Tanah’ta vahiy anlayışı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Vahiy, Tanrı’nın, gücünü, izzetini, tabiatını, karakterini, iradesini, tarzını ve planlarını, kısacası kendisini insana açıklamasıdır. Hıristiyanların Eski Ahit olarak adlandırdıkları Tanah’ta vahiy, Tanrı’nın güvencesi altındaki bilgilerin bildirilmesiyle sınırlı görülmemiş; Tanrı’nın, kendisini açıklamak üzere insanla karşılaşması şeklinde anlaşılmıştır. Bu nedenle, Tanah’ta vahyin, teofani, rüyet, rüya, Tanrı’nın Meleği, Tanrı’nın Ruhu kadar, Urim ve Thummim, yaratma ve tarih vasıtasıyla da gelmesi mümkün görülmüştür.
Revelation is God’s disclosure to men His power and glory, His nature and character, His will, His ways, and plans –in short, Himself, in order that men may know him. In Tanakh (or Old Testament according to the Christians), revelation is not thought as a mere broadcasting of information divinely guaranteed, but as God’s personal coming to individuals to make Himself known to them. So, in Tanakh, revelation may be received through Urim and Thummim, creation and history, as well as through theophanies, visions, dreams, the Angel of God and the Sprit of God.
Revelation is God’s disclosure to men His power and glory, His nature and character, His will, His ways, and plans –in short, Himself, in order that men may know him. In Tanakh (or Old Testament according to the Christians), revelation is not thought as a mere broadcasting of information divinely guaranteed, but as God’s personal coming to individuals to make Himself known to them. So, in Tanakh, revelation may be received through Urim and Thummim, creation and history, as well as through theophanies, visions, dreams, the Angel of God and the Sprit of God.
Vahiy, Tanrı, Eski Ahit, Revelation, God, Old Testament
Tarakcı, M. (2002). "Tanah’ta vahiy anlayışı". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(1), 193-218.