Kudûrî’nin (ö. 428/1037) Tecrîd adlı eserinde isnada dair değerlendirmeler
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Hicrî üç ve dördüncü/miladî dokuz ve onuncu asırlar, hadislerin sıhhatine dair tartışmaların daha sistematik bir hal aldığı dönemlerdir. Zira bu asırlara gelindiğinde mezhepler teşekkül sürecini tamamlamış, ihtilaflı meseleler hakkındaki görüşlerin savunulmasına geçilmiştir. Abbâsî hilâfetinin başkenti olan Bağdat, bu yüzyıllarda İslâm dünyasının ilim, kültür ve siyaset merkezi konumundadır ve gerek yöneticilerin gerekse halkın huzurunda ilmî tartışmaların düzenli olarak yapıldığı bir şehir hüviyetindedir. Bu dönemde Bağdat’ta doğan ve ömrünün büyük bölümünü orada geçiren Kudûrî, Hanefî mezhebinin bölgede en önde gelen ismidir. Özellikle yazdığı Muhtasar isimli eser ve önde gelen Şâfiî âlimlerle yaptığı münazaralar, onun şöhretini arttırmış ve Hatîb el-Bağdâdî başta olmak üzere pek çok meşhur isme hocalık yapmasına vesile olmuştur. Kudûrî’nin Tecrîd adlı kitabı, Hanefî ve Şâfiîlerin ihtilaf ettikleri fıkhî konuları kapsayan, hilâf ilmine dair hacimli bir eserdir. Kudûrî bu çalışmasını Hanefîlerin görüşlerinin ve kullandıkları delillerin doğruluğunu savunmak amacıyla kaleme almıştır. Bu eserdeki hadislerin senedleriyle ilgili tenkitlerin inceleneceği makalede öncelikle Kudûrî’nin hayatı ve yaşadığı ortamdan bahsedilecektir. Onun ilmî kişiliği hakkında daha net fikir elde edebilmek için hocaları, talebeleri ve eserlerine de yer verilecektir. Son olarak makalenin asıl konusunu teşkil eden isnada dair tenkitlerine geçilecektir. Kudûrî’nin bu alandaki değerlendirmeleri, isnadın ittisâl ve inkıtâ durumu, her tabakadaki râvi sayısı ve râvilerin durumuna dair değerlendirmeler olmak üzere üç başlık altında işlenecektir. Makalede özellikle üzerinde durulan husus, bir Hanefî fakîhi olan Kudûrî’nin hadislerin metinlerine ilaveten isnad konusunda da ehl-i hadis ile münazara yapabilecek düzeyde rivayet bilgisine sahip olduğudur. Mezhebinin amel ettiği rivayetleri savunması ve muhaliflerinin delil aldıkları hadislerin sıhhatine dair Tecrîd’de yer alan eleştirileri bunu ortaya koymaktadır.
The Hijri three and fourth centuries are periods in which the ongoing debates on the reliability of ḥadiths have been made more systematically. Because, in these centuries, sects have completed the process of formation, and the sectarian views on these issues have started to be defended. Baghdad, which was the center of Abbāsīd's caliphate, was the center of science, culture and politics of the Islamic world in this period and was a city where such discussions were held regularly in the presence of the rulers and the public. It can be said that the Shī‘īte Sunnī conflict, which started as a result of the control of the Shī‘īte Buwayhids in the capital, has affected this environment positively rather than negatively. Qudūrī, who was born in Baghdad during this period and spent most of his life there, is the leading name of the Ḥanafī school. Especially his work titled Mukhtasar and his discussions with prominent Shāfi‘ī scholars increased his fame and led him to teach many famous names, especially Hatib alBaghdad. The subject of our study, Qudūrī's book, Tajrīd, is a voluminous work involving the science of life, covering the fiqh issues that Ḥanafī and Shāfi‘īs contradict. Qudūrī wrote this work in order to defend the accuracy of the Ḥanafī views and the evidence they use. In the article, firstly, the life and environment of Qudūrī are mentioned. His teachers, students and works are included in order to get a clearer idea about his scientific personality. Finally, his evaluations on the sanad of the ḥadiths in his work called Tajrīd are covered under three titles as the ones related to the structure of the isnād, number of the isnād, and the narrators. What is especially emphasized in the article is that Qudūrī, who is a Ḥanafī fıqh scholar, has the knowledge of sanad besides texts of ḥadiths at a level that he can be discussed with ahl-alḥadith and Shāfi‘ī scholars. This is evidenced by his defense of the narrations applied by his sect and his criticisms in Tajrīd about the reliability of the ḥadiths that his opponents received.
The Hijri three and fourth centuries are periods in which the ongoing debates on the reliability of ḥadiths have been made more systematically. Because, in these centuries, sects have completed the process of formation, and the sectarian views on these issues have started to be defended. Baghdad, which was the center of Abbāsīd's caliphate, was the center of science, culture and politics of the Islamic world in this period and was a city where such discussions were held regularly in the presence of the rulers and the public. It can be said that the Shī‘īte Sunnī conflict, which started as a result of the control of the Shī‘īte Buwayhids in the capital, has affected this environment positively rather than negatively. Qudūrī, who was born in Baghdad during this period and spent most of his life there, is the leading name of the Ḥanafī school. Especially his work titled Mukhtasar and his discussions with prominent Shāfi‘ī scholars increased his fame and led him to teach many famous names, especially Hatib alBaghdad. The subject of our study, Qudūrī's book, Tajrīd, is a voluminous work involving the science of life, covering the fiqh issues that Ḥanafī and Shāfi‘īs contradict. Qudūrī wrote this work in order to defend the accuracy of the Ḥanafī views and the evidence they use. In the article, firstly, the life and environment of Qudūrī are mentioned. His teachers, students and works are included in order to get a clearer idea about his scientific personality. Finally, his evaluations on the sanad of the ḥadiths in his work called Tajrīd are covered under three titles as the ones related to the structure of the isnād, number of the isnād, and the narrators. What is especially emphasized in the article is that Qudūrī, who is a Ḥanafī fıqh scholar, has the knowledge of sanad besides texts of ḥadiths at a level that he can be discussed with ahl-alḥadith and Shāfi‘ī scholars. This is evidenced by his defense of the narrations applied by his sect and his criticisms in Tajrīd about the reliability of the ḥadiths that his opponents received.
Kudûrî, Hadis, Râvi, Tecrîd, Ḥadith, İsnad, Tajrīd, Qudūrī, Isnad, Narrator
Gül, M. (2020). ''Kudûrî’nin (ö. 428/1037) Tecrîd adlı eserinde isnada dair değerlendirmeler ''. Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 123-166.