Unstabl angina pectoris
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Bursa Üniversitesi
Unstabl Angina Pectoris klasik angina pectoristen arklı; anamnez, klinik tablo, elektrokardiografi bulgulara sahiptir. Bu klinik sendromun tanımlanmasına elektrokardiyogram beraber non invaziv metotlardan yararlanılır. Koroner anjio ve ameliyatların arttığı 1950 yılından beri sendromun tanımlanması ve klasik angina pektoriste ayırt edilmesi önem kazanmıştır. Son zamanlarda gelişen koroner arter cerrahisi tıbbi tedavi kadar iyi sonuçlar vermektedir.
Unstable angina pectoris with different history, clinical picture, and electrocardiographic findings differs from the classic angina pectoris. This clinical syndrome has been diagnosed by invasive methods since 1950. The results obtained from the surgical treatment methods of coronary arteries are as good as the results of medical treatment methods.
Unstable angina pectoris with different history, clinical picture, and electrocardiographic findings differs from the classic angina pectoris. This clinical syndrome has been diagnosed by invasive methods since 1950. The results obtained from the surgical treatment methods of coronary arteries are as good as the results of medical treatment methods.
Unstabl angina pectoris, Koroner arter cerrahisi, Coronary artery surgery
Yenigün, M. vd. (1980). ''Unstabl angina pectoris''. Bursa Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(3), 187-196.