1826 sonrasında Bektâşilik ve bu alanla ilgili yayın faaliyetleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Osmanlılar döneminde faaliyet gösteren tarikatlar arasında Bektaşiliğin ayrı bir yeri vardır. XIX. yüzyılın başlarında padişah II. Mahmud tarafından ortadan kaldırılan Yeniçerilik’le birlikte, onlarla bağlantılı oldukları gerekçesiyle Bektaşi tarikatı da yasaklanmıştı. Bektaşiler’in, bu yasağın menfi tesirinden kurtulmaları uzun sürmemişti. XIX. asrın ortalarından itibaren yeniden faaliyete geçip, özellikle üst düzey sınıflar içerisinde taraftar kazanmaya başlamışlardı. Bu dönemde oldukça yoğun bir yayın faaliyetine de koyulmuşlar ve oldukça dikkat çekici eserler yayınlamışlardır.
Among the many dervish fraternities which exercised their influence over the lives of a large proportion of the Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire the Bektashis have held a unique place. The massacre of the Janisseries by Mahmud II, in the beginning of the XIX. century, was however followed by persecution of the Bektashi order, who were suspected of having been concerned in the revolts that ensued. Soon they recovered from their consternation and by the middle of the nineteenth century Bektashiism was not only widespread, but finding influence in high places as well. Ther was a very great literary activity during both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The list of Bektashi books published in the nineteenth century is oh great interest.
Among the many dervish fraternities which exercised their influence over the lives of a large proportion of the Turkish people of the Ottoman Empire the Bektashis have held a unique place. The massacre of the Janisseries by Mahmud II, in the beginning of the XIX. century, was however followed by persecution of the Bektashi order, who were suspected of having been concerned in the revolts that ensued. Soon they recovered from their consternation and by the middle of the nineteenth century Bektashiism was not only widespread, but finding influence in high places as well. Ther was a very great literary activity during both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The list of Bektashi books published in the nineteenth century is oh great interest.
Osmanlı, Bektaşilik, Yayın faaliyeti, Ottoman, Bektashi order, Literary activitiy
Çift, S. (2003). "1826 sonrasında Bektâşilik ve bu alanla ilgili yayın faaliyetleri". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1), 249-268.