Parkinson'lu hastalarda bromocriptine tedavisi

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Bu çalışmada, daha önce anti-parkinsoniyen tedavi altında olan ve ilaç etkinliği azalan 10 vaka ( 1. grup) ile, daha önce hiç tedavi görmemiş 5 Parkinson 'lu vak 'aya (2. grup) Bromocriptine tedavisi uygulanarak, klinik belirtiler tedavi öncesi ve sonrasında Webster skalasına göre değerlendirildi. I. grup hastalarda klinik belirtilerde % 26, 2. grup hastalarda % 23 düzelme kaydedildi. Yan etki olarak baş dönmesi, halsizlik, sıkıntı ve psikotik reaksiyonlar görüldü.
In this study, 10 patients who had had anti Parkinsonian drug before and for whom, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced (first group) and 5 patients of Parkinson's disease who had never taken any treatment at all (second group), were given Bromocriptine and the clinical symptoms before and after the treatment were interpreted according to the Webster scalar. The recovery rate depending on clinical symptoms were recorded to be 26 % in the first, and 23 % in the second group patients. Dizziness, weakness, anxiety and psychotic reactions were observed as side effects.



Parkinson, Bromocriptine


Oğul, E. vd. (1987). ''Parkinson'lu hastalarda bromocriptine tedavisi''. Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(1), 15-20.