Postmenapozal osteoporozisli hastalarda estrojen tedavisinin yeri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Postmenopozal osteoporozlu 42 hasta bir tedavi programına alındı. Pelvisin tedavi öncesine ve sonrası grafileri alındı. Ca + D vit + Estrojen olan 20 hastada radyolojik inceleme anlamlı bir düzelme gösterdi. Serum alkalen fosfataz değerleri de bu hastalarda azaldı. Öte yandan yalnız Ca + D vit olan 22 hastada radyolojik incelemelerde ve alkalen fosfataz değerlerinde istatistiki anlamlı bir düzelme yoktu. Bu sonuçlardan, estrojen +Ca+ D vit tedavisinin Ca ve D vit tedavisinden daha etkili olduğu söylenebilir.
42 women with postmenapausal osteoporosis were instructed in a treatment program. Roentgenograms of pelvis were taken before treatment and after treatment. X-ray studies showed significant improvement in the osteoporotic 20 patients who received estrogen Ca + D vit Serum alkaline phosphatase levels also decreased in these patients. On the other hand, there was no significant improvement in X-ray studies and alkaline phosphatase levels in 22 patients who received only Ca +D vit. With these results, it can be said that the treatment with estrogen +D vit. is more ef(ective than the treatment with Ca +D vit. in postmenapausal osteoporosis.
42 women with postmenapausal osteoporosis were instructed in a treatment program. Roentgenograms of pelvis were taken before treatment and after treatment. X-ray studies showed significant improvement in the osteoporotic 20 patients who received estrogen Ca + D vit Serum alkaline phosphatase levels also decreased in these patients. On the other hand, there was no significant improvement in X-ray studies and alkaline phosphatase levels in 22 patients who received only Ca +D vit. With these results, it can be said that the treatment with estrogen +D vit. is more ef(ective than the treatment with Ca +D vit. in postmenapausal osteoporosis.
Postmenapozal, Osteoporozisli hastalar, Estrojen tedavisi, Estrogen therapy, Oostmenopausal, Patients with osteoporosis
Yurtkuran, M. vd. (1985). ''Postmenapozal osteoporozisli hastalarda estrojen tedavisinin yeri''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1-2-3), 27-32.