İpekböceği (bombyx mori) ovaryumundan alman yumurtalarda çeşitli yöntemlerle partenogenetik gelişmenin uyarılması
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma ipek böceğinde döllenmemiş (ovaryum özellikli) yumurtalarda partenogenetik gelişmenin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada M, N saf ve M x N, S x Shunrei hibrit hatlarından elde edilen döllenmemiş yumurtalar kullanılmıştır. Bu yumurtalar sıcak su muamelesiyle(46 C, 18 dak.) uyarılmış olup araştırmada üç farklı yöntem denenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar aşağıda özetlenmiştir. 1) Döllenmemiş yumurtalar muameleden önce 12 saat süre ile 25 CC sıcaklıkta ve muameleden sonra 3 gün 20 CC de tutuldukları zaman % 81 oranında partenogenetik yumurta ortaya çıkmıştır. 2) 46 C lik sıcak su ile muamele edilen· yumurtalar 20 CC de 4 gün tutulduktan sonra HCl (1.075 özgül ağırlık, 46 C, 5 dk.) ile muamele edildikleri zaman % 72 oranında partenogenetik yumurta elde edilmiştir. 3) Yumurtalar 5 CC de 5 gün tutulduktan sonra 30 ° C 4 saat bekletilmişler ve sıcak suyla muamele edildiklerinde % 80 oranında partenogenetik yumurta gelişimi sağlanmıştır. 4) Yöntemlerde elde edilen partenogenetik yumurta yüzdesi hallere göre farklılık göstermiş ve bu oranın hibritlerde daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır.
This research was conducted to determine the parthenogenetic development of silkworm unfertilized eggs (ovarian eggs). Unfertilized eggs obtained from female moths belong to the M. N pure. and M x N. Sx Shunrei hybrid lines were used. Unfertilized eggs were ınduced by the hot water treatment (46 C. 18 min)and three different methods tested ın this research. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Rate of parthenogenetic eggs were 81%. when the eggs were kept at 25 "C' for 12 hours before the treatment and 20 "C' for 3 days after the treatment. 2) 70% parthenogenetic eggs were obtained when the hot water treated eggs were kept at 20"C for 4 days following HCl treatment (S.G. 1.07J,..J6 C. 5 min). 3) 80% parthenogenetic eggs were obtained when the eggs were kept at 30 "C for 4 hours following keeping at 5 "C' for 5 days before the hot water treatment. 4) The rate of appearance of parthenogenetic eggs varied widely according to the lines and it was determined that rate was higher in hybrits than the pure lines.
This research was conducted to determine the parthenogenetic development of silkworm unfertilized eggs (ovarian eggs). Unfertilized eggs obtained from female moths belong to the M. N pure. and M x N. Sx Shunrei hybrid lines were used. Unfertilized eggs were ınduced by the hot water treatment (46 C. 18 min)and three different methods tested ın this research. The results were summarized as follows: 1) Rate of parthenogenetic eggs were 81%. when the eggs were kept at 25 "C' for 12 hours before the treatment and 20 "C' for 3 days after the treatment. 2) 70% parthenogenetic eggs were obtained when the hot water treated eggs were kept at 20"C for 4 days following HCl treatment (S.G. 1.07J,..J6 C. 5 min). 3) 80% parthenogenetic eggs were obtained when the eggs were kept at 30 "C for 4 hours following keeping at 5 "C' for 5 days before the hot water treatment. 4) The rate of appearance of parthenogenetic eggs varied widely according to the lines and it was determined that rate was higher in hybrits than the pure lines.
İpekböceği, Döllenmemiş yumurta, Sıcak su muamelesi, Partenogenetik gelişme, Unfertilized eggs, Silkworm, Parthenogenetic development, Hot water treatment
Şahan, Ü. vd. (1997). ''İpekböceği (bombyx mori) ovaryumundan alman yumurtalarda çeşitli yöntemlerle partenogenetik gelişmenin uyarılması''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1), 99-107.