Mesnevi ve Türk irfanı: Mesnevihanlık geleneği
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Mevlânâ Celâleddin-i Rumi, sufi kimliği ile dini-sosyal tarihimizi etkilediği gibi, şâir ve düşünür olarak da kültür, edebiyat ve düşünce tarihimize önemli katkılar sağlamıştır. Bu makalede, onun şâir yönü sûfiliğinden ayrı tutulmadan, özellikle en temel eseri olan Mesnevî etrafında teşekkül eden Mesnevîhânlık kavramından yola çıkılarak Türk irfânına katkıları tartışma konusu edilmektedir. Mesnevîhânlık, başlangıçta Mevlevîhânelerde Mesnevî takrir eden Mevlevî dedelerini ifade etmek için kullanılan bir kavramken, zamanla mahiyeti ve anlamı genişlemiştir. Böylece ister Mevlevî gelenekten gelsin, ister farklı bir muhite mensup olsun, Mesnevî okutan ve şerh eden kişileri ifade eder olmuştur. Bilhassa 18. yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren özellikle Nakşî kökenli Mesnevîhânların sayısı artmıştır. Bu durum Mesnevî’nin daha geniş kitlelerce okunup, esaslarının benimsenmesine imkan vermiştir.
Maulana Jelaluddin Rumi has contributed to our culture, literature and history of thought as a poet and thinker as well as he affected our religious and social history as a Sûfî. In this article, without separating his two sides as poet and Sûfî, his contributions to Turkish Gnosticism is discussed in the light of term “masnavihanlik” (Masnavi recitation) which was formed from his major work, Mathnawī. While the term “masnavihan” was initially used for Mawlawi Dedes who recited Mathnawī in Mawlawihanas (houses of mawlawi), eventually its meaning changed and came to mean anybody who recite and interpret Mathnawī, regardless of his affiliation. Especially in the last quarter of the 18th century, masnavihans from Nakshbandi origin increased in number. Thus crowds of people had the opportunity to read Mathnawī and appropriate its ideas.
Maulana Jelaluddin Rumi has contributed to our culture, literature and history of thought as a poet and thinker as well as he affected our religious and social history as a Sûfî. In this article, without separating his two sides as poet and Sûfî, his contributions to Turkish Gnosticism is discussed in the light of term “masnavihanlik” (Masnavi recitation) which was formed from his major work, Mathnawī. While the term “masnavihan” was initially used for Mawlawi Dedes who recited Mathnawī in Mawlawihanas (houses of mawlawi), eventually its meaning changed and came to mean anybody who recite and interpret Mathnawī, regardless of his affiliation. Especially in the last quarter of the 18th century, masnavihans from Nakshbandi origin increased in number. Thus crowds of people had the opportunity to read Mathnawī and appropriate its ideas.
Mevlana, Mesnevi, Mesnevihan, Türk İrfanı, Maulana, Mathnawi, Mathnawi reciter, Turkish gnosticism
Kemikli, B. (2007). "Mesnevi ve Türk irfanı: Mesnevihanlık geleneği". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 1-20.