İbn Hazm’ın Müdâvât’ında ahlâka ilişkin görüşleri
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Bu çalışma İbn Hazm’ın ahlâka ilişkin düşüncelerini ortaya koymayı hedeflemektedir. Düşünürün ahlâka dair temel eseri, “Müdâvâtü’n-Nüfûs”tur. Eser, el-Ahlâk ve’s-Siyer adıyla da bilinmektedir. İbn Hazm bu eserde genel anlamda hayata, özel anlamda da ahlâka ilişkin tecrübelerini dile getirmiştir. Ona göre felsefenin amacı; nefsi eğiterek insanı erdemli kılmak, ona dünya ve ahiret mutluluğunu kazandırmaktır. Dinin amacı da bundan farklı bir şey değildir. Bu durumda felsefe ile dinin, ahlâkî misyonları itibariyle örtüştüğü anlaşılmaktadır. İbn Hazm insan tabiatının ahlâkî açıdan önemini vurgulamakla beraber, akıllı insanı, “temyiz gücünün gerekli gördüğü şeyleri yerine getiren kimse” olarak tanımlar. Ahlâktaki “dört erdem” üzerinde geniş olarak durur, ancak dinî bir yaklaşımla Allah’ın ve Resulünün emirlerinin bütün erdemleri kapsadığını ifade eder. Ayrıca o, iyi insanlarla dostluğun, erdemlere sahip olmadaki olumlu katkısını belirtir. Eserinde zaman zaman ahlâkî öğütlere de yer verir.
This article aims at introducing Ibn Hazm’s thoughts on ethics. His main work on ethics is “Mudavat al-Nufus”, which is also known as “al-Akhlaq wa as-Siyar”. In this work Ibn Hazm narrates his experiences about life in general and ethics in particular. According to him the aim of philosophy is to make a person virtuous by training his soul and therefore make him gain both earthy and eternal felicity. At this point, the aim of religion is not different at all. Thus it is obvious that philosophy and religion coincide with each other in terms of ethical purposes. While stressing importance of human nature in ethics, Ibn Hazm defines “reasonable person” as one who executes his duties which his faculty of distinction (quwwa al-tamyiz) necessitates. Elaborately dealing with “four virtues” in ethics, he indicates, with a religious approach, that commands of Allah and His Prophet cover all moral virtues. Moreover he indicates that friendship with good people contributes well to be virtuous. In his work he mentions some moral advices as well.
This article aims at introducing Ibn Hazm’s thoughts on ethics. His main work on ethics is “Mudavat al-Nufus”, which is also known as “al-Akhlaq wa as-Siyar”. In this work Ibn Hazm narrates his experiences about life in general and ethics in particular. According to him the aim of philosophy is to make a person virtuous by training his soul and therefore make him gain both earthy and eternal felicity. At this point, the aim of religion is not different at all. Thus it is obvious that philosophy and religion coincide with each other in terms of ethical purposes. While stressing importance of human nature in ethics, Ibn Hazm defines “reasonable person” as one who executes his duties which his faculty of distinction (quwwa al-tamyiz) necessitates. Elaborately dealing with “four virtues” in ethics, he indicates, with a religious approach, that commands of Allah and His Prophet cover all moral virtues. Moreover he indicates that friendship with good people contributes well to be virtuous. In his work he mentions some moral advices as well.
Bu çalışma 26-28 ekim 2007 tarihinde Bursa İl Müftülüğü ile U.Ü. İlâhiyat Fakültesinin ortaklaşa düzenlediği Uluslararası Katılımlı İbn Hazm Sempozyumunda özet olarak sunulan bildirinin genişletilmiş halidir.
İbn Hazm, Müdâvâtü’n-Nüfûs, el-Ahlâk ve’s-Siyer, Ahlâk, Erdem, Mudavat al-Nufus, al-Akhlaq wa as Siyar, Ethics, Value
Uysal, E. (2007). "İbn Hazm’ın Müdâvât’ında ahlâka ilişkin görüşleri". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 59-78.