The possible effects of heavy metals in honey as toxic and carcinogenic substances on human health: A systematic review


Heavy metals are widely known through natural resources, natural resources such as soil, dust in the atmosphere, snow and rain. Soil contaminants, especially heavy metals, can be absorbed by plants and enter the food cycle. Heavy metal contamination causes environmental concerns, such as entering the food chain and contaminating food, which can be harmful to human health. Consumption of food contaminated with heavy metals can cause several disorders including genetic toxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, neurotoxicity, endocrine disorders, immune problems and impaired psychosocial function. Bees also absorb heavy metals through the consumption of contaminated water, pollen, and nectar, inhalation of particles during flight, and adhesion of particles to their hairy body as they move on plant and soil surfaces while searching for food. For this review study, keywords such as heavy metals and honey were used. The databases searched in those articles were Google Scholar, SID, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, and ISI. The searched articles were reviewed. Given that honey is a valuable and widely consumed food in the diet of most people in different nations, so the study of the quality of honey in the consumer market in order to maintain the health of consumers seems necessary.
Toprak kirleticileri, özellikle ağır metaller, bitkiler tarafından emilebilir ve besin döngüsüne girebilir. Arılar ayrıca yiyecek ararken bitki ve toprak yüzeylerinde hareket ederken kirli su, polen ve nektar tüketimi, uçuş sırasında partiküllerin solunması ve partiküllerin tüylü vücutlarına yapışması yoluyla ağır metalleri emer. Bu derleme çalışması için ağır metaller ve bal gibi anahtar kelimeler kullanılmıştır. Bu makalelerde aranan veri tabanları Google scholar, SID, Scopus, PubMed, Science direct ve ISI idi. Aranan makaleler incelendi. Balın, farklı uluslardaki çoğu insanın diyetinde değerli ve yaygın olarak tüketilen bir gıda olduğu göz önüne alındığında, tüketicilerin sağlığını korumak için tüketici pazarında bal kalitesinin araştırılması gerekli görünmektedir. Bu konuda kamuoyunu bilgilendirmemiz gerekiyor, bu yüzden bu derleme balda ağır metallerin varlığını açıklıyor.



Bee, Honey, Heavy metals, Toxic, Carcinogenic agent, Carcinogen, Arı, Bal, Ağır metaller, Toksik, Kanserojen madde, Kanserojenler


Manouchehri, A. vd. (2021). ''The possible effects of heavy metals in honey as toxic and carcinogenic substances on human health: A systematic review''. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 21(2), 237-246.