İki kız kardeşde crouzon tipinde kraniofasial dizostoz
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Bursa Üniversitesi
Kraniostenozlar arasında Crouzon hastalığının yeri hakkında kısaca bilgi verilerek herediter eğilim gösteren bir ailenin: digital impresyon, sella ve optik kanal deformasyon, maksillerhipoplazi, mandibüler prognatizm, yüksek damak, bilateral ekzoftalmus, diverjan strabismus, iyi görme, ekspojur keratit, temporal görme alanı defekti, normal intrakraniel basınç, anormal EEG bulguları olan birincisi brakisefalik, ikincisi dolikosefalik olan 18 ve 14 yaşlarındaki iki kız kardeşde herediter eğilimli Crouzon hastalığı bildirilmiştir.
As given brief knowledge about Crouzon's disease and its position amoung craniostenosis than first dolicocephalic, second brachycephalic sisters of a family, 14 and 18 years old, who have digitatae impression, sella and optic foramen deformation, maxillary hipoplasia, mandibuler prognatism, arched palate, bilateral exophtalmus, divergent strabismus, good vision, exposure keratitis, temporal visiual field defect, normal intracraniel pressure and abnormal EEG signs were presented. So they were third hereditary Couzon discase of Türkish Medical literature.
As given brief knowledge about Crouzon's disease and its position amoung craniostenosis than first dolicocephalic, second brachycephalic sisters of a family, 14 and 18 years old, who have digitatae impression, sella and optic foramen deformation, maxillary hipoplasia, mandibuler prognatism, arched palate, bilateral exophtalmus, divergent strabismus, good vision, exposure keratitis, temporal visiual field defect, normal intracraniel pressure and abnormal EEG signs were presented. So they were third hereditary Couzon discase of Türkish Medical literature.
Bu çalışma, XI. Ulusal Psikiyatri ve Nörolojik Bilimler Kongresi‘nde bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
Kız kardeşler, Kraniofasial dizostoz, Crouzon, Crouzon's disease, Sisters
Özçetin, H. vd. (1975). "İki kız kardeşde crouzon tipinde kraniofasial dizostoz". Bursa Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(3-4), 91-105.