Kasaplık sığırlarda Campylobacter varlığının ISO 10272-1: 2017 ile belirlenmesi
Gürler, Fatma
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Kasaplık sığırlarda güncel termofilik Campylobacter prevalansının belirlenmesinin hedeflendiği bu çalışmada, Bursa’da faaliyet gösteren 2 yüksek kapasiteli kombina ve 1 belediye mezbahasından Kasım 2023 - Mart 2024 tarihleri arasında, 5 aylık dönemde, 4 parti halinde örnekleme yapıldı. Alınan 61 adet karkas svap ve 61 adet sekal içerik olmak üzere toplam 122 örnek, termofilik Campylobacter varlığı yönünden ISO 10272-1:2017 standart metodu gerekliliklerine uyularak analiz edildi. Örnek tipi göz önünde bulundurulmaksızın genel prevalansın %40,16 (49/122) olduğu, örnek tipine göre değerlendirildiğinde ise sığır karkaslarının %42,62(26/61)’sinin, sekal içeriklerin %37,70 (23/61)’inin bu patojeni taşıdığı belirlendi. Biyokimyasal identifikasyon sonucunda, izolatların %67,35 ’inin C. jejuni,%14,29’unun C. coli, %4,08’inin C. jejuni subsp. doylei ve %2,04’ünün C.hyointestinalis olduğu bulundu. İzolatların %10,20’sine canlandırılamaması nedeniyle identifikasyon yapılamazken, %2,04’ü ise identifiye edilemedi. Karkas izolatlarının%57,69’u C. jejuni, %26,92’si C. coli, %3,85’i C. jejuni subsp. doylei ve %3,85’i C.hyointestinalis olarak identifiye edildi. Sekal içerik izolatlarının ise %78,26’sı C.jejuni, %4,35’i C. jejuni subsp. doylei olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, kasaplık sığırlarda termofilik campylobacterlerin oldukça yüksek oranda bulunması, kanatlı hayvan etleri yanı sıra kırmızı etin de bu etken yönünden önemli bir kaynak oluşturabileceğini göstermektedir. Zoonotik potansiyeli göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, güncel Campylobacter prevalans bulgularımızın, özellikle kırmızı et endüstrisi olmak üzere ulusal/uluslararası literatüre tarafsız veri oluşturacağı düşünülmektedir.
This study aimed to determine the current thermophilic Campylobacter prevalence in slaughter cattle, where the sampling was conducted between November2023 - March 2024 in four batches over a five-month’s period from two high-capacityslaughterhouses and one municipal abattoir located in Bursa. A total of 122 samples,comprised of 61 carcass swabs and 61 cecal contents were collected, and analyzed forthe presence of thermophilic campylobacters according to the requirements of ISO10272-1:2017 standard method. Overall prevalence was 40,16% (53/135) regardlessof the sample type, while based on sample type, 42,62% (26/60) of the carcasses and37, 70% (23/60) of the cecal contents was found to carry the pathogen.Biochemical identification results revealed that 67,35%, 14,29%, 4,08%, and2,04% of the isolates were C. jejuni, C. coli, C. jejuni subsp. doylei and C.hyointestinalis, respectively. Identification could not be performed on 10,20% of theisolates, due to loss of culture in cold storage, while 2,04% could not be biochemicallyidentified. Of the carcass isolates, 57,69% were determined as C. jejuni, 26,92% wereC. coli, 3,85% was C. jejuni subsp. doylei, and 3,85% was C. hyointestinalis. Amongcecal content isolates, 78,26% were determined as C. jejuni, while 4,35% was C. jejunisubsp. doylei.In conclusion, high prevalence of thermophilic campylobacters in slaughter cattleindicates red meat as a significant source for this pathogen besides poultry meat. Considering its zoonotic potential, we believe that our current Campylobacter prevalence results will contribute as unbiased data particularly to the red meat industryand to national/international literature.
This study aimed to determine the current thermophilic Campylobacter prevalence in slaughter cattle, where the sampling was conducted between November2023 - March 2024 in four batches over a five-month’s period from two high-capacityslaughterhouses and one municipal abattoir located in Bursa. A total of 122 samples,comprised of 61 carcass swabs and 61 cecal contents were collected, and analyzed forthe presence of thermophilic campylobacters according to the requirements of ISO10272-1:2017 standard method. Overall prevalence was 40,16% (53/135) regardlessof the sample type, while based on sample type, 42,62% (26/60) of the carcasses and37, 70% (23/60) of the cecal contents was found to carry the pathogen.Biochemical identification results revealed that 67,35%, 14,29%, 4,08%, and2,04% of the isolates were C. jejuni, C. coli, C. jejuni subsp. doylei and C.hyointestinalis, respectively. Identification could not be performed on 10,20% of theisolates, due to loss of culture in cold storage, while 2,04% could not be biochemicallyidentified. Of the carcass isolates, 57,69% were determined as C. jejuni, 26,92% wereC. coli, 3,85% was C. jejuni subsp. doylei, and 3,85% was C. hyointestinalis. Amongcecal content isolates, 78,26% were determined as C. jejuni, while 4,35% was C. jejunisubsp. doylei.In conclusion, high prevalence of thermophilic campylobacters in slaughter cattleindicates red meat as a significant source for this pathogen besides poultry meat. Considering its zoonotic potential, we believe that our current Campylobacter prevalence results will contribute as unbiased data particularly to the red meat industryand to national/international literature.
Termofilik campylobacter, Sığır, Karkas, Sekal içerik, ISO 10272- 1:2017, Thermophilic campylobacter, Cattle, Carcass, Cecal content
Gürler, F. (2024). Kasaplık sığırlarda Campylobacter varlığının ISO 10272-1: 2017 ile belirlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü.