of people about the homeworlds and how changes and/or distortions in perceptions affect people's psychology, and the importance of these effects in terms of psychiatric disorders and what preventive/preventive practices may be. Methods: In order to determine whether the sense of belonging is effective in the perception of a city or not, to measure the current perception of the city, a field study was conducted with the secondary school and undergraduate students who lived in Bursa but had never seen the Iznik before. On a day trip with two groups of students, the city of Iznik was visited by foot on a specific route. At the end of the trip, mental (cognitive) maps were obtained from students about their perception of the city, and then a 12-item General Belonging Scale was applied. Afterwards, the structures which were drawn on the maps and other symbolic elements were grouped as Ottoman, and Roman/Byzantine structures and the dominant preferences were determined for each subject. Conclusion: By comparing the characteristics of these preferences in terms of high and low belonging students' groups, it is concluded that belongingness is an essential factor in the perception of the city.
  • Publication
    Contributions of relational meaning analysis in designs for the exposure and conservation of mosaics
    (Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2021-01-01) Kırlı Özer, Gözde; KIRLI ÖZER, GÖZDE; Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi/İznik Meslek Yüksek Okulu/Mimarlık ve Şehir Planlama Bölümü/Mimari Restorasyon Programı; AAI-4727-2021
    Today, on-site preservation and display are gaining more importance. While this situation reveals the value of the exhibited work, it has necessitated architectural and industrial exhibition structures that will provide the ideal protection conditions. The designed element should be functional and visually reflect the importance and value of the cultural heritage exhibited. While preserving the works, the designed exhibition structures are considered successful to the extent that they provide experiences appealing to different senses to those who come to see them. This success is measured by the preservation rate of the artefacts, the design's ability to respond to the needs of different users, and its ability to respond to spatial qualities that can contribute economically.Within the scope of this study, the relations that need to be considered to make adequate and qualified suggestions for the preservation and display of mosaics that are deemed appropriate to be preserved in situ will be mentioned, and the conditions that are important to be considered in the design process will be underlined.
  • Publication
    An innovative approach in architectural education: Designing a utopia
    (Elsevier, 2013-01-01) Yurtkuran, Selay; Kirli, Gözde; Taneli, Yavuz; Özçınar, Z; Yurtkuran, Selay; KIRLI ÖZER, GÖZDE; Taneli, Yavuz; Özçınar, Z; Uludağ Üniversitesi/Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi/Mimarlık Bölümü; Ozcinar, Z; 0000-0003-0349-1098; C-3035-2008; EIK-1838-2022; CZD-6216-2022
    Architectural design education requires a process oriented studio environment that involves creative thinking and hands on experience. It is suggested that utopias may be a valuable teaching tool within this studio environment. Despite the long history of utopias in 'architecture itself, they have been underutilized as studio teaching material. Utopias may be offered as readings, i.e. Platon's 'The Republic', Thomas More's 'Utopia', and Francis Bacon's 'New Atlantis', but also as avenues of exploration. This paper describes the process undergone in a first-year basic design course of an architecture department, where utopias have been utilized as an educational tool to foster creative thinking skills. Specifically, the process involves the creation of a utopic scenario about 'An Alternate 2012', in a different World following a fracture in time. Students have been assigned with creating new life forms and appropriately designed living spaces. The design process and final products are presented. Potential benefits of this innovative educational approach are discussed further in the article.