Pankreas psödokistleri ve bir komplikasyon olarak ortaya çıkan kisto-reno-kutaneal fistül
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Trafik kazası sonucu acilen operasyona alınan, mide perforasyonu, dalak rüptürü ve pankreas rüptürü saptanan; gerekli tedavisinden sonra taburcu edilen hastada gelişen pankreas kistinin böbrek pelvisi ile iştirakli olduğu saptandı. Nadir rastlanması nedeniyle yayınlanması uygun görüldü.
In a emergently operated patient due to automobile accident gastric perforation, splenic rupture and pancreatic rupture were found after adequate treatment the patient was discharged thereafter a pancreatic cyst in connection with kidney pelvis occured. Because of its rare incidence we wanted to present it.
In a emergently operated patient due to automobile accident gastric perforation, splenic rupture and pancreatic rupture were found after adequate treatment the patient was discharged thereafter a pancreatic cyst in connection with kidney pelvis occured. Because of its rare incidence we wanted to present it.
Pankreas psödokistler, Pancreatic pseudo-cysts, Kisto-reno-kutaneal fistül, Cysto-reno-cutaneal fistula, Pancreatic pseudo-cyst, Komplikasyon
Devranoğlu, M. vd. (1983). "Pankreas psödokistleri ve bir komplikasyon olarak ortaya çıkan kisto-reno-kutaneal fistül". Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1), 91-98.