Kulak amputasyonlarında kıkırdak iskeletin replantasyonu
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Bursa Üniversitesi
Travmatik kulak amputasyonu olan bir olgu sunulmuştur. 4 ay ara ile uygulanan iki girişimle, önce kulak kıkırdağı retroauriküler bölgeye gömülmüş, daha sonra ampute kulağın rekonstrüksiyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kozmetik sonuç kaynak verileri ile tartışılmıştır
A case of traumatic auricle amputation has been presented. The cartilage framework of the amputated part was denuded and burried under the retroauricular skin in the first stage and recorutruction of the auricle was completed undermining the burried cartilage four months later. The cosmetic result was discussed in association with literature data.
A case of traumatic auricle amputation has been presented. The cartilage framework of the amputated part was denuded and burried under the retroauricular skin in the first stage and recorutruction of the auricle was completed undermining the burried cartilage four months later. The cosmetic result was discussed in association with literature data.
Kulak amputasyonları, Kıkırdak iskeleti, Auricular amputation, Cartilage framework, Replantation, Replantasyon
Özcan, M. vd. (1981). "Kulak amputasyonlarında kıkırdak iskeletin replantasyonu". Bursa Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 159-166.