In vitro activity of chloroquine phosphate on the antibacterial potency of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride on the clinical İsolates of some gram-negative microorganisms

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Uludağ Üniversitesi


The in vitro activity of chloroquine on the antibacterial effect of ciprotloxacin on some Gram-negative organisms was investigated using the in vitro standardized method of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standard (NCCLS). The study showed that three of the four strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA1, PA4, and PA4) and the strain of Klebsiella pncumoniae (KP) isolates were sensitive to ciprotloxacin hydrochloride alone as well as in combination with chlorOCJUine phosphate. However a strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA3) was sensitive to ciprotloxacin hydrochloride alone, but the sensitivity to ciprofloxacin hydrochloride was lost in the presence of chloroquine even at the lowest concentration of 1pg/ml. The two strains of Escherichia coli used were not sensitive to ciprotloxacin alone and in combination with chloroquine. There were no significant pharmacodynamic interaction between chloroquine and ciprofloxacin on the PA1, PA4, and KP strains used in vitro (p>0.05). On the other hand, a significant enhancement of in vitro antibacterial activities of ciprolloxacin by chloroquine on the strain PA2 at the various concentrations was observed (p<0.05). The inhibition, enhancement or lack of effect of chloroquine phosphate on the ciprotloxacin hydrochloride observed in this study depends on the type and strain of microorganism involved.



Ciprolloxacin, Chloroquine, Antibacterial effects, Gram-negative organisms


Adegbolagun, O. M. vd. (2008). "In vitro activity of chloroquine phosphate on the antibacterial potency of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride on the clinical İsolates of some gram-negative microorganisms". Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences, 2(5), 29-34.