Bal arısı hastalık ve zararlıları

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


Türkiye 4 milyonun üzerindeki koloni varlığı ile Dünya’da dördüncü sırada olmasına rağmen bal üretiminde yedinci sırada bulunmaktadır. Ülkemizdeki koloni başına ortalama bal verimi oldukça düşüktür. Bunun en önemli nedenlerinden birisi de arı hastalık ve zararlıları hakkında yeterli bilgiye sahip olunmaması, gerekli mücadelenin zamanında ve doğru bir şekilde yapılmamasıdır. Bu durum ülke arıcılığındaki verim düşüklüğünün nedenlerinden birisi olmaktadır.Bu derlemede, bal arılarında görülen hastalıkların belirtileri, teşhisi ve mücadele yöntemleri ile bal arısı zararlıları hakkında bilgi verilmiştir.
Although Turkey is ranked as the forth country in the world in terms of having more than 4 million bee colonies, it is ranked as the seventh in honey production, which indicates low average honey yield per colony. One of the most important reasons for this state is lack of information on bee diseases, pests and also the fact that necessary protection practices against these factors are not performed on time and properly causing significant economical losses in honey production of country. In this paper, information on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods of honeybee diseases and pests was reviewed and compiled. Diseases part divided into four groups as bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan; and additionally pest part was added. American Foul Brood, European Foul Brood and septicemia disease are in the bacterial diseases chapter. Especially new developments on treatments were mentioned in these diseases. Adult and brood viral diseases which named Chronical Bee Paralysis Virus, Acut Bee Paralysis Virus and Sacbrood Virus were in this paper. There are chalk brood and stone brood diseases in fungals, and Nosema apis, Nosema cerenae and Amoeba diseases in protozoans. Finally major pests of honeybee part were divided into two groups. First of them was parasitic mites as Acarapis woodi, Varroa destructor and Tropilaelaps clareae; second of them was some insects which parasitize bees such as moths, bee louse and predator bees. All of the explanations and informations were based on recent developments. So this paper can help people who are related to beekeeping and need to control these diseases.



Bal arısı, Apis mellifera, Hastalık ve zararlılar, Teşhis, Honeybee, Diseases and pests, Diagnosis


Uygur, Ş. Ö. ve Girişgin, A. O. (2008)."Bal arısı hastalık ve zararlıları". Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 8(4), 130-142.