Uluslararası rezervlerde çeşitlendirmenin yönetimi
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Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi
1990’lı yıllarda artış hızı yükselen uluslararası rezervlerin toplam hacmi 15 trilyon Amerikan dolarını aşmıştır. Rezervlerin miktarı kadar, bu rezervlerin nasıl değerlendirileceği de önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Rezerv seviyesi düşükken risksiz devlet tahvili, fiziki altın ve kısa vadeli sabit getirili enstrümanlar gibi riski düşük kıymetlere yatırım yapan merkez bankaları için, artan rezervler, getiriyi de önemli bir husus haline getirmiş ve daha riskli ve karmaşık enstrümanlar yatırım evrenlerine dahil edilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu durum, ülke tasarruflarının verimli değerlendirmesine ek olarak finansal sistemin istikrarı açısından da dikkat edilmesi gereken bir konu halini almıştır. Bu çalışmada, uluslararası rezervlerin artan hacmiyle rezerv portföylerinde gözlenen çeşitlendirme ele alınmakta, çeşitlendirmenin faydaları yanında risklerine işaret edilerek politika önerilerinde bulunulmaktadır.
International reserves volume, whose rate of increase has risen in the 1990s, exceeded 15 trillion USD in total. As much as the amount itself, how to invest these reserves has become an important issue. When the reserve levels were low, central banks preferred to invest in low-risk assets such as risk-free government bonds, physical gold and short-term fixed-income instruments. However, with the rapid increase in the reserve levels, returns became an important issue and the central banks began to include more risky and complex instruments into their investment universe. This is an issue that needs attention in terms of the stability of the global financial system in parallel with the efficient evaluation of the country's savings. In this study, observed diversification in the reserve portfolios is discussed, and policy recommendations are made by pointing out the risks with the benefits.
International reserves volume, whose rate of increase has risen in the 1990s, exceeded 15 trillion USD in total. As much as the amount itself, how to invest these reserves has become an important issue. When the reserve levels were low, central banks preferred to invest in low-risk assets such as risk-free government bonds, physical gold and short-term fixed-income instruments. However, with the rapid increase in the reserve levels, returns became an important issue and the central banks began to include more risky and complex instruments into their investment universe. This is an issue that needs attention in terms of the stability of the global financial system in parallel with the efficient evaluation of the country's savings. In this study, observed diversification in the reserve portfolios is discussed, and policy recommendations are made by pointing out the risks with the benefits.
Rezerv yönetimi, Portföy yönetimi, Risk yönetimi, Stratejik varlık tahsisi, Yatırım evreni, Reserve management, Portfolio management, Risk management, Strategic asset allocation, Investment universe
Aydın, S. (2022). ''Uluslararası rezervlerde çeşitlendirmenin yönetimi''. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(2), 224-243.