Fıkhî hadislerin rivayet değeri bağlamında “beyyine ve yemin hadisi”nin tahric ve tenkidi
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
İslam yargılama hukukunun dayandığı temel prensiplerden biri “delil davacıya, yemin davalıya düşer” kaidesidir. Bu kaide Hz. Peygamber’in sözü olarak nakledilen “beyyine ve yemin hadisi”ne dayanır. Bu makalede söz konusu hadisin çeşitli rivayetleri incelenmektedir. Rivayetler incelenirken temel hadis kitapları çerçevesinde, karşılaştırma metoduyla ravilerin fıkhî anlayış ve birikiminin, rivayetlerin metnine yansıma durumunu tespit amaçlanmaktadır.
One of the basic principles based on Islamic jurisprudence is the rule “evidence is relating to the claimant and oath is relating to the defendent”. This rule was based on the “evidence and oath hadith” which was narrated as Prophet Muhammed’s word. In 710 this article various narrations of this hadith are studied while the narrations are comparatively analyzed in the context of basic hadith boks, the reflection of narrators’ juristic intelligence and accumulation on the text was considered as possibly.
One of the basic principles based on Islamic jurisprudence is the rule “evidence is relating to the claimant and oath is relating to the defendent”. This rule was based on the “evidence and oath hadith” which was narrated as Prophet Muhammed’s word. In 710 this article various narrations of this hadith are studied while the narrations are comparatively analyzed in the context of basic hadith boks, the reflection of narrators’ juristic intelligence and accumulation on the text was considered as possibly.
Ravi, Rivayet, Delil, Yemin, Davacı davalı, Narrator, Narrative, Evidence, Oath, Claimant, Defendant
Soylu, A. ve Kahraman, H. (2008). "Fıkhî hadislerin rivayet değeri bağlamında “beyyine ve yemin hadisi”nin tahric ve tenkidi". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 709-727.