Preventive effects of bovine gallstone on murine colon neoplasia: Room for improvement?

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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi

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Bovine gallstone (BGS) has been suggested to be used in the treatment of many diseases including neoplastic maladies in traditional medicine.Thus, this study aimed at evaluating the possible protective effects of BGS in mice colon tumor models. In the experiment, 8-week-old 30 male BALB/c mice weighing 25-30 g were randomly allocated into the control group (n=6), tumor group ((n=6; tumor induced by 1,2- dimethylhydrazine?[DMH]), BGS>DMH group (n=6; BGS given before DMH challenge), BGS//DMH group (n=6; simultaneous administration of BGS andDMH) and DMH>BGS group (n=6; tumor induced by DMH then BGS given). The colonic tumor was induced by weekly subcutaneous injectionof DMH at a 20 mg/kg/mouse dose for consecutive 11 weeks. BGS preparations were given to mice cyclically. Atypical cryptic foci formation inthe colon was examined by histopathological staining. The lowest rate of colon tumor was noted in BGS>DMH group where BGS was given priorto tumor challenge. In addition, simultaneous administration of DMH and BGS to mice inhibited tumor formation and development more significantlythan those in other groups (except for BGS>DMH group). It was concluded that BGS significantly prevented colonic tumor formationif given to subjects before or during tumor challenge however, therapeutic capacity of BGS was not promising in this study.



Bovine, Colon, Gallstone, Mouse, Neoplasia


Demirkan, İ. vd. (2023). "Preventive effects of bovine gallstone on murine colon neoplasia: Room for improvement?". Veteriner Hekimlikte Araştırma Dergisi / Journal of Research in Veterinary Medicine, 42(1), 10-16.


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