The effect of gender factor on mandibular morphometry in Abaza goats

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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi


In In this study, the mandibles of Abaza goats were examined macroanatomically and morphometrically. A total of 14 adult (7 female / 7 male) Abaza goat mandibles of both sexes of different age and of body weight were used. Mandibles was removed from the head and cleaned of skin and rough meat, then macerated with hydrogen peroxide for 25-30 minutes and the lengths of 16 different points were measured by electronic caliper (0.00, BTS, UK) according to the literature. Mean, standard deviation and correlation values of all measurements were determined in SPSS (20.0) version program. As a result of the statistics, the mean length of mandible in females was 158,73 mm and in males 148,72 mm. The mean height was 90.46 mm in females and 88.60 mm in males. Morphometric measurements showed that all lengths except L15 were higher in female Abaza goats. Only a significant difference was found between mandibular height (L16) at the level of the anterior alveolar edge of the second premolar tooth (P<0,01).



Abaza goat, Mandible, Morphometry


Dalga, S. ve Aslan, K. (2021). ''The effect of gender factor on mandibular morphometry in Abaza goats''. Veteriner Hekimlikte Araştırma Dergisi, 40(1), 31-34.