Floral and geometrical motives of the pavement mosaics in East and West. The example of the Roman villa of Abicada

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Even if the figurative mosaics are usually the ones to catch the attention of the archeologists and the public, we cannot deny the meaning of the geometrical and the floral motives for the study of the mosaics landscape in the roman world. The combination of the different motives, the colors chosen for each motive and their combination can help to identify the influences that determined the making of the pavements. East and West of the Roman Empire are no exceptions to this phenomenon.



Mosaics, Decorative discourse, Influences, East and west, Floral and geometrical motiv, Mozaik, Doğu ve batı, Dekoratif söylem


Kremer, M. J. D. (2012). "Floral and geometrical motives of the pavement mosaics in east and west. The example of the Roman villa of Abicada". Journal of Mosaic Research, 5, 59-70.
