The Limits of the EU’s Power in the context of sanctions Imposed to Türkiye in the Eastern Mediterranean.

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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi

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Since the beginning of the 2010s, Türkiye has been subjected to efforts of exclusion from the deepening energy collaborations in the Eastern Mediterranean. In 2020, Turkish Parliament approved a bill authorizing the deployment of troops to support Libya in countering various threats to its stability and integrity. These threats included terrorist organizations, irregular migration that had an impact on the entire region, illegal armed groups, and human trafficking. Additionally, Türkiye took steps to disrupt the anti-Türkiye axis in the region by signing a maritime delimitation agreement with Libya to establish clear boundaries for maritime jurisdictional areas. With this move, Türkiye positioned itself as a game changer in the Eastern Mediterranean. Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus (GCASC), who are uncomfortable with Türkiye’s steps in line with its rightful interests, have made concerted efforts to involve the EU in the issues related to the Eastern Mediterranean region, acting in favor of their own unilateral interests. The EU, eventually, has decided to impose sanctions on Türkiye, particularly as a result of discussions in the European Parliament. The biased and unfair attitude of the EU, coupled with its implementation of sanctions, will have significant political costs on Türkiye-EU relations. In this context, an evaluation is being made regarding the effectiveness of the EU’s stance and applied sanctions, considering the EU’s perspective and its claim to be an actor in the region within the context of the current balance of power




Yücel, Z. (2023). The Limits of the EU’s Power in the context of sanctions Imposed to Türkiye in the Eastern Mediterranean. International Journal of Social Inquiry, 16(2), 461−477.


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