Kıvırcık koyunlarında Progesteron ve farklı dozda PSMG kullanımının kızgınlık denetimi ve döl verimini arttırma olanakları

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This study was carried out in Kivircik ewes to increase reproductive performance and synchronize oestrus by using progestagen pessaries (40 mg FGA) and different doses of PMSG (0, 500 and 700 IU) during the breeding season. Free mating occurred in the herd and 76% of all births were completed in the first week. Fertility, single birth rates, fecundity and prolificacy in the three different groups were found to be 94.87%, 96.66% and 100.00%: 78.38%. 55.18% and 38.46% (P<0.05 and P<0.01): 21.62%, 44.82% and 61.54% (P<0.05 and P<0.01): 115.38%. 153.33% and 196.15% (P<0.01) and 121.62%, 158.62% and 196.15% (P<0.01), respectively. Progestagen and PMSG treatment synchronized oestrus effectively and increased fertility and prolificacy significantly in Kivirak ewes.



Progestagen, PMSG, Kıvırcık ewes, Reproduction characters, Veterinary sciences


Koyuncu, M. vd. (2001). "Synchronization of oestrus and the possibilities of improving reproductive performance by using progestagen and different doses of PMSG in Kivircik ewes". Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Science, 25(6), 971-974.