Yığılca balarısı (apis mellifera l.)’nın hijyenik davranış bakımından performanslarının belirlenmesi ve geliştirilmesi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Yığılca balarısının hijyenik davranış düzeyinin belirlenmesi ve geliştirilmesidir. Bu amaçla ilk önce halk elinde rastgele seçilen 250 koloniye iğneleme metodu uygulandı. Birinci yıl halk elindeki 250 kolonide yapılan çalışma sonunda ortalama ≥ %85 hijyenik davranış gösteren kolonilerden en yüksek performans gösteren 50 koloni satın alınarak Düzce Üniversitesi Arıcılık Araştırma Geliştirme ve Uygulama Merkezi (DAGEM)’ne getirildi. Burada aynı çevre koşullarında kışı geçiren koloniler ikinci (2014 yılı) daha sonra üçüncü (2015 yılı) hijyenik davranış çalışmasına tabi tutuldu. Üç yıllık verilerin ortalamasına göre 50 koloni arasından %95’in üzerinde hijyenik davranış gösteren kolonilerden 24. saatin sonunda %95’in üzerinde hijyenik davranış gösteren kolonilerden anaarı yetiştirildi. Bu anaarılar en fazla hijyenik davranış gösteren diğer kovanların erkek arılarından alınan 8-10 µL semen ile suni tohumlama yöntemi kullanarak döllendi. Toplamda 11 dölleme başarıyla yapıldı. Bu anaarıların 5’i sağlıklı bir şekilde yaşamaya ve yumurtlamaya devam etti. Suni tohumlama ile elde edilen kolonilerin toplam hijyenik davranış performansı (THB) max. %97.633, min. %94.499 olarak belirlendi. Hijyenik davranış performansı en yüksek olan koloni anaarı yetiştirmek üzere damızlık koloni olarak ayrıldı. Ayrıca çalışılan koloniler 48 saat içerisinde 24 saatte olduğundan daha fazla hijyenik davranış performansı göstermiştir.
The aim of the study, to determine and improvement the performance of hygienic behavior of the bees located in the Yıgılca district. For this purpose, pin-killing method was applied to 250 colonies. At first step 50 colonies performing hygienic behavior over 85 % were purchased from beekeepers and migrated Duzce University Beekeeping Research Development and Application Centre (DAGEM). Colonies wintering in the same environmental conditions in DAGEM were subjected to second hygienic behavior test in the spring months of 2014. Later third hygienic behavior test was applied on these 50 colonies. Among of these colonies performing hygienic behavior (THB) over 95% were selected. To established and maintain a hygienic line of bees, queen bees were raised from colonies that consistently removed at least 95% of the pin-killed brood within 24 h. and 48 h. Each daughter queen was instrumentally inseminated with 8-10 µL semen of drones collected from other colonies with similar removal rates. Totally 11 daughter queen bees were successfully inseminated. Five of them survived and continued to give offspring. In conclusion the hygienic colonies were derived from Yığılca honeybees. Total hygienic performance of the colonies obtained by artificial insemination was determined as min 94.499% and max. 97.633%. Colonies with the highest hygienic behavior performance were used for queen bee breeding. Moreover colonies studied, showed great higher hygienic behavior performance in 48h than those of 24h.
The aim of the study, to determine and improvement the performance of hygienic behavior of the bees located in the Yıgılca district. For this purpose, pin-killing method was applied to 250 colonies. At first step 50 colonies performing hygienic behavior over 85 % were purchased from beekeepers and migrated Duzce University Beekeeping Research Development and Application Centre (DAGEM). Colonies wintering in the same environmental conditions in DAGEM were subjected to second hygienic behavior test in the spring months of 2014. Later third hygienic behavior test was applied on these 50 colonies. Among of these colonies performing hygienic behavior (THB) over 95% were selected. To established and maintain a hygienic line of bees, queen bees were raised from colonies that consistently removed at least 95% of the pin-killed brood within 24 h. and 48 h. Each daughter queen was instrumentally inseminated with 8-10 µL semen of drones collected from other colonies with similar removal rates. Totally 11 daughter queen bees were successfully inseminated. Five of them survived and continued to give offspring. In conclusion the hygienic colonies were derived from Yığılca honeybees. Total hygienic performance of the colonies obtained by artificial insemination was determined as min 94.499% and max. 97.633%. Colonies with the highest hygienic behavior performance were used for queen bee breeding. Moreover colonies studied, showed great higher hygienic behavior performance in 48h than those of 24h.
Hijyenik davranış, İğneleme yöntem, Yığılca balarısı, Islah ve seleksiyon, Hygienic behavior, Pin-killing method, Yigilca honeybee, Breeding and selection
Kekeçoğlu, M. vd. (2015). "Yığılca balarısı (apis mellifera l.)’nın hijyenik davranış bakımından performanslarının belirlenmesi ve geliştirilmesi". Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 15(2), 47-59.