Organik nitratların tedavide kullanımı
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Nitratlar, periferik damar aktivitesi üzerine eşsiz etkileri sebebiyle, angina pektoris ve kalp yetersizliği tedavisinde önemli yerlerini muhafaza etmektedirler. Organik nitratlar, etkilerini damar düz kaslarına; başlıca venöz yatak üzerine, pulmoner arteryel ve daha az olarak sistemik arteryel yatağa, gösteren vazodilatörlerdir. Pek çok yoldan verilebilirler. Kan basıncını akut olarak düşürmesi sebebiyle, intravenöz nitrogliserin, hipertansiyon krizinde tedavi edici role sahiptir.
Nitrates, owing to their unique peripheral vascular activity, continue to hold a major place in the treatment of angina pectoris and heart failure. Organic nitrates are vasodilators that act on vascular smooth muscle, principally on the venous bed, the pulmonary arterial bed, and to a fesser extend on the systemic arteriolar bed. They can be administered by various routes. Owing to the acute lowering of the blood pressure, intravenous nitroglicerin has therapeutic role in hypertensive crisis.
Nitrates, owing to their unique peripheral vascular activity, continue to hold a major place in the treatment of angina pectoris and heart failure. Organic nitrates are vasodilators that act on vascular smooth muscle, principally on the venous bed, the pulmonary arterial bed, and to a fesser extend on the systemic arteriolar bed. They can be administered by various routes. Owing to the acute lowering of the blood pressure, intravenous nitroglicerin has therapeutic role in hypertensive crisis.
Organik nitratlar, Organic nitrates
Aydınlar, A. ve Çobanoğlu, N. (1994). "Organik nitratların tedavide kullanımı". Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2-3), 201-204.