Bal arısı (Apis Mellifera L.) zararlısı varroa destructor’a karşı sonbaharda farklı formda uygulanan oksalik ve formik asitin etkisi
Güneşdoğdu, Mustafa
Abacı, Samet Hasan
Şekeroğlu, Ahmet
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma, dünya çapında bal arısı (Apis mellifera L.) yetiştiriciliğinde koloni kayıpları ve verim düşüklüğünün başlıca sebebi olarak görülen Varroa destructor parazitine karşı farklı formda uygulanan oksalik ve formik asidin etkinliğini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Formik asit iki deneme grubuda (FormicProTM; %70’lik sıvı formik asit), oksalik asit altı deneme grubunda (Damlatma; Sprey; Sublimasyon; Gliserinli Havlu; Ayçiçek Yağlı Havlu; Ultrasonik Sisleme) test edilmiştir. Kontrol grubu, çalışma süresince hiçbir uygulamaya maruz kalmamıştır. Sonuçlara göre, varroaya karşı en yüksek etki FormicProTM grubunda belirlenmiştir (P<0.001). Ancak, formik asit gruplarında kolonilerin kuluçka faaliyeti neredeyse tamamen durmaktadır. Hiçbir uygulama yapılmayan kontrol grubu ve ultrasonik sisleme makinası ile uygulama yapılan oksalik asit grubunda varroa popülasyonu artış göstermiştir (P<0.001). Sonbaharda, çalışmanın yapıldığı konumda her uygulamanın varroa'ya karşı yeterince etkili kontrol sağlamadığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
This study was carried out to determine different forms of the effectiveness of oxalic and formic acid applied against Varroa destructor parasite, which is seen as the main cause of colony losses and low yield in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) worldwide. Formic acid was tested in two trial groups (FormicProTM; 70% liquid formic acid) and oxalic acid in six trial groups (Dribbling; Spray; Sublimation; Glycerine Shop towel; sunflower Oil Shop Towel; Ultrasonic Fogging). The control group was not exposed to the application during the study. According to the results, the highest effect against varroa was determined in the FormicProTM group (P<0.001). However, incubation activity of colonies almost completely ceases in formic acid groups. The rate of varroa infestation increased control group and the oxalic acid group treated with an ultrasonic fogging machine (P<0.001). In the autumn, it was concluded that not every application provided effective control against varroa at the location where the study was conducted.
This study was carried out to determine different forms of the effectiveness of oxalic and formic acid applied against Varroa destructor parasite, which is seen as the main cause of colony losses and low yield in honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) worldwide. Formic acid was tested in two trial groups (FormicProTM; 70% liquid formic acid) and oxalic acid in six trial groups (Dribbling; Spray; Sublimation; Glycerine Shop towel; sunflower Oil Shop Towel; Ultrasonic Fogging). The control group was not exposed to the application during the study. According to the results, the highest effect against varroa was determined in the FormicProTM group (P<0.001). However, incubation activity of colonies almost completely ceases in formic acid groups. The rate of varroa infestation increased control group and the oxalic acid group treated with an ultrasonic fogging machine (P<0.001). In the autumn, it was concluded that not every application provided effective control against varroa at the location where the study was conducted.
Bal arısı, Formik asit, Oksalik asit, Etkinlik, Varroa destructor, Honeybee, Formic acid, Oxalic acid, Activity, Varroa destructor
Güneşdoğdu, M. vd. (2022). ''Bal arısı (Apis Mellifera L.) zararlısı varroa destructor’a karşı sonbaharda farklı formda uygulanan oksalik ve formik asitin etkisi''. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 22(2), 166-175.