İbn Hazm’da nübüvvet tasavvuru
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Uludağ Üniversitesi
Diğer ilim dalları yanı sıra kelâm sahasında da önemli telifleri bulunan İbn Hazm, eleştirel bakış açısı ve kendine özgü düşünce sistemi ile ön plana çıkmış bir düşünürdür. Peygamberlik konusuna ilişkin yaklaşımlarında da bu yapısının izlerini görmek mümkündür. Belirli bir kelâmî geleneği/mezhebi takip etmemekle birlikte kendisini Sünnî olarak tanımlayan İbn Hazm, büyük ölçüde Sünnî kelâmcıların bu konudaki görüşleri ile mutabakat hâlindedir. Ancak öte yandan yer yer onlara sert eleştiriler yöneltmekte, bazı konularda diğer Sünnî müelliflerde görülmeyen ileri tespit ve yorumlarda bulunmakta, hatta zaman zaman, daha ziyade Mutezile gibi muhalif mezheplere nispet edilen görüşleri benimseyebilmektedir. Bu durum, onun özgün ve bağımsız yaklaşımının önemli bir göstergesidir.
Ibn Hazm, who had significant works on Islamic theology as well as on other Islamic disciplines, is an intellectual/scholar who became prominent by his critical thought and attitude along with his peculiar point of view. These characteristics appear on his opinions on the issue of prophethood. Identifying himself as a Sunnī, even if he was not a strict follower of a particular theological tradition or school, Ibn Hazm was largely in agreement with the other Sunnī theologians on the issue. Sometimes, however, he harshly criticizes these theologians, comes forward with assertions and interpretations which are not seen in other scholars and even embraces certain positions that are perceived to be originated from opponent schools such as Mu’tazila. This, in fact, is an indication of his authentic and independent approach.
Ibn Hazm, who had significant works on Islamic theology as well as on other Islamic disciplines, is an intellectual/scholar who became prominent by his critical thought and attitude along with his peculiar point of view. These characteristics appear on his opinions on the issue of prophethood. Identifying himself as a Sunnī, even if he was not a strict follower of a particular theological tradition or school, Ibn Hazm was largely in agreement with the other Sunnī theologians on the issue. Sometimes, however, he harshly criticizes these theologians, comes forward with assertions and interpretations which are not seen in other scholars and even embraces certain positions that are perceived to be originated from opponent schools such as Mu’tazila. This, in fact, is an indication of his authentic and independent approach.
Bu çalışma, 26-28 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde düzenlenen Uluslararası Katılımlı İbn Hazm Sempozyumu’nda sunulan “İbn Hazm’ın Nübüvvet Anlayışı” başlıklı tebliğin gözden geçirilmiş ve genişletilmiş versiyonudur.
İbn Hazm, Kadının peygamberliği, Peygamberlik, Mucize ve keramet, İsmet, Ibn Hazm, Prophethood of women, Prophethood, Miracle, Saintly miracle (karāma) infallibility of the prophets (‘isma)
Kılavuz, U. M. (2015). "İbn Hazm’da nübüvvet tasavvuru". Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(1), 1-31.