Şarap kalitesinin geliştirilmesinde Brettanomyces türlerinin killer toksinler ile engellenmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Şarap yapımında tat ve aromayı bozan, özellikle depolama esnasında gözlemlenen Brettanomyces bruxellensis’in yavaş gelişim göstermesi, karakteristik bir özelliğidir. Fermentasyon sırasında metabolik aktivite sonucunda ortaya çıkan yan ürünlerin inhibisyonu ile ortamdaki konsantrasyonunun azaldığı bilinmektedir. Ancak şarabın depolanması ve olgunlaştırılması gibi aşamalarda ortamda yeniden çoğaldığı da belirtilmektedir. B. bruxellensis’in şaraba bulaşması sonucunda kültüre alınamayan canlı formda uzun süre kaldığına dair hipotezler bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle rutin mikrobiyolojik analizlerde bulaşı olduğu anlaşılamamakta ve şarabın olgunlaştırılması aşamasında B. bruxellencis yeniden çoğalarak, kötü tat, renk ve kokuya neden olabilmektedir. Diğer mayalara benzer şekilde az miktarda karbon kaynağı bulunan ortamda, düşük konsantrasyonlarda sülfür dioksit (SO2) ve etanol varlığında gelişmeye devam edebilmektedir. Şarap yapımında en önemli sorun olarak bilinen B. bruxellensis, özellikle SO2 kullanımı ile engellenmektedir. Ancak SO2’nin antimikrobiyel etkisinin yanında alerjik bünyelerde reaksiyona neden olması gibi olumsuz etkileri de söz konusudur. Bazı mayaların, yabani mayalara karşı “killer toksin” olarak bilinen bileşikler üretmesi göz önüne alınarak yapılan çalışmalarda B. bruxellencis’in inhibe edilebildiği ve şarap yapımında kullanılan Saccharomyces cerevisiae ve malolaktik fermentasyonu gerçekleştiren laktik asit bakterilerinin inhibisyona uğramadığı bildirilmektedir. Bu derleme kapsamında özellikle şarap kalitesini etkileyen yabani mayaların “killer toksin” ile bertaraf edilmesi hakkında güncel bilgiler yer almaktadır.
The slow growth is a characteristic feature of Brettanomyces bruxellensis which spoils taste and flavour of wine and is observed especially during the storage period. The concentration of this yeast at the medium is known that to decrease because of the inhibition effects of by-products resultant of metabolic activity existed at the fermentation period. However its concentration can show an increase during its storage and aging periods. There is a hypothesis that although B. bruxellencis is in a viable form after spoilage to the wine, can remain non-culturable state for long periods of time. Thus, spoilage cannot be observed by routine culture methods and B. bruxellencis can grow again during storage time that causes off-flavour, undesirable colour and smell. The yeast can grow like the other yeasts at the medium lacking in carbon source and including SO2, ethanol in low concentrations. B. bruxellencis known as the most important problem for wine production can be prevented by the use of SO2. However SO2 has negative effect as causing allergic reactions besides its antimicrobial effect. In some studies considering compounds known as killer toxins which are produced by some yeast species against wild yeasts, it is indicated that some yeast species can inhibit B. bruxellencis whereas other microorganisms-used for production of wine- such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and lactic acid bacteria carrying out malolactic fermentation are not inhibited. In this review, some current information takes part about eliminating of wild yeasts effecting the wine quality in especial by killer toxin.
The slow growth is a characteristic feature of Brettanomyces bruxellensis which spoils taste and flavour of wine and is observed especially during the storage period. The concentration of this yeast at the medium is known that to decrease because of the inhibition effects of by-products resultant of metabolic activity existed at the fermentation period. However its concentration can show an increase during its storage and aging periods. There is a hypothesis that although B. bruxellencis is in a viable form after spoilage to the wine, can remain non-culturable state for long periods of time. Thus, spoilage cannot be observed by routine culture methods and B. bruxellencis can grow again during storage time that causes off-flavour, undesirable colour and smell. The yeast can grow like the other yeasts at the medium lacking in carbon source and including SO2, ethanol in low concentrations. B. bruxellencis known as the most important problem for wine production can be prevented by the use of SO2. However SO2 has negative effect as causing allergic reactions besides its antimicrobial effect. In some studies considering compounds known as killer toxins which are produced by some yeast species against wild yeasts, it is indicated that some yeast species can inhibit B. bruxellencis whereas other microorganisms-used for production of wine- such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and lactic acid bacteria carrying out malolactic fermentation are not inhibited. In this review, some current information takes part about eliminating of wild yeasts effecting the wine quality in especial by killer toxin.
Şarap, Brettanomyces bruxellencis, Killer toksin, Wine, Killer toxin
Gülgör, G. ve Korukluoğlu, M. (2015). "Şarap kalitesinin geliştirilmesinde Brettanomyces türlerinin killer toksinler ile engellenmesi". Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(2), 183-192.