New earlier paleolithic sites near bursa in northwest anatolia (Turkey) - A preliminary report

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Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum


Two new Paleolithic sites located in the southern Marmara region of Northwest Anatolia - the Sahinkaya cave and an open air site at the Uludag university campus, Bursa - are discussed, contributing substantially to the as yet meagre number of archaeologically attested Pleistocene activities in Turkey. The lithic assemblages from the Sahinkaya cave as well as from the Uludag university campus prove (at least) Middle Paleolithic activities. Further research in cooperation with the Bursa Archaeological Museum is planned to prevent further destruction of these sites by looting, especially of the Sahinkaya cave.



Anatolia, Cave, Marmara Region, Middle Paleolithic, Open air site, Turkey, Archaeology


Şahin, M. vd. (2009). "New earlier paleolithic sites near bursa in northwest anatolia (Turkey) - A preliminary report". Archaologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 39(2), 153-162.