Romatoid artritte gece medikasyonunda diazepam'ın yeri
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Bursa Üniversitesi
Çalışma 20 romatoid artritli hasta üzerinde yapıldı. 10 hastadan oluşan I. gruba 2 haftalık sağıtım süresinde 100 mg. endometazin + 10 mg. diazepam verildi. II. gruptaki 10 hastaya yalnız 10 mg. diazepam verildi. Romatoid artrit aktivite ölçütlerinden sabah tutukluğu, kavrama gücü ve gece ağrısı izlendi. Sonuç olarak her iki hasta grubu arasında sağıtım sonrasında istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir ayırım bulunmadı.
The study performed on 20 patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. First group consisted of 10 patients received 100 mg. indomethacin and 10 mg. diazepam for 2 weeks. Second group also consisted of 10 patients received only 10 mg. diazepam. Morning stiffness, grip test and night pain were controlled as our parometers for activation of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Our results confirm that there isn't any significant difference between the two groups.
The study performed on 20 patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. First group consisted of 10 patients received 100 mg. indomethacin and 10 mg. diazepam for 2 weeks. Second group also consisted of 10 patients received only 10 mg. diazepam. Morning stiffness, grip test and night pain were controlled as our parometers for activation of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Our results confirm that there isn't any significant difference between the two groups.
Romatoid artrit, Gece medikasyonu, Diazepam, Night medication, Rheumatoid arthritis
Yurtkuran, M. vd. (1981). "Romatoid artritte gece medikasyonunda diazepam'ın yeri". Bursa Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 121-126.