Helminth parasites of the Caucasian agama, Laudakia caucasia, and the roughtail rock agama, Laudakia stellio (Squamata : Agamidae), from Turkey

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Helminthological Soc Washington


Fifteen Laudakia caucasia and 25 Laudakia stellio from Turkey were examined for helminths. Laudakia caucasia harbored 1 species of Cestoda, Oochoristica tuberculata, and 3 species of Nematoda, Foleyella candezei, Parapharyngodon tyche, and Thelandros baylisi. Laudakia caucasica represents a new host record for O. tuberculata, P. tyche, and T. baylisi. Laudakia stellio harbored 6 species of Nematoda, Foleyella candezei, Parapharyngodon kasauli, Parapharyngodon tyche, Thelandros taylori, Strongyluris calotis, and third-stage ascaridoid larvae. Laudakia stellio represents a new host record for F. candezei, P. kasauli, S. calotis, T. taylori, and ascaridoid larvae.



Zoology, Parasitology, Turkey, Nematoda, Laudakia stellio, Laudakia caucasia, Cestoda, Agamidae, Lebanon, Nematodes, Amphibians, Lizard, Reptiles, SP N, Vermes, Thelandros, Squamata, Parapharyngodon tyche, Parapharyngodon, Oochoristica, Nematoda, Laudakia stellio, Laudakia, Foleyella candezei, Cestoda, Calotis, Ascaridoidea, Agamidae, Agama


Yıldırımhan, S. H. vd. (2006). ''Helminth parasites of the Caucasian agama, Laudakia caucasia, and the roughtail rock agama, Laudakia stellio (Squamata : Agamidae), from Turkey''. Comparative Parasitology, 73(2), 257-262.